Rick Cook - Wiz 01 - Wizard's Bane.pdf

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Wizard’s Bane
Rick Cook
The Wiz Biz
The Wizardry Cursed
The Wizardry Consulted
The Wizardry Quested
Mall Purchase Night
Book One:
Wizard’s Bane
For Pati.
Who has her own
special brand of magic.
Meeting in Midsummer
It was a fine Mid-Summer’s morning and Moira the hedge witch was out gathering herbs.
“Tansy to stop bleeding,” she said to herself, examining the stand that grew on the bankside. Carefully
she selected the largest, healthiest stems and, reciting the appropriate charm, she cut them off low with
her silver knife. She inspected each stem closely before placing it in the straw basket beside her.
When she had finished, she brushed a strand of coppery hair from her green eyes and surveyed the
forest with all her senses.
The day was sunny, the air was clear and the woods around her were calm and peaceful. The oaks and
beeches spread their gray-green and green-gold leaves to the sun and breeze. In their branches birds
sang and squirrels chattered as they dashed about on squirrelish errands. Their tiny minds were content,
Moira saw. For them there was no danger on the Fringe of the Wild Wood, even on Mid-Summer’s
Moira knew better. Back in her village the fields were deserted and the animals locked in their barns.
The villagers were huddled behind doors bolted with iron, bound with ropes of straw and sealed with
such charms as Moira could provide. Only a foolhardy person or one in great need would venture
abroad on Mid-Summer’s Day.
Moira was out for need, the needs of others. Mid-Summer’s Day was pregnant with magic of all sorts,
and herbs gathered by the light of the Mid-Summer sun were unusually potent. Her village would need
the healing potions and the charms she could make from them.
That most of her fellow hedge witches were also behind bolted doors weighed not at all with her. Her
duty was to help those who needed help, so she had taken her straw basket and consecrated silver knife
and gone alone into the Fringe of the Wild Wood.
She was careful to stay in the quietest areas of the Fringe, however. She had planned her route days ago
and she moved cautiously between her chosen stands of herbs. She probed the forest constantly, seeking
the least sign of danger or heightened magic. There was need enough to draw her out this day, but no
amount of need would make her careless.
Her next destination was a marshy corner of a nearby meadow where pink-flowered mallow grew in
spiky profusion. It was barely half a mile by the road on whose bank she sat, but Moira would take a
longer route. Between her and the meadow this road crossed another equally well-travelled lane. Moira
had no intention of going near a crossroads on Mid-Summer’s Day.
She was fully alert, so she was all the more startled when a dark shadow fell over her. Moira gasped
and whirled to find herself facing a tall old man wearing a rough travelling cloak and leaning on a carved
“Oh! Merry met, Lord,” she scrambled up from the bank and dipped a curtsey. “You startled me.”
“Merry met, child,” the man responded, blinking at her with watery brown eyes. “Why it’s the little
hedge witch, Moira, isn’t it?” He blinked again and stared down his aquiline nose. “Bless me!” he
clucked. “How you have grown my girl. How you have grown.”
Moira nodded respectfully and said nothing. Patrius was of the Mighty; perhaps the mightiest of the
Mighty. It behooves one to be respectful no matter what style one of the Mighty chooses to take.
The wizard sighed. “But it’s well met nonetheless. Yes, very well met. I have a little project afoot and
perhaps you can help me with it.”
“Of course Lord, if I can.” She sighed to herself. It was never too healthy to become involved with the
doings of the Mighty. Looking at Patrius she could see magic twist and shimmer around the old man like
heat waves rising from a hot iron stove.
“Well, actually it’s not such a little project,” he said confidingly. “A rather large one, in fact. Yes, quite
large.” He beamed at her. “Oh, but I’m sure you’ll be able to handle it. You were always such an adept
In fact Moira had been so far from adept she had barely survived the months she had spent studying
with the old wizard. She knew Patrius remembered that time perfectly. But if one of the Mighty asks for
aid he or she can not be gainsaid.
“Lord,” suggested Moira timidly, “might not one of your apprentices . . . ?”
“What? My apprentices, oh no, no, no. They don’t know, you see. They can’t know yet. Besides,” he
added as an afterthought, “they’re all male.”
“Yes, Lord,” Moira said as if that explained everything.
The wizard straightened. “Now come along, child. The place is near and we haven’t much time. And
you must tell me how you have been getting along. It’s been such an age since I saw you last. You never
come to the Capital, you know,” he added in mild reproach.
“For those of us who cannot walk the Wizard’s Way it is a long journey, Lord.”
“Ah yes, you’re right, of course,” the old man chuckled. “But tell me, how do things go on in your
Moira warmed. Studying under Patrius had nearly killed her several times, but of all her teachers she
liked him the best. His absentminded, grandfatherly manner might be assumed, but no one who knew him
doubted his kindness. She remembered sitting in the wizard’s study of an afternoon drinking mulled cider
and talking of nothing that mattered while dust motes danced in the sunbeams.
If Patrius was perhaps not the mightiest of the Mighty, he was certainly the best, the nicest and far and
away the most human of that fraternity of powerful wizards. Walking with him Moira felt warm and
secure, as if she were out on a picnic with a favorite uncle instead of abroad on the Fringe of the Wild
Wood on one of the most dangerous days of the year.
Patrius took her straight into the forest, ignoring the potential danger spots all around. At length they
came to a grassy clearing marked only by a rock off to one side.
“Now my child,” he said, easing himself down on the stone and resting his staff beside him, “you’re
probably wondering what I’m up to, eh?”
“Yes, Lord.” Moira stood a respectful distance away.
“Oh, come here my girl,” he motioned her over. “Come, come, come. Be comfortable.” Moira smiled
and sat on the grass at his feet, spreading her skirt around her.
“To business then. I intend to perform a Great Summoning and I want your help.”
Moira gasped. She had never seen even a Lesser Summoning, the materializing of a person or object
from elsewhere in the World. It was solely the province of the Mighty and so fraught with danger that
they did it rarely. A Great Summoning brought something from beyond the World and was far riskier. Of
all the Mighty living, only Patrius, Bal-Simba and perhaps one or two others had ever participated in a
Great Summoning.
“But Lord, you need several of the Mighty for that!”
Patrius frowned. “Do you presume to teach me magic, girl?”
“No, Lord,” Moira dropped her eyes to the grass.
The wizard’s face softened. “It is true that a Great Summoning is usually done by several of us acting in
consort, but there is no need, really. Not if the place of Summoning is quiet.”
So that was why Patrius had come to the Fringe, Moira thought. Here, away from the bustle and
disturbance of competing magics, it would be easier for him to bend the fundamental forces of the World
to his will.
“Isn’t it dangerous, Lord?”
Patrius sighed, looking suddenly like a careworn old man rather than a mighty wizard or someone’s
“Yes Moira, it is. But sometimes the dangerous road is the safest.” He shook his head. “These are evil
times, child. As well you know.”
“Yes, Lord,” said Moira, with a sudden pang.
“Evil times,” Patrius repeated. “Desperate times. They call for desperate measures.
“You know our plight, Moira. None know better than the hedge witches and the other lesser orders.
We of the Mighty are isolated in our keeps and cities, but you have to deal with the World every day.
The Wild Wood presses ever closer and to the south the Dark League waxes strong to make chaos of
what little order there is in the World.”
Moira’s hand moved in a warding gesture at the mention of the League, but Patrius caught her wrist and
shook his head.
“Softly, softly,” he admonished. “We must do nothing to attract attention, eh?
“We need help, Moira,” he went on. “The people of the North need help badly and there are none in the
World who can help us. So I must go beyond the World to find aid.”
He sighed again. “It was a long search, my child, long and hard. But I have finally located someone of
great power who can help us, both against the League and against the World. Now the time is ripe and I
propose to Summon him.”
“But won’t this alien wizard be angry at being brought here so rudely?”
“I did not say he was a wizard,” Patrius said with a little shake of his head. “No, I did not say that at all.”
“Who but a wizard can deal in magic?”
“Who indeed? Patrius responded. “Who indeed?”
It was Moira’s turn to sigh, inwardly at least. Patrius had obviously told her as much of this mad venture
as he intended to.
“What will you of me, Lord?” asked Moira.
“Just your aid as lector,” the old wizard said. “Your aid and a drop of your blood.”
“Willingly, Lord.” Moira was relieved it wasn’t more. Often great spells required great sacrifices.
“Well then,” said the Wizard, picking up his staff and rising. “Let us begin. You’ll have to memorize the
chant, of course.”
Patrius cut a straight branch from a nearby tree, stripped it of its leaves and stuck it upright in the
clearing. Its shadow stretched perhaps four handsbreadths from its base, shortening imperceptibly as the
sun climbed higher.
“When the shadow disappears it will be time,” he told her. “Now, here is what you must say. . . .”
The words Moira had to speak were simple, but they sent shivers down her spine. Patrius repeated
them to her several times, speaking every other word on each repetition so magic would not be made
prematurely. As a trained witch Moira easily put the words in the right order and fixed them in her mind.
While the hedge witch worked on the spells, Patrius walked the clearing, carefully aligning the positions
where they both would stand and scratching runes into the earth.
Moira looked up from her memorization. “Lord,” she said dubiously, “aren’t you forgetting the
“Eh? No girl, I’m not forgetting. We only need a pentagram to contain the Summoned should it prove
“And this one is not dangerous?” Moira frowned.
Patrius chuckled. “No, he is not dangerous.”
Moira wanted to ask how someone could be powerful enough to aid the Mighty and still not be
dangerous even when Summoned, but Patrius motioned her to silence, gestured her to her place and, as
the stick’s shadow shortened to nothing, began his part of the chant.
William Irving Zumwalt growled at the screen. Without taking his eyes off the fragment of code, he
grabbed the can of cola balanced precariously on the mound of printouts and hamburger wrappers
littering his desk.
“Found something, Wiz?” his cubicle mate asked, looking up from his terminal.
“Only the bug that’s been screwing up the sort module.”
William Irving Zumwalt—Wiz to one and all—leaned back and took a healthy swig of cola. It was warm
and flat from sitting for hours, but he barely noticed. “Here. Take a look at this.”
Jerry Andrews shifted his whale-like bulk and swiveled his chair to look over Wiz’s shoulder. “Yeah?
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