Cliff Notes - As You Like It.txt

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only of love and spoke of their passion in elaborate (and sometimes
awful) verse. Love at first sight was commonplace. The characters
suffered the pangs of unrequited love. In the forest settings of
these stories, you might encounter a lion, a magician, or a band of
thieves. Elizabethans would have recognized the poetic rustics
Silvius and Phebe from As You Like It as stock characters out of
such a pastoral romance. They would have enjoyed seeing Rosalind
save Orlando from becoming just another lovesick young man like

Many noble Elizabethan households kept professional fools such as
Touchstone for entertainment. His role was actually written for
Robert Armin, who had been a professional fool before joining
Shakespeare's acting company. Jesters occupied a special place in
Elizabethan society. They could mix with both kings and servants. As
long as they pleased their masters, they could say almost anything
they wished. Often, Shakespeare's fools tell the truth when nobody
else will. As you will see, Touchstone exposes pretension and
foolishness wherever he finds them.

The romance and humor of As You Like It are played out against a
backdrop of danger and political intrigue. Rosalind and Orlando both
flee the city under threat of death. Much is made of the "envious
court," where nobody can be trusted and where flatterers are always
seeking to add to their own power. This darker side of life was also
a part of Shakespeare's England. When Elizabeth became queen in 1558,
she inherited both religious tensions and grave financial
difficulties. Fortunately, she was a shrewd politician and
skillfully played her noblemen against each other, so that no
individual could gain enough power to threaten her.

A very real threat to Elizabeth was posed by Mary, Queen of Scots.
Until Mary's execution in 1587, Elizabeth lived with the fear that
the Roman Catholics might rally around Mary and mount a rebellion.
In this play, Duke Frederick fears that Rosalind's graces will
remind the people of her father and cause them to revolt.

So As You Like It does mirror the concerns of Shakespeare's audience.
But what about the author, what of Shakespeare the man? Very little
is actually known about him. Neither he nor anybody else of his era
ever recorded the story of his life. A few facts are known. He was
born in Stratford, a small English country town on the Avon River,
and baptized on April 26, 1564. Since infants were generally
baptized at three days, his birth date may have been April 23. His
father was John Shakespeare, a prosperous Stratford businessman and
town council member. William's mother, Mary, was the daughter of a
well-to-do landowner. William was the eldest of their six children.
Shakespeare almost certainly attended the local grammar school.
There, his studies would have included Latin, rhetoric (grammar,
composition), and literature.

In November 1582 he married Anne Hathaway, eight years his senior.
Anne's age, combined with the fact that their first child was born
only six months after the wedding, has led some scholars to believe
that the marriage was one of necessity. That may not be the case,
however, because at that time it was socially acceptable for an
engaged couple to sleep together. William and Anne had two girls,
Susanna and Judith, and one son, Hamnet, who died young.

Nobody knows what work Shakespeare did while in Stratford. He may
have been a schoolteacher or a private tutor in a wealthy household.
Like Orlando in As You Like It, he had to leave his birthplace to
find his future. Unlike Orlando, who fled to the country, William
headed for the big city, London. (Legend has it that he had to leave
Stratford after being caught hunting illegally on a large estate,
but no records exist to verify that story.) In London he became
first an actor and later a playwright. Along with success, he found
envy. The first mention of Shakespeare in London is in a pamphlet by
a rival playwright, Robert Greene. In "A Groatsworth of Wit" (groat:
an old English coin worth four pennies), Greene warned fellow
university-educated playwrights of an upstart actor (Shakespeare)
who had the gall to write plays. Nevertheless, Shakespeare became
the most successful playwright of his day. He was an actor (of small
parts), a playwright, and a partner in the Lord Chamberlain's Men, a
theater company favored by Queen Elizabeth. Her successor, James I,
elevated the company to the rank of King's Men in 1603.

Although plays were a popular form of entertainment, they weren't
highly regarded as literature. To secure his artistic reputation,
Shakespeare wrote poems. Between 1592 and 1601, he penned three long
narrative poems--Venus and Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece, and The
Phoenix and the Turtle--as well as a famous series of sonnets.

As You Like It premiered in 1599 or 1600, about the same time that
Shakespeare's company moved into the Globe Theatre, across the
Thames River from the city of London. Shakespeare's reputation had
been firmly established by nineteen previous plays. Among the
eighteen to follow would be his four great tragedies--Hamlet,
Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth. By 1612, Shakespeare had returned
to live in Stratford, where he owned a fine house called New Place.
He died there, presumably on his birthday, April 23, 1616.

As You Like It was rarely performed in the first century after
Shakespeare's death. In 1723 an enterprising London producer
combined the play with Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing and A
Midsummer Night's Dream to create a collage called Love in a Forest.
But by the nineteenth century, As You Like It had become one of
Shakespeare's most frequently performed works. The Romantic spirit
of that time probably helped the play to find new favor with
audiences. In addition, many leading ladies wanted to play the
showcase role of Rosalind. As You Like It is still popular today.
Audiences enjoy its blend of humor and romance, and fall in love
with Rosalind just as Orlando does.


Orlando, the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Boys, is fed up. Since
his father's death, his oldest brother, Oliver, has refused to give
Orlando either the proper education or the money that Sir Rowland
intended for him. Oliver hates Orlando. When he learns that Orlando
intends to try his skill against a professional wrestler named
Charles, Oliver incites Charles to kill Orlando in their match.

The country is ruled by Duke Frederick, who seized the throne from
his own older brother by force. The wronged brother, Duke Senior,
has been exiled to the Forest of Arden with many of his lords. His
daughter, Rosalind, however, has remained at court. She and Duke
Frederick's daughter, Celia, love each other like sisters.

Observing Orlando and Charles preparing for their match, Rosalind
and Celia fear that the wrestler will hurt Orlando. Much to
everybody's surprise, Orlando defeats Charles. But when Duke
Frederick finds out that Orlando is the son of Sir Rowland, who was
once his enemy, he coldly dismisses the young man and leaves. The
ladies offer Orlando a word of congratulation, and as they do so, it
is clear that Rosalind and Orlando have already fallen in love.

Duke Frederick accuses Rosalind of stealing the people's affection
away from his own daughter. As a punishment, she must leave the city
or be put to death. Celia, who cares more for Rosalind than for her
wicked father, resolves to run away with her cousin to the Forest of
Arden. For safety's sake, Celia disguises herself as a peasant girl,
named Aliena, while Rosalind dons a boy's outfit and assumes the
name Ganymede. They convince Duke Frederick's court fool (clown),
Touchstone, to go with them.

When Duke Frederick discovers that Celia and Rosalind are missing,
he assumes they are with Orlando and angrily commands Oliver to find
them and bring his daughter back. Meanwhile, warned by his father's
old servant Adam that Oliver intends to murder him, Orlando has fled
with Adam to the Forest of Arden.

After a long, hard journey, the ladies and Touchstone arrive in the
forest. Rosalind arranges with Corin, an old shepherd, to buy a
cottage for them and a flock of sheep.

Orlando and Adam finally reach Arden. Tired and starving, they find
a haven in the camp of Duke Senior (Rosalind's father) and his lords.

Orlando now turns his thoughts to love. He writes passionate but
amateurish poems to his beloved Rosalind and hangs them on the trees.
He doesn't know, of course, that she is in the forest. She discovers
the poems and is thrilled that Orlando is near.

Disguised as Ganymede, Rosalind finds Orlando in the forest and
strikes up a conversation with him. He never suspects her true
identity. Adopting a cynical attitude toward women, Rosalind tells
Orlando that his lovesick behavior is foolish. She offers to cure
him of love by playing a game with him. She will pretend to be his
Rosalind. If he will woo her, she will demonstrate how impossible
women are. Although he doesn't want to be cured, Orlando agrees to
play along. They plan to meet the next day to begin the "love cure."

While waiting for Orlando to keep their appointment, Rosalind
observes a young shepherd named Silvius wooing Phebe, a shepherdess.
Phebe scorns Silvius, who swears that her rejection will kill him.
Rosalind soon has heard enough. She steps in and berates Phebe for
her cruelty. Thinking that Rosalind is a man, Phebe immediately
falls in love with her! Rosalind, of course, rejects Phebe and
quickly leaves.

Orlando finally arrives for his first dose of love cure. After
Ganymede demonstrates how difficult women can be, Orlando leaves,
promising to return sh...
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