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A Guide to Truth Predicates in the Modern Era
Author(s): Michael Sheard
Source: The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 59, No. 3 (Sep., 1994), pp. 1032-1054
Published by: Association for Symbolic Logic
Accessed: 26/04/2009 07:49
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Volume 59. Number
?I. Introduction.A reader coming anew to the recent work on languages which
contain their own truth predicates may be perplexed by the simple question of
where to begin. A first approach to the literaturesuggests a field which is alive and
busy with investigations heading in many differentdirections, but there is much less
indication of how various pieces fit together. There are at least two sources of this
confusion. First, the literature is large and diffuse (as befits a subject which goes
back over 2000 years); Visser'ssurvey [33] aptly describes the literatureas "vast but
scattered, repetitive, and disconnected." Moreover, recent interest in the field has
led to a proliferation of research and publication; it seems that almost any issue of
any philosophical logic journal from the mid-1980s contains some article on the
topic. The second reason, in part a consequence of the first, is that while a typical
article in print usually presents a good internal motivation, with clear reference
to its immediate intellectual antecedents, its place in the broader picture may not
be so easily discerned. The problem can be especially acute in presentations of
axiomatic approaches, because decisions on certain basic questions can lie hidden
in the formal and notational details which abound in any axiomatization.
In fact, though, the recent research on methods for handling self-referential
truth can be seen as a body of work which is very well structured, one in which a few
fundamental decisions suffice to locate any particular approach in its appropriate
place on the landscape. My goal is to describe this structure and in particular
to stress a few critical forks in the road, which will be the recurring metaphor
throughout this paper. I will also pay particular attention to pointing out where
the interesting technical and mathematical questions lie.
The start of the recent era in the study of self-referential truth is easily dated.
Kripke's "An outline of a theory of truth" [20], appearing in 1975, is almost
universallycited as the spark for the explosion of interest in the subject. Certainly
no major intellectual advance ever arises in a vacuum, and any suggestion that
the subject of self-referentialtruth had lain completely dormant prior to Kripke's
paper would be both inaccurate and unfair. Nonetheless, we need only look at
how frequently Kripke's paper is cited in prefatory remarks in the literature, and
especially how many times it is cited at a personal level as having reawakened an
author's interest in the subject, to recognize the catalytic role of that essay in the
recent wave of research and discussion.
Received July 15.1993: revised December 20. 1993.
? 1994 Association for Symbolic Logic
0022-48 12/94/5903-0022/$03.30
3. September
As should be expected for a subject of this size and inherent interest, the litera-
ture already contains some surveys of various aspects of the topic. Visser's article
in the Handbook of philosophical logic [33] gives a very thorough discussion of
the best-known semantical approaches with both more attention to philosophical
motivation and criticism and far more technical details than will be included
here. The anthology edited by Martin [23] collects several of the most significant
papers from the blossoming of this subject in the mid-1970s and early 1980s,
again mostly (but not exclusively) on the semantical side; these papers make an
excellent introduction for a newcomer to the field. Feferman's papers (e.g., [8],
[9]) provide helpful historical notes, both to the recent work surveyed here and to
more distant antecedents. The interested reader can also look to published reviews
(e.g., [14], [22]) for more comprehensive and specific summaries of the major papers
mentioned here. As much as possible I hope to avoid repeating what is said in all
of those places, although of course some overlap is unavoidable.
While I will aim to be fairly complete concerning the kinds of approaches which
occur and will try to recognize historical primacy for results and constructions, I
will probably be less successful in indicating the intellectual ancestry of particular
presentations in the literature. In keeping with the goal of conveying the structure
of the research effort, I will point to the best known and most influential pre-
sentations of particular approaches, those which have shaped the discourse and
direction of the field: my emphasis is one of taxonomy rather than history. Fuller
historical references can be found in some of the surveys mentioned above.1
I will also not provide philosophical criticism in much depth of the various
approaches described. The vast discussion which has arisen around most of these
approaches is beyond the scope and intent of this survey. Moreover, there are
strong inherent reasons why any approach is liable to provoke an extensive but
ultimately inconclusive round of criticism and rebuttal. As everyone knows, this
is an area in which one simply cannot have all that one might reasonably ask for.
The selection of any particular approach necessarily involves a trade-off, and in the
face of criticism that a given system has some flaw (usually of omission), the most
appropriate response is typically concession, accompanied by an argument that
the advantages outweigh the failings. The resulting colloquy may be informative
or even inspiring, but it can go on forever. Accordingly, I will limit myself to
some fairly straightforward motivational remarks for each approach mentioned
and, dually, to some of the more common criticisms to indicate why each approach
does not simply represent the final word on the issue.
Lest these remarks seem too apologetic, let me suggest that an attitude of
agnosticism toward the philosophical discussion of truth can constitute a fresh
and productive point of view, under which some previously neglected questions
will acquire new importance. That is, the problem of representing truth for a
language within the language itself can be stripped of its philosophical overtones
and phrased purely as a problem of logic or more accurately as a set of related
1 The picture is further complicated because so much of the literature employs eponymous nomen-
clature: the "Kripkeconstruction", a "Gupta sequence", etc. I will avoid this practice, but will indicate
the standard references by which the field is defined.
problems. How close can a model come to containing its own satisfaction relation?
To what extent can a theory, perhaps satisfying specified auxiliary conditions, prove
correct statements about itself? Or essentially mixing the levels of analysis of the
two preceding questions, how fully can a theory characterize the properties of
complete extensions of itself? Despite the fairly neutral and value-free nature
of questions like these, their discussion tends to fall almost automatically into
philosophical terminology. In this spirit, one can enter the discourse on the mer-
its and demerits of systems for truth without either committing to a particular
philosophical perspective or denying the value of the insights provided by such
Notations, conventions, and other preliminaries. The logic employed here will
be classical first-orderpredicate calculus usually; an exception will be occasional
excursions into three-valued logic with an additional truth value u, which might be
interpreted as "unknown" or "undetermined". In any case the classical rules for
functions on {t, f } will hold throughout, so that intuitionistic or other restrictive
systems of logic are not under consideration. Truthwill be treated as a predicate of
sentences. Such a stipulation is already philosophically loaded, but is best suited
to the application of technical machinery.
The underlying domain of discourse must have sufficient richness to manifest
the salient semantic issues, but otherwise the choice of domain admits considerable
flexibility. In order to deal with any worthwhile predicate of sentences, the lan-
guage must have a mechanism for discussing the syntax of formulas; since standard
practice employs arithmetization of syntax, some scheme of arithmetic ought to be
available. Conversely, a setting of arithmetic is quite adequate for highlighting any
of the points at issue. Moreover, there are certain economies of presentation to be
had by working only in arithmetic, such as the adequacy of discussing satisfaction
only for sentences rather than arbitrary formulas.
Accordingly, I will work in a language of arithmetic augmented with a unary
predicate T; the intended meaning of T (x) is "x is the Godel number of a true
sentence in the augmented language". A formula containing no occurrence of the
predicate T is called arithmetical. The specific choice of language for arithmetic
is ultimately irrelevant, but I believe that the smoothest and most convenient
formulation is one with equality as the only predicate and a very large but finite set
of symbols for primitive recursive functions. In particular, I assume a collection
of functions representing all the usual syntactic operations on formulas (relative
to some reasonable Gddel numbering); for example, there is a function neg(x)
such that if x is the Gddel number of the formula X, then neg(x) is the Gddel
number of -,Q. Particularly noteworthy in this regard is the primitive recursive
function sub(x. n), where if x is the Gddel number of a formula with at most one
free variable, then sub(x. n) is the Godel number of the formula resulting from the
relacement of that free variable with the numeral for n. Two useful applications
of the function sub are quantification over the Gbdel numbers of all substitution
instances of a formula and the formulation of axioms and rules of inference with
free parameters within the scope of the predicate T.
I will be intentionally and unapologetically informal about abbreviatingformu-
las of the language. For example, T(-,4) abbreviates T(neg(#O)); an example of
more substance is the use of (Vn)T(q!(n)) instead of (Vn)T(sub(#0, n)). There
will never be any danger of ambiguity in such informality; the reader,now properly
warned, should have no trouble translating to the more formal expressions. My
own experience from reading in the field is that the resulting benefits in clarity
are tremendous. In fact, in order further to avoid burdening the reader with
clutter, when appropriate I will treat quantifiers as ranging only over Godel num-
bers of sentences, and so for example, write (Vx)(T(x) V T(neg(x)) instead of
(Vx)(x is a sentence -- T(x) V T(neg(x))). This convention avoids an unproduc-
tive discussion on the application of T to numbers which are not Godel numbers
of sentences and allows greatereconomy and concomitant clarity in certain formal
Many presentations in the literature use a second auxiliary predicate F with
the obvious intended meaning of F(x) being "x is the G6del number of a false
sentence". In such cases, the system with F may be regarded as a definitional
extension of the system without F: F(x) +-* T(neg(x)). I will use both T and
F when such use coheres most closely with the literature and streamlines the
presentation. While the presence of F may result in added convenience, I know
of no situation in which it makes a substantive difference.
A few other notational conventions: Whenever a structureM is given as (N. S),
S denotes the extension TM of T in the structure (and thus indication of all
arithmetical apparatus is systematically suppressed). Similarly, if the language
contains both T and F, the notation M = (N, A, B) indicates that A = TM and
B = FM. Since a part of the discussion below involves 3-valued logic, the symbol
l= is reserved for the classical (two-valued) satisfaction relation; since there is no
standard notation, three-valued satisfaction will be indicated either in words with a
statement that a given sentence is satisfied, falsified, or left undetermined by a given
structure, or by reference to truth values {t. f u}. Finally, in prose passages I will
use capitalization to help distinguish the truth predicate from ordinary informal
uses of the word "true": if X is a sentence, "o is True ..." will indicate the
assertability of the sentence T(o), either because it is satisfied by a particular
structure or because it is theorem of a particular formal system.
The questions. Let me begin this section by telling the reader several things which
he or she undoubtedly already knows. I do so in part for the obvious purpose of
specifying the problem to be investigated, but more significantly as background to
illuminate a distinction which I find important for organizing an understanding
of the field as a whole.
The naive desideratum of a truth predicate is summarized in what is known as
Tarski's Convention T: a scheme which asserts for each sentence X of the language,
T(4) <-* Q. This requirement is sometimes described as a materially adequate
condition on a formalization of truth. Of course, as everyone now knows, such a
scheme results in an inconsistent theory: there is a sentence the Liar sentence,
2To make this formal, we could assume that we actually have two systems of Gddel numberings at
work, one for formulas and one for sentences, such that in the latter every natural number represents
a sentence. Lurking in the background would be a primitive recursive function which maps the G6del
number of a formula with no free variables to its Godel number qua sentence.
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