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Proteus #15
You are about to enter a strange and fantastic world of
long ago. Weird creatures, mysteries, dangers and
magic abound. As an adventurer of some experience, you are
strong, wise, courageous and agile. You will need all of these
qualities if you are to succeed in your next quest. You may
also need a little luck!
Before you begin the quest take two dice, a pencil and a few
sheets of paper on which to map your progress. As you will
have to fight many battles along the way, you must first
determine your level of dexterity and strength.
Dexterity and Strength
Roll one dice, add six to this number and make a note of it.
This is your Dexterity score and shows your skill in
Now roll two dice, add twelve to this number and make a
note of it. This is your Strength score.
These scores will alter as you go along. You may, for
instance, lose strength points in battle. You may restore your
strength by eating a meal. One meal restores five Strength
points. You must remember though, that your Strength and
Dexterity Scores must never exceed their initial value
determined by the throw of the dice at the beginning of each
choose or be forced to fight. Each will have its own Dexterity
and Strength scores given in the text.
To resolve a battle:
1. Roll two dice and add this to you opponents Dexterity
Score. This is its Fighting Power.
2. Roll two dice and add this to your Dexterity
Score. This is your Fighting Power.
3. If your Fighting Power is greater, you have scored a
blow and wounded your opponent. Subtract two points from
its Strength Score. If your opponent’s Fighting Power is
greater, it has wounded you. Subtract two points from your
current Strength Score. If both scores are the same, you have
parried each other’s blows. Neither loses points.
The next round of battle proceeds in exactly the same way.
Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 until either your score or your
opponent’s is zero. A zero means death.
Losing and Gaining Points
Sometimes you will be awarded extra points during the
adventure. Add these to your score but remember you can
never exceed the initial value set at the beginning of
the adventure . You may also lose points due to some
difficult activity. Simply deduct these from your current
Replenishing Strength
As you read on you will discover what weapons, additional
equipment, money and rations you may take on your
journey. There will be sufficient food for a set number of
meals. Make a note of each meal you eat, each piece of gold
you spend and each object you find. Use your rations, money
and equipment wisely. You have a long and difficult road
Rules for Fighting
On the way you will meet people and creatures you may
The low-beamed room is filled with smoke from the log
fire and the sound of many voices talking and laughing.
Occasionally voices are raised aggressively but soon die
down. People are too tired to quarrel for long for it is late, or
rather it is early. This inn is still open in the early hours of the
You sit in a darkened corner occasionally taking a drink
from the tankard in front of you, wondering how much
longer you will have to wait. Where is the messenger you
have come to meet?
You look around you. It is a rough and ready sort of place,
but you could hardly expect better in such a small
community on the edge of the wild lands. This is the only inn
in the little village of Dalgolath. You cautiously study your
companions in the inn. Is one of them the messenger? Your
fame as an adventurer has spread far and wide, even as far as
this remote little kingdom of Garrangar. You have received a
summons – no, hardly that – a plea for help, from a member
of the Royal Household of Garrangar and are now waiting
for contact to be made.
A figure in a dark cloak approaches you and stands silently
by the table. You reach for your tankard, making sure that
the signet ring on your finger is clearly visible. It had been
sent with the letter that brought you here.
“Well met friend,” says the cloaked stranger in a muffled
voice. Motioning you to follow, the stranger slips
unobtrusively through a side door. Outside you follow the
swiftly disappearing figure up a small hill behind the inn.
“We shall not be overheard here,” says the messenger.
“How may I be of service to the Royal House?”
For a time there is silence and then the messenger speaks.
“This was once a fair and prosperous kingdom; just laws,
decent inhabitants, a kingdom of contentment. That was
before the Havarines came. They are a crazed people. They
brought the madness with them. The king himself is now
infected with their dreadful affliction. Where once he was
wise, he is now foolish. From a good and just man he has
turned into an unpredictable tyrant. His tyranny is
destroying our country.” The messenger pauses briefly.
“Sometimes he seems sane for a while and pleads for help
which none can give. Then he will have wild raging fits and
terrifying dreams. . . .”
Suddenly the door of the inn below you bursts open
and in the light from the doorway you see a figure stumble
out into the night, howling and screeching and tearing up
earth and stones with his fingers. “Get away! Get away!”
the poor creature screams in a frenzy, fighting off nothing at
“You see how it is with them,” says the messenger,
“There are many in Garrangar like him.”
“Is there no cure?” you ask, horrified.
“There is a wise-man – Zermahaar he is called. He is said
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