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Proteus #03
ice and a pencil are all you need to begin this
adventure – then you decide which route to take,
which dangers to brave.
As you progress in your Quest, you are likely to
encounter various traps, or face monsters. You will
also get information, or find certain items which will
be of help to you in your quest. You should record
these items in your quest sheet as well as keeping an account
of the powers you have left. As you use up powers,
remember to cross them off your quest sheet .
It is important that you build up a map of the way.
You may not succeed at your first attempt, but each
new journey will give you more information – until
you are at last successful in your quest.
If you try to read the magazine in numerical order, it
will make no sense. You must choose, when you are
given the choice, which section to turn to, and which
traps, puzzles, or monsters to face. Good luck!
OUR DECADES have passed since the terrible war
of the three Geostates, in which seven hundred
towns and cities had been razed to the ground and
thirty million people perished.
In the post-war period, there was no longer any
bitterness or resentment, but a steady attempt to
build for peace – amid uncertain security. For, with
the emergence of the ruler Zartog as the undisputed
leader of the Eastern sector, his attempts to extend
his empire are once again posing new and evil
threats to inter-sector peace throughout the New
His fierce army of highly-disciplined Bewo war-
riors and mutant anti-world creatures are universally
feared. The fragile balance of power is maintained
only through the possession of the Key of Peace, a
Key of great magical power, now held by the Great
Western Warrior of the Inter-Sector Brotherhood . . .
. . . The year is 2058 A.D., and the Great Western
Warrior has been long forgotten. With continuing
hostilities within and between all the sectors of the
New World, there is little hope of avoiding the
Armageddon predicted by the ancients.
But before he died, realising that his death was not
far off, the Great Western Warrior divided his magic
Key into four parts. He travelled to each sector of the
New World – North, South, East and West, entrust-
ing one part of the Key of Peace to a loyal subject in
each sector.
He instructed them that it should be given up only
to a member of the Inter-Sector Brotherhood, who
would be recognised by the unique steel badge – a
representation of an olive branch over a sword –
worn by a member on the left shoulder.
Now that the survival of the Geo-Human race is
once again threatened by Zartog and his army, the
Key must be made whole again, and restored to its
rightful place in the tomb of the Great Fathers.
Then, the warrior who can achieve this feat will be
granted superhuman powers which will ensure
continuing peace throughout the Geostates.
As the sole survivor of the Inter-Sector Brother-
hood, you may lay claim to the warrior’s crown, and
the steel shoulder-badge, which will endow you with
powers beyond the imagination of the people of the
New World. With these powers, you – and only you
– can succeed in once again restoring peace and
tranquility to the New World.
If you decide to take up this challenge, you will
have to travel to the outer limits of each of the four
Geo-States, meeting on your way strange and
grotesque figures of the anti-world who, like you,
possess magical powers. Your task will not be an easy
one, but a solitary pilgrimage, a mission of mercy
with no help on the way and no thanks at the end.
But if you believe that the lives of five million
Geo-Human beings are worth the effort there is no
alternative – you must try.
Before starting out on this adventure, you will
need two dice and a few sheets of paper. There is a
Quest Sheet printed overleaf, with headings for you
to write down items you have discovered, secrets
learnt, and to keep a record of your High- and Low-
Order Powers. You may find it easier to copy these
headings down onto a separate piece of paper.
The other pieces of paper will be necessary for you
to make a map of your progress during the hunt for
the Key of Peace. As you may not succeed at the first
attempt, you should keep all your maps, as they may
be useful if you are strong and brave enough to try
The dice will determine the Initial Values of your
Geo-Secular powers. During your Quest, your
powers may be enhanced through experience or
circumstance, or, as you become battle-weary, be
diminished. You are allowed three Powers of the
highest order – Flight, Invisibility, and Strength –
but you must be frugal in their use. Because of the
great difficulty of your task, the Gods of the Inter-
Sector Brotherhood have also allowed you four Low-
Order Geo-Secular Powers. Once again, you must
use them sparingly.
Progressing through your journey
At the end of each section, you will usually have a
number of options open to you. You may only
choose an option if you have the powers necessary.
For example, if at the end of a section, you read –
Will you now:
Use your power of Flight? Turn to 120
Use the Power of Enchantment? Turn to 190
Decide to stand and fight? Turn to 31
then if you want to turn to 120 , you must have some
points on your Flight score; otherwise, you must take
another option. If you have none of the necessary
powers your Quest is over.
Rules for fighting
As you progress in your journey, you will have to
fight the powers of evil, other warriors, or monsters
determined to prevent you from gaining the Key of
Peace. Each creature or monster will have its own
Strength score, given in the text; you should make a
note of this when you meet the creature.
To resolve a battle:
1. Roll two dice and record this result, which
will be your Fighting Power for the first round of
2. Roll two dice again – this is your opponent’s
Fighting Power for the first round of battle.
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