
(5 KB) Pobierz
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  %       --== KYODAI ==--       %
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  %         version 1.21         %
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 (Commentaires en fran�ais plus bas)

    Created, designed and coded by
      Rene-Gilles "Naoki Haga" DEBERDT

    Music by : Tamura-san (Tanguy)
    Graphics by : Naoki Haga
    Tileset : public domain
              modified by Naoki

 This is the first program I've been designing for over one year.
 I was much too busy on my website to find some time for practicing
 Turbo Pascal, so I'm a bit rusty -- I hope you won't complain about
 the lack of optimization of some routines. All these problems shall
 be corrected in the future.

 I've always been a Mah Jongg Solitaire fan. I wrote my own version
 because I couldn't find a small freeware program with all the features
 I wanted... I hope you will like it as well -- and play with it as
 much as I do ! ^_^

 Kyodai works under Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. It's best viewed
 under a 800x600 resolution, but I've made the program compatible for
 the 640x480 resolution as well - though it'll be a bit slower.

 The purpose of the game is to remove all the tiles from a board.
 The tiles must be removed by pairs : two identical tiles, or two Season
 tiles, or two Flower tiles. They have to be free on their left or right
 side, otherwise you can't remove them. The rules are simple and the
 game is extremely addictive !

 If you find any bug in the game, please report it to :

 No warranty or guarantee is implied or given and none of the authors
 of Kyodai are responsible for any problems encountered with its use.

 This game is freeware. You can download it and play it for free.
 You can distribute it as long as you don't modify the original
 downloaded file and you don't sell it -- of course.
 I don't ask for anything, but if you want to send a donation,
 I'd rather recommend you to purchase the shareware version
 (available at

 Thanks for all.


 New features in version 1.21 (April 11, 1997)

  - New layout : Big Hole. Looks easy to complete...
    But actually it's quite a tough one !
  - Default startup is now without music. You can still
    select it in the menu. I removed it because it didn't
    seem to work on some systems
  - Fixed a few bugs. There are still some minor bugs
    left (at least two in the hint routines), but I've
    got no time to fix them for now

 New features in version 1.2 (April 1st, 1997)

  - Optimized speed during the game
  - Optimized speed at startup
  - Three different colors for the tileset
  - Colors in the status bar
  - NO April Fool joke, OK ?

 New features in version 1.1 (March 24th, 1997)

  - Larger tiles (40x50 instead of 30x40)
  - Music (stops after the end of the tune)
  - Removed Dragon layout (due to copyright problems)
  - Replaces seasons & flowers (ditto)
  - Color texture in the tileset
  - 256 colors

 Features in version 1.0 (March 4th, 1997)

  - 30x40 tiles
  - 16 colors
  - functions : back (undo), hint, layout
  - traditional layout
  - dragon layout from Activision (later removed)
  - seasons and flowers from Taipei.exe (later removed)


 What shall be added in the next versions (in april or may)...

  - A hall of fame
  - Save options
  - New layouts
  - Two players game
  - At least two new musics
  - Additional game options


Now, let's switch back to French. More instructions in English
will be probably published in a future version.

All rights reserved.
(c) R.-G. Deberdt, 1997


Qu'est-ce qu'un Mah Jongg Solitaire ?

C'est un jeu de r�flexion solitaire inspir� du Mah Jongg, ce fameux
jeu de r�flexion asiatique ancestral aux r�gles si complexes. Le Shanghai
reprend en fait surtout les pi�ces du jeu de Mah Jongg, ou Pai, ou encore
Tiles en anglais.

Le but du jeu est de retirer par paires toutes les pi�ces du plateau de jeu.
Chaque pi�ce est pr�sente en 4 exemplaires, ce qui fait donc deux paires de
chaque. On ne peut retirer une pi�ce que quand elle est libre sur sa gauche
ou sur sa droite (c'est-�-dire si on peut la faire coulisser), et si elle n'est
pas cach�e par une pi�ce situ�e au dessus d'elle. Pr�cisons enfin que les
Fleurs et les Saisons ne sont pr�sentes qu'en un exemplaire pour chaque
figure, et s'�liminent par familles. Par exemple, Haru (Printemps) peut
s'associer avec Fuyu (Hiver), Aki (Automne) ou Natsu (Et�)...


<Kyodai 1.21> est propos� en freeware, c'est-�-dire que vous pouvez
le distribuer librement (tant que vous ne changez pas le contenu des fichiers)
et que je ne r�clame pas d'argent en �change. Par contre, je ne vous interdis
pas de me faire des dons ou de m'envoyer une carte postale, des LD de Luna Sea
ou des �l�phants roses bien s�r.

Je ne peux �tre tenu pour responsable de quelque d�sagr�ment que ce soit d�
ou non � l'utilisation du jeu, et si vous remarquez une forte baisse de
productivit� dans votre travail, c'est normal, faut vous en prendre qu'�
vous-m�me, non mais.

Ky�dai et le site Cyber Namida sont le fruit de la passion de
Ren�-Gilles Deberdt. Vous pouvez me contacter � l'adresse e-mail
<> ou sur mon site

Tous droits r�serv�s.
(c) R.-G. Deberdt, 1997
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