Nathalie Grey - Lycan Warriors 04 - Animal.pdf

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
ISBN 9781419921322
Animal Copyright © 2009 Nathalie Gray
Edited by Mary Moran
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book Publication April 2009
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.
Nathalie Gray
Nathalie Gray
After Dex Solomon and his team of lycanthrope mercenaries recover a data clip and
publicly play its damning message, all hell breaks loose. The news topples the corrupt
Global Alliance of Nations government, only to be replaced by former enemies bent on
thwarting one another. A civil war is brewing, pitting lycans and other genetically
enhanced people against normal humans. Neighbor against neighbor. Friend against
friend. The sudden return of marksman Dragana and Cristoval, leader of the
underground resistance, together with Liberty’s commercial connections and her lover
Cupcake, the shy, towering lycan, all play in the underdog’s favor. But interim leaders
of the opposition, Solomon and reformed government spy Eva, still must fight an uphill
battle to give “genetic deviants” basic rights.
When the shadow government entity known only as the Iron Conclave attacks the
underground resistance, causing irreparable damage, all accusing eyes turn to one of its
members—Haruto. Branded a traitor with a price on his head from both sides, the
enigmatic lycan who never takes his mirrored goggles off conveniently disappears
before answers can be gained.
There’s blood in the water. And the sharks are circling.
Chapter One
15 December 2534 Era Vulgaris, 0733 hours
Abandoned subway system
Seoul, United Koreas, Earth
They barely made it to the exit. Blue-white telltale flashes of volter shots chased
them down tunnels lit by thin, bouncing blue beams from the weapons scopes. Dust
and smoke stung her nose, choked her, forced her to breathe through clenched teeth.
Sand crunched between them. As if thunder had struck the underground resistance
headquarters—Seoul’s ancient subway system—loud booms rattled tiles off the walls.
Brioni tried not to yelp with each explosion. A cluster of children with their tiny fists
clutched on her bathrobe belt, which she’d undone and used as guide rope, stopped
when she froze at one corner. Behind her, more members of the resistance shuffled to a
“Is there a lycan with us?” she whispered. Mumbled negatives. Uncertainty. They
didn’t know who was where and with whom. The attack had come so suddenly, the
underground resistance had just managed to scatter through the many tunnels leading
to the surface. She didn’t know who was with her, except that some of them had larger
weapons than her puny stunner.
She needed a lycan.
They could’ve used one of the resistance protectors right about now. Only they
could fight Iron Conclave operatives and do it successfully. But then again, they’d been
bred for that, genetically enhanced predatory traits and all. The rest of the “genetic
deviants” were just that—different. Not killing machines. Plus, there were a lot of
regular folks down here at the moment, herself included, who were helping because it
was the right thing to do.
But she needed fire power. Now.
“Don’t take another step,” a man’s gentle voice said from way back down the line.
She tried not to sigh audibly. They’d be all right. A lycan was with them. One she
knew well. One she liked, even if no one else did.
Haruto padded up to her. His long black leather coat trailed almost to the ground.
He didn’t have a scope on the volter he held in a steady hand. But then again, he didn’t
need one. The man could see in total darkness better than regular people could at high
noon. Mirrored goggles like those welders used reflected her face when he turned to
her, cocked his head. Goggles he never took off. Longish black hair in a serrated cut
obscured the rest of his face. She’d give anything to have a moment with him. Another
stolen interlude of quiet and intimacy. Her heart squeezed painfully.
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