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Unix System Requirements
MainWin ® Release Notes - Synplicity Excerpts
Synplicity software for UNIX operating systems is created using Mainsoft
Corporation’s MainWin, an implementation of Microsoft’s Win32. Running
any MainWin-based application has the same operating system requirements
as MainWin itself. This document contains excerpts from the Visual MainWin
4.0.2_SP1 Release Notes that are relevant to end-users of Synplicity products.
For a list of the platforms and operating system releases supported by your
specific Synplicity product, see the Platform Support section of your product
release notes.
Copyright © 2000-2001 by Mainsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Mainsoft and MainWin are registered trademarks of Mainsoft Corporation. All
other product or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective owners.
Limited Liability Statement : In no event will Mainsoft Corporation be liable
for any loss of data; lost opportunity for profits; cost of cover; or special, inci-
dental, consequential or indirect damages arising from the use of this software.
Date of publication: 1 July 2002
MainWin® Release Notes – Synplicity Excerpts
MainWin ® Release Notes - Synplicity Excerpts
System Requirements .............................................................................. 3
Patch Management ........................................................................................ 3
Checking the Installed Patches ..................................................................... 3
Sun Solaris System Requirements ................................................................ 4
Operating System Specification ......................................................................... 4
Operating System Patches .................................................................................. 4
Checking Patch Status with the syn_system_check Script ................................ 7
Verifying Your System Meets MainWin’s System Requirements ...................... 8
Support for the PGX32 Add-on Board ............................................................... 9
HP-UX 10.20 System Requirements ............................................................ 10
Operating System Specification ......................................................................... 10
Operating System Patches .................................................................................. 10
Verifying Your System Meets MainWin’s System Requirements ...................... 11
HP-UX 11.00 System Requirements ............................................................ 11
Operating System Specification ......................................................................... 11
Operating System Patches .................................................................................. 11
Checking Patch Status with the syn_system_check Script ................................ 12
Red Hat Linux System Requirements ........................................................... 13
Operating System Specification ......................................................................... 13
Operating System Patches .................................................................................. 13
Verifying Your System Meets Visual MainWin's System Requirements ........... 13
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MainWin® Release Notes – Synplicity Excerpts
System Requirements
Patch Management
If you are currently using Visual MainWin and the installed patches for your operating system
meet your needs, we strongly recommend that you not change your installed patches.
The list of patches below is recommended for new customers and customers experiencing prob-
Note: Packages such as the compilers and OpenGL sometimes contain patches that are older
than the currently required patches. You should first install the packages, and then
install the patches required by MainWin.
Mainsoft makes every effort to provide the most current and accurate information about
patches for the various platforms and operating systems. Just before we complete the develop-
ment of a new release, we verify that we are using the smallest number of, and the most recent,
patches available. The cycle of building and testing a new release may take several weeks. It
frequently occurs that during that time, a vendor will issue a new patch that supersedes a patch
that was used for the build. Mainsoft recommends using the tested patch list. However, we also
recognize that not all customers will be able to update or roll back their patch configuration.
Superseding patches should work; however, Mainsoft cannot take responsibility for patches
that have not been tested.
Patches can be installed from your operating system vendor’s web site or from CD.
Checking the Installed Patches
All of the Synplicity application programs include a script ( syn_system_check ) that is
designed to check which patches have been installed and which patches need to be installed or
updated. To use this script:
1. Install the Synplicity product software.
2. Run the script by entering the following command in a Unix shell:
The script displays an introductory message and prompt; enter y to continue.
3. The script runs and generates a system check summary report that lists the patches and
patch status (OK, install, or update).
4. Consult the display and install or update any of the patches indicated.
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MainWin® Release Notes – Synplicity Excerpts
Sun Solaris System Requirements
Operating System Specification
MainWin runs on Solaris 2.6, 7, and 8.
MainWin works correctly from the Solaris Kernel Revisions dated as follows:
• Solaris 8 – from January 2000
• Solaris 7 – from October 1998
• Solaris 2.6 – from July 2000
Operating System Patches
The following subsections detail specific patches for the Solaris operating systems. Patches for Specific Graphics Cards
On Solaris systems, a patch is sometimes required that is specific for the installed graphics
card. Use the instructions that follow to determine which graphics card is installed on your sys-
To detect your graphics card, enter:
% ls /dev/fbs/*
The output from the above command identifies your graphics card. Use the following table to
determine which graphics card is present according to the output you received.
Table 1: Detection of Graphic Cards
Graphics card
Elite3D graphics card
GX graphics card
Creator/Creator3D graphics card
PGX32 (Raptor GFX) graphics card (see “Support for the PGX32 Add-
on Board” on page 9)
ZX graphics card
M64 (PGX) graphics card
SX graphics card
TCX graphics card
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MainWin® Release Notes – Synplicity Excerpts Solaris 8 Patches
Important: Please read “Patch Management,” page 3.
Table 2: List of compiler/runtime patches for all Solaris 8 systems
Reason for Patch
108434-06 Shared library fix for C++ run-
SunOS 8: Shared library patch for C++ Solaris 7 Patches
It is strongly recommended that you install the Solaris 7 Maintenance Update 4. This
should be installed before installing any other packages or patches.
Important: Please read “Patch Management,” page 3.
Table 3: List of runtime patches for all Solaris 7 systems
Reason for Patch
108376-34 Prevents applications from
hanging on multiprocessor
OpenWindows 3.6.1: Xsun patch
Table 4: List of compiler/runtime patches for all Solaris 7 systems
Reason for Patch
106327-13 Shared library fix for C++ run-
SunOS 5.7: Shared library patch for
Table 5: List of runtime patches for specific configurations of Solaris 7
Reason for Patch
106144-27 Patch for Elite3D graphics card
SunOS 5.7: Elite3D AFB graphics patch
106145-17 Patch for Creator graphics card
SunOS 5.7: Creator 7 FFB graphics
106146-20 Patch for M64 graphics card
SunOS 5.7: M64 graphics patch
106147-06 Supplemental patch for Elite 3D
and Creator graphics cards
SunOS 5.7: VIS/XIL graphics patch
106148-12 Required supplemental patch for
Elite 3D and Creator graphics
SunOS 5.7: XF8 graphics patch
107851-19 Patch for PGX32 (Raptor GFX)
graphics card
PGX32 2.1: graphics patch
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