Cyberpunk 2020 - Time Line.pdf

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cyberpunk 2020 time line.PDF
Start of the first Central American Conflict. U.S. engages in interventionist
actions in Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador. Military forces are
sent to secure the Canal Zone from an ex-U.S. puppet dictator. 1,8,9
West and East Germany reunite. Warsaw Pact breaks up into separate
nations. 1,8
Breakup of Soviet state. From this point, the U.S.S.R. begins a new era of
rapprochement with western Europe; by the 2000s, the Soviets are the
EuroTheatre's most powerful allies. 1,8
Soviet president Gorbochev appoints successor Andrei Gorborev. 1,8
The US-EEC "Quiet War" begins. It will last until 1994. 11
Fall of South Africa. For the next 4 years, there is little or no communication,
although terrible atrocities and genocidal wars are rumored. 1,8
Richard Night, a young partner in the Halsey, Ferris and Night construction
firm, departs to found Night International and plan Coronado City on the
central California coast. 14
Jonathan Meta participates in "Operation Blind Faith," attempting to control the
Panama Canal Zone. 9
EuroSpace Agency launches Hermes Spaceplane. 1,8,11
Gorborev regime purges last of old hardliners. 1,8,11
CHOOH2 developed by Biotechnica. 1,8
First arcology built on ruins of Jersey City. 16 "Arcos" begin construction over
th e next 5 years, until the collapse of 1997, leaving the huge structures half
completed, filled with squatters and the homeless. 1,8
Artificial muscle fibers developed at Stanford Research Center. 1,8
The Treaty of 1992 establishes the European Economic Community. Zones of
control and protective tariffs regulate the activities of member nations. A
common currency unit (European Currency Unit, ECU, or, as it is more
commonly known, the EuroDollar) is established, based on the average value
in gold of a ll currencies combined. As a result of individual nations currency
inflation or deflation, only Denmark, Sweden, Austria and Germany are
financially fit to join the ECU-union. Trapped in paranoid isolationism, the U.S.
declines to enter. 1,6,8,11
In Vietnam, Doi Moi policies (and giving up on socialist economics) opens the
door to foreign investment. 6
Arasaka, EBM and Petrochem provide Richard Night with the raw cash he
needs to build Coronado City. In exchange, he provides the corps with the
design and construction capacities to build the urban zones they are seeking
to create. 14
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency develops and spreads several designer
plagues worldwide, targeting coca and opium plants. 1,8
As a result of the creation of the ECU, economic turbulence spreads
throughout Europe, especially in France and Great Britain. This results in labor
uprisings and general rioting. The four core ECU countries set up a prototype
"Fortress Europe", in violation of the EEC treaty. Closing their borders to
European laborers looking for work results in a mass of illegal immigration.
Most illegal workers are quickly found and expelled. 11
Governments of Chile and Ecuador collapse. 1
The Aldecaldo "clan" forms as a protection society in East L.A. 9
As cropland dies and rainfall declines, farmers and rural populations are
forced into migration to the larger cities. These "Jodes" are labeled as
parasites by the media and some city governments. 9
A savage drug war breaks out between EuroCorp -backed dealers and the
DEA all over the Americas. 1
First use of HELL (High Energy Laser Lift) arrays in U.S.S.R. 1,8
Prototype massdriver established in Canary Islands by the eight member ESA
(European Space Agency). 1
Maoist Loyalist Cabal (MLC) is formed in Hunan Province (China) by Hua
Yuchi. 6
First TRC (Transferred Reflex Conditioning) biologic interface chip developed
in Munich, United Germany. 1,8,11
All western European countries, save for Italy and Portugal, are ready to join
the ECU-union. 11
The EC Ministry for Economics is founded, to provide structure to advanced
scientific progress and to prepare the government of the EEC for confrontation
with the rising megacorporations. 11
Interpol/Europe receives sanction to operate outside EEC borders. 11
AV-4 aerodyne assault vehicle developed to deal with increasing riots in U.S.
urban zones. 1,8
Colombian druglords detonate small tactical nuclear device in New York City.
The bomb is detonated in the middle of the work week, destroying Carnegie
Hall and Rockefeller Center, and gutting U.N. Headquarters. At least 15,000
killed are killed in the initial blast. Thousands more die and local government
collapses over the next week as the city is abandoned. 1,2,8
The Japanese Self Defense Force (SDF) begins research and development of
"Cyberwalk" legged vehicles. Foreign media and military establishments
ridicule the idea. 6
First organized Nomad "families" appear on the West Coast and in the South,
and are identified by the corporates and the media. 8,9
The Jodes leave Oklahoma, heading both north and west in an attempt to
escape the "New Dust Bowl." 9
The Aldecaldo Clan, because of increasing pressure from police and gangs, is
forced to move out of East Los Angeles. 9
Gangs war openly with police and each other in Miami. After a six-month
siege, the government gives up, unable to commit resources which are
needed elsewhere. The gang war lessens and several power structures begin
to form. 9
The Australian government announces intentions to recognize Aboriginal
ownership of traditio nal lands. Pressure from mining and farming interests
prompts government to give priority in land claims to holders of existing
leases. While most Aboriginals protest peacefully, some begin quests for
foreign recognition and aid for their cause. 6
World stock market crash of `94. U.S. economy teeters, then collapses. Other
industrialized nations scramble for bigger markets and cheaper labor. EEC
countries are not as hard hit as the rest of the west, due to internal trade. SEA
countries thrive. 1,6,8,9,11
Nuclear accident in Pittsburgh kills 257. Cancer deaths soar over the next ten
years. The government declares "The Pitt" a superfund site, but no assets are
allocated to deal with the problem. After a very public debate it is determined
that nomad labor will be used in reclamation. The Aldecaldo Clan is hired to
administer the project. The clan must travel almost two thousand miles to
Pittsburgh, but accepts the contract. 1,8,9
Coronado (Night) City, California, is incorporated in May. 14
A new wave of immigrants hit Europe's shores. EEC uses military to enforce
it's borders. As a result, many refugees are killed. Numerous new human
rights groups begin to form as word leaks out. Some of these groups form
terrorist cells to articulate their position. 11
After suffering from extensive strikes, Polands' president Walesa declares
martial law. 11
Kilimanjaro massdriver begins construction, under joint agreement between
ESA and Pan African Alliance. 1,8,11
The EEC decides to implement the "Fortress Europe" system continent-wide.
A surveillance-satellite program is initiated. A totalitarian ID card system is
also started. These cards are programmed with the individuals fingerprints,
retina scans, DNA prints, profession, health status, and any licenses. Ma ny
civil rights groups fear a "1984" scenario and react accordingly. 11
The MLC conquers Guangzhou Special Economic Zone (SEZ), working its
way towards Hong Kong. 6
The Bloods officially run (or own) all of Miami. Other gang structures are
subsumed into the Bloods by relatively peaceful treaties or agreements. 9
The "Grand Unification of Ministries and Agencies" is carried out in Japan. The
political influence of Arasaka and right wing parties increases. 6
Beginning of the Emergency Welfare Relocation Program in the U.S. The
program is administered by the newly created Bureau of Emergency
Relocation. 9
The collapse of the United States. Weakened by losses in world stock crash,
overwhelmed by unemployment, homelessness and corruption, many city
governments collapse or go bankrupt. The U.S. government, snarled in a
staggering deficit and the machinations of the Gang of Four, is totally
ineffective. 1,9
First appearance of boostergangs in the U.S. 1,8,9
The Japanese Constitution's Article 9 (renunciation of war) is suspended for
an indefinite period. Due to intense outrage and riots by the public and left
wing groups, no "Japanese Army" is re -established. 6
After years of support, Portugal and Italy finally join the EEC. 11
The Far Asian Co-prosperity Sphere (FACS) is established to counter
Arasaka. 6
Lawyer purge. Irate citizens lynch hundreds of criminal defense attorneys. 1,8
The U.S. military in Japan and Korea is withdrawn to the American mainland. 6
On August 17th, U.S. President and Vice President are assassinated in
separate incidents. With the Speaker of the House undergoing cardiac bypass
surgery, the Senate President Pro Tem refuses to assume the presidency.
Secretary of Defense Jonathan Seward, as ranking member of the executive
branch, suspends the constitution and declares martial law. The "Gang of
Four" (NSA, CIA, FBI, and DEA) operate with near total autonomy within the
U.S. federal government. 1,8
Nomad riots. (In actuality, few of the aggressors are actually nomads; the term
is misused by a popular media figure and sticks.) By now, 1 in 4 Americans is
homeless. Hundreds of thousands riot for living space throughout the U.S.
Nomad packs spring up on the west coast and spread rapidly through the
nation. Millions of homeless people are killed or imprisoned. 1,8,9
Toxic spill kills off most of the salmon population in Pacific Northwest. Seattle
economy destroyed. 1,8
In Thailand, Rama XX repeals the anti-drug and smuggling laws, making it a
truly open market. 6
Arasaka Security moves into paramilitary contracting. Training of one of the
world's first "corporate armies" is begun at the Arasaka guard and agent
schooling facility in the northern wastes of Hokkaido. 2
Rockerboy Manson killed in England. 1
The "Bald Hill" political scandal occurs, as 60% of the members of the Japa-
nese Diet (from all parties, including ministers and the Prime Minister himself)
are arrested by the civilian police on charges of bribery. 6
Conflict between Arasaka/right wing/SDF vs. FACS/bureaucracy rises to the
surface in Japan. 6
Hordes of SDF members decide to leave the hobbled forces. Arasaka quickly
recruits 95% of them for their new army. 6
A freak earthquake, with its epicenter in the Bay of Biscay, devastates part of
the Basque Country. The major damage comes from giant tsunamis that
sweep the coasts. The town of Bilbao, Spain is especially hard hit. 11
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff forms the MIC (Military Intelligence
Cooperative) in an attempt to deal with the vast amount of duplication among
the nine intel agencies in the U.S. military. The Gang of Four, assuming this
act signals the discovery of its actions, begins sabotage efforts by delaying or
withholding vital intel. 8
Mideast meltdown. Tensions in middle east escalate to nuclear exchange.
Iran, Iraq, Libya, Chad, and the Arab Emirates reduced to radioactive slag.
World oil supply drops by half. U.S. military assets in the region are
devastated. Moslem tribesmen flee into Western China, away from irradiated
bomb impact sites. Other Islamic refugees swarm to the Islamic countries of
SEA, compounding population problems. 1,6,8,11
Australian economy rallies slightly as oil prices rise dramatically. 6
In Europe, border skirmishes occur as Greek troops try to stem the flow of
Turkish refugees fleeing spreading fallout from the nuclear exchange. In the
suburbs of Melbourne (Australia), Greeks and Turks riot as protests get out of
hand and several square kilometers of inner city suburbs are burned to the
ground by a fire started during the riots. 6,11
Turkey is vetoed again from the EC. 11
The nomad and agricultural community scrambles to become less oil-
dependent. Most vehicles are converted to synthetic lubricants. 9
Hurricanes and spring tides hit Europe with unexpected force, leaving
hundreds of thousands of people without shelter. The rising tides force the
EEC to construct a system of dams that spans most of the coastal regions.
The expected building completion time is ten years. Germany decides to
abandon parts of its coastal regions. A brief m oment of fear strikes Europe
when Germany is slow to pull its 10,000 man relief force out of flooded
Gdansk. 11
The MIC, under the direction of de facto President Seward, begins
investigation of the Gang of Four. 8
Tycho lunar colony established. A massdriver is constructed to provide raw
materials for orbital platforms. 1,5
Hong Kong officially reverts from Britain to China. There are no celebrations,
as China is in the middle of a civil war. 6
In the U.S., COGs (Combined Operation Groups) are formed; U.S. military
reorganizes. 8
Neo-Luddites re-established in western Kentucky. Over the next ten years, the
"Luds" are responsible for bombings of airports, factories, freeways and mass-
transit systems. 1,8
President Suharto of Indonesia dies. Factions s tart infighting. 6
The Drought of `98 reduces most of the Midwest to parched grasslands.
Between AgriBusiness Corps. and drought, the family farm all but disappears.
American food exports end. To stabilize the New Central Europe (NCE)
governments, the EEC ships food into major East European cities. 1,11
Richard Night is killed on the night of September 20 while in his penthouse
suite at the top of the new Parkview Tower. His killer is never apprehended
and the city council renames the city "Night City" in h is memory. 14
Control of largest U.S. electro -industrial conglomerate is assumed by Dr.
Gerhard Kessler and his Berliner Industrie Kapital Gruppe. This core company
of the International Electric Corporation (IEC) will ultimately absorb
Aerospatiale, General Electric, Fukuoka International Industries, Korea-Pacific
Steel, and many other world companies. 2
The "Nights of Fire" (KGB coup) take place in the USSR. The Russian Mafia,
supported by KGB splinter groups, increases its efforts to expand into the
EEC. This is countered by EuroPol, which begins its own "Shadow War"
against organized crime in foreign countries. 11
After massive aid from Spain and the EC, the independentist movement
recedes in Euskadi (the native name for the Basque region.) "Basque
Fatherland and Liberty" ("Euskadi Ta Asakatasuna" in Basque, or simply ETA)
terrorists begin an indefinite truce. 11
Tokyo Railroad companies finish the construction of linear-rail lines. 6
In Night City, A power struggle begins between the corporations. They control
the Corporate Center and the government and the Mob, which controls almost
all of the city's service-related businesses. Forced to kowtow to both Mob and
corporate interests, the police become ineffective. Gangs supported by both
sides, begin to establish themselves in the remaining suburbs of the old city.
This results in the infamous Combat Zone of today. 14
10.5 quake shatters Los Angeles. Ocean inundates 35% of the city. An
estimated 65,000 are killed. Northern California is untouched by the quake.
Over three million Angelenos are left homeless or starving. Total economic
loss is estimated at 250 billion EuroDollars. 1,8,9
Construction of the U.S. intercontinental Maglev System is begun. In a last
minute change, the western terminus is moved from L .A. to Night City. 9
In the U.S., the Emergency Welfare Relocation Program ends in total failure. 9
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