VANCE FERRELL - Alternative Cancer Remedies Facts for Historians and Medical Researchers - Pilgrims books 1998.pdf

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Alternative Cancer Remedies
Facts for Historians and Medical Researchers
• Nearly four hundred preventive factors
• Over fifty cancer treatment methods
• Based on the findings of eighty cancer researchers
• The three primary methods used today
• Over fifty special herbs
• The four leading herbal formulas
• Anti-cancer organizations and clinics
• Sources of supplies
– and much more
Warning: These alternate methods are not approved by the National Institutes of Health.
This book has been prepared for medical researchers and students of medical history.
It should not be used as a self-help guide to cancer therapy.
Consult your physician.
Pilgrims Books
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Alternative Cancer Remedies:
Facts for Historians
and Medical Researchers
by Vance Ferrell
Published by Pilgrims Books
Beersheba Springs, TN 37305 USA
Printed in the United States of America
Cover and Text Copyright © 1998
by Pilgrims Books
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest
prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”
—3 John 2
“And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and He shall
bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness
away from thee.” —Exodus 23:25
“If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the
Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in His sight,
and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His
statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee,
which I have brought upon the Egyptians: For I am the
Lord that healeth thee.” —Exodus 15:26
“Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy
diseases.” —Psalm 103:3
“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God
in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”
—1 Corinthians 6:20
“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of
the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and
ye are not your own?” —1 Corinthians 6:19
“If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God
destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye
—1 Corinthians 3:17
FOR ADDITIONAL COPIES: One copy - $19.95, plus $2.00 p&h / Two copies - $18.00 each, plus $3.00 p&h
In Tennessee, add 8.25% of cost of books. / Foreign: Add 20% of cost of books.
Important: Read This First 8
Alternative Remedies and Congress
Interesting Statements 12
Organs of Elimination 19
Chemical Food Additives 19
Other Chemicals 20
Radiation 20
What about Sunlight? 20
Protein 21
Meat 21
Dairy Products 21
Fats and Rancid Oil 22
Diet and Nutrition 22
Cooking 23
Problem Foods 23
Good Foods 23
Fasting 25
Vitamins 26
Minerals 28
Other Nutrients 30
Amino Acids 30
Preventing Cancer 30
Claiming Bible Promises 31
Supplementary Information 32
Minerals 33
Vitamins 33
Nutrition 38
Types of Cancer 13
Signs of Cysts and Polyps 13
Signs of Skin Cancers 13
Signs of Breast Cancer 14
Facts about Mammograms 14
Signs of Other Cancers 14
Recent Cancer Statistics 15
Introduction to Part One 16
Special Risk Factors 16
Miscellaneous 17
General 17
Worry, Depression, and Stress 17
Sorrow of the Heart 18
Deep Breathing and Exercise 18
– Important notice –
Cancer is a life-threatening disease. The information in this book was not
intended for use by non-professional readers in treating cancer.
Alternative Cancer Remedies
William Frederich Koch, M.D., 1920
Fever therapy via tissue thrombin /
Glyoxylide: chemical injection, to
change toxins into antitoxins by
oxidizing them; plus very strict
Mikkel Hindhede, M.D. , 1920 55
Abundant research reveals that a
non-meat diet is one of the best
ways to avoid cancer
Harry M. Hoxsey, N.D., 1920 56
Herbal formula (herbs listed; ad-
Supplement: The Hoxsey Formula
Alice Chase, M.D. , 1920s 59
Juice, followed by careful diet, plus
enemas, etc.
Supplement: T he Chase Therapy 59
Otto Warburg, M.D., 1930 63
(Theory only: oxidation; [cf. Koch,
Gold, also Revici]
Supplement: Oxygen Therapy 64
Walter B. Coffey, M.D.; John D.
Humber, M.D., 1930 64
Humber-Coffee extract: adrenal
cortex extract from sheep
Jethro Kloss , N.D., 1930s 66
Fruit and vegetable juices, broth,
diet; plus enemas, baths, deep
Emanuel Revici, M.D., c. 1940 66
Chemicals to correct lipid/fatty acids
and pH imbalance; plus potas-
sium, selenium, copper, and
oxygen (address)
James Sheridan, Ph.D., 1942 67
Cancel (Entelev): chemical, to inhibit
cancer respiration
J.H. Lawrence, M.D., Early 1940s 68
Factor in urine
Robert Lincoln, M.D., 1940s 68
Parasitic viruses (bacteriophages) to
feed on and destroy cancer
John E. Gregory, M.D., 1945 69
Antivin: antibiotic to kill cancer
microoganism, also major diet
Earlier History of Cancer Research and
Therapy 44
William Lambe, M.D., 1809 45
Fruits, vegetables, and pure water
T.T. Blake, M.D., 1858 45
Salve made of a mixture of herbs,
topically applied
J. Weldon Fell, M.D., 1858 45
Puccoon root (goldenseal) powder,
zinc chloride
John Pattison, M.D., 1858 45
Hydrastis canadensis (goldenseal)
root powder, water, zinc chloride
William B. Coley, M.D., 1888 46
Fever therapy (hyperthermia) trig-
gered by a dangerous disease
Lucius Duncan Bulkley, M.D. , 1890
Careful, nourishing diet
Supplement: The Bulkley Meal
Schedule 47
The Lancet Comfrey Treatment , 1896
Powdered comfrey root infusion /
comfrey and herb formula
Robert Bell, M.D., 1896 48
Careful vegetarian diet, avoidance of
E.G. White , 1905 49
Causal factors: meat eating, im-
proper clothing, masturbation
R.W. Forbes Ross M.D., 1905 50
Potassium citrate, phosphate, and
Charles Othello Ozias M.D., c. 1910
Simply prepared natural food, plus a
herbal mixture
John Beard, M.D., 1911 50
Pancreatic enzymes
Thomas J. Glover M.D., c. 1918 51
Serum from horse blood
Rees Evans, 1919 52
Herbal formulas, and prayer
Henry K. Wachtel, MD., c. 1946 70
Posterior pituitary extract: energizes
body to fight cancer
Phillip Drosnes and Lillian Lazenby, c.
1946 71
Extract from fresh whole wheat,
taken immediately
Steven Durovic, M.D., Andrew C. Ivy,
M.D., 1949 72
Krebiozen: growth-control extract
from horse serum (Carcalon)
Samuel Beale, M.D., Serge A. Koroljow,
M.D., 1950s 76
Insulin injections
Evangelos D. Danopoulos, M.D., 1957
Drinking freshly juiced young wheat
grass (address)
William D. Kelley, D.D.S., 1964 85
Fresh fruits and vegetables, includ-
ing almonds; coffee enemas;
chiropractic; vitamin-mineral
supplements; also raw meat
Linus Pauling, Ph.D ., and Ewan
Cameron, M.D., 1966 86
Vitamin C (oral, injection, topical,
intravenous); nutrition and
lifestyle changes (address)
P. Knekt, M.D. , 1966 89
Vitamin E: prevents formation of
certain cancer-causing chemi-
Mr. Farr , Charles R. Smart, M.D., and
H.H. Hogle, M.D., 1967 90
Chaparral (creosote bush): Dry leaf
and stem tea inhibits glucose
utilization by cancer cells
Joseph Gold, M.D., 1968, 91
Hydrazine sulphate (purified, not
industrial grade) to block (in liver)
lactic acid conversion to glucose
Tibor Hajito, M.D., 1968 94
European mistletoe inhibits cell
production and protein synthesis
within cancer cells
Virginia Livingston, M.D., 1969 95
Livingston injected vaccine, to kill
bacteria, plus nutrition and life
changes, including relaxation
(address) / Abscisic acid in foods
F. Joseph Montagna, 1970s 98
Montagna’s 8 primary, and 14 sec-
ondary, herbs (formula listed)
Gerhard N. Schrauzer, Ph.D ., 1976
Urea: It disrupts the water matrix
around the cancer cell, interfering
with its growth
L.A. Erf, M.D., B.J. Miller, M.D., 1957
Theory that cancer is immature cells
and preventable by proper nutri-
Lawrence Burton, Ph.D., 1959 77
Immuno-augmentative therapy:
Factor extract from mouse blood
Walter Blumer, M.D., 1961 79
Chelation therapy helps reduce the
likelihood of cancer
Denham Harman, Ph.D., 1962 80
Free radicals are a cause of cancer
Orlando dei Santi, M.D. , 1960s 80
Pau d’arco interfers with cellular
energy within cancer cells
Gaston Naessens, M.D., 1950s 81
Anablast: treatment for leukemia /
714X: camphor nitrogen com-
pound injected into the lymphatic
system (address)
H. Ray Evers, M.D., 1960s 82
Nutrition; hyperbaric oxygen; Koch
vaccination; antioxidant chela-
tion; laetrile; shark cartilage; etc.
H.L. Newbold, M.D. , 1960s 82
Vitamin A and beta-carotene
Ann Wigmore , 1960s 84
Selenium: a trace mineral protecting
against a variety of carcinogens
Michio Kushi, 1978 100
Macrobiotics: An unbalanced diet is
better than the average Western
Jason Winters, 1980 100
3 herbs (2 listed; 1 secret)
E.S. Siris, M.D., 1980 101
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