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fast tech
fast tech
This month Stu talks us through
the differences between
turbocharged and N/A engines.
I t’s more complicated than you
might think...
T his month I want to look at
one doesn’t, but I assure you
that nothing could be further
from the truth.
Let’s look at the majority of
major differences in the two
engines, using something like a
130bhp Mondeo or Fiesta Zetec
as our theoretical example.
the differences between a
normally aspirated engine
and a turbocharged one. I know
from bitter experience that
many of you think that the only
difference between the two is the
fact one has a turbocharger and
Let’s look at the majority of
N/A manifolds are quite
different to turbo applications
The first thing you need to
deal with is obvious, and
that’s the fact that you need
to add an exhaust manifold
and turbocharger to your
engine to turbocharge it.
The manifold on a turbo-
charged car is different to
that of a normally aspirated
engine and works on a
different principle too as
far as the primaries and
collector are concerned,
so take great care with this
aspect and ideally entrust
the work to people who
are recognised experts in
this field.
Words: Stewart Sanderson
Having worked as a tuner
for 17 years, Stewart ‘Stu’
Sanderson is one of the
most-respected names
in the business.
A Level 5-trained fuel-
injection technician, in the
past Stu has worked for a
Ford Rallye Sport dealer, a
well-known fuel-injection
specialist and various
tuning companies.
Then seven years ago he
joined forces with Kenny
Walker and opened up
Motorsport Developments
near Blackpool (01253
508400, www.remapping. ), specialising in
engine management live
remapping, as well as
developing a range of
Evolution chips which
are now sold all over
the world.
He’s also jointly
responsible with
Webmaster, Petrucci for .
Started in 2003, it’s grown
rapidly from a few friends
contributing, to one of the
biggest Ford communities
on the web. His new forum, ,
is also up and running.
Stu’s enviable
knowledge of the
workings of modern-day
Ford performance engines
means that every month
he’s just the man to
explain how and why
things work, and most
importantly how they can
be improved.
Having worked as a tuner
The diameter is essential for the
exhaust of your blown motor
This is one of the most
complex parts of the turbo
conversion as it’s one of the
hardest to alter correctly and
requires the head and
sometimes the whole engine
to be removed and disman-
tled. It also has a great effect
on other aspects of the
engine so needs to be fi nal-
ised early in the conversion.
Compression ratio is such
a complex subject that we
cannot go into it fully here,
but suffi ce to say you will
probably need to change it
for your turbo conversion to
work properly as we tend to
run lower compression on
a turbocharged high-power
engine. If you are looking
for big power and reliability
I would advise you to lower it.
There are numerous
ways to do this such as
decompression plates that fi t
between the head and block,
you can skim the pistons
making them shorter, bowl
out the combustion chamber
making it larger or use a
combination of all these
methods. However, the best
way is to use a combina-
tion of chamber re-profi ling
and lower compression,
better quality pistons.
Once your new turbocharger has pride of place on your shiny
new exhaust manifold, your old exhaust is useless, or at least
the part that connects it up to the engine or manifold is.
You now need one designed to mount onto a turbocharger,
which will be in a totally different place. You also need to con-
sider that your exhaust now has to get rid of more than just
130bhp. It has to allow the extraction to atmosphere of 250bhp
worth of gas, so the standard 1.5in bore is no longer an option,
you could really do with 2.5in or more.
sider that your exhaust now has to get rid of more than just
130bhp. It has to allow the extraction to atmosphere of 250bhp
worth of gas, so the standard 1.5in bore is no longer an option,
you could really do with 2.5in or more.
and lower compression,
better quality pistons.
fast tech
one doesn’t, but I assure you
that nothing could be further
The manifold on a turbo-
charged car is different to
that of a normally aspirated
worth of gas, so the standard 1.5in bore is no longer an option,
you could really do with 2.5in or more.
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fast tech
fast tech
This is one of the most over-
looked things for some reason.
The amount of cars I get in
with turbo conversions and
overlooked cooling systems is
shocking. Adding bhp alone will
add heat energy due to the inef-
fi ciencies of the internal com-
bustion engine so we have to
be able to lose this heat some-
where, ideally to atmosphere.
Don’t overlook the fact that
modern turbochargers almost
universally must run water
through their cores so you will
need to design the plumbing
for this so that it doesn’t affect
the fl ow around the engine too
much. The water coming out of
the turbochargers core is often
superheated and will add con-
siderable heat energy into our
cooling system that we need
to get rid of.
Sadly, I even see cars come
in with the radiator cooling
fans totally removed as the
conversion company or person
couldn’t fi t the fans and the
turbo in the space available,
so they just dumped the
fans. Thankfully, nobody
reading this would do anything
so stupid as I’m sure you are
all enthusiasts eager to do
things right, and realise that
radiators are air/air heat
exchangers and need to
have air fl owing through the
core to enable them to cool
engines. That’s why we fi t fans,
to keep the air moving when
the car is not.
Depending on the state of tune you
want, standard cams are usually fi ne
You need to keep the fans,
especially when sat in traffi c
Contrary to popular belief the
camshafts on a normally aspi-
rated engine are normally quite
good for a turbocharged appli-
cation under most conditions.
If you are running really wild
ones, or have variable cam tim-
ing then you’ll run into problems
but generally speaking the cams
aren’t a big issue for an average
turbo conversion and can be
dealt with later on if you want
to tailor your boost and power
curves to better suit your
intended application.
to tailor your boost and power
curves to better suit your
intended application.
OK, we’ve added lots of
lovely boost to our engine
and are expecting it to make
some nice extra bhp, and
we know the engine will
keep cool making it due
to our cooling upgrades.
However, to make that extra
power we have to get our air
fuel ratio nice and safe,
and in most cases that job
will be the sole responsibility
of our engine’s management
system. It has to be aware of
the boost and be programmed
to deal with it. So, what will
you have to upgrade just to
allow extra fuel for the on
boost conditions?
The pistons are generally made of a
different material or at a bare minimum
they will be cast in a different way on a
turbocharged engine, as they have to deal
with vastly different pressures than their
normally aspirated counterparts. Regardless of
material or construction though, you will
fi nd you need to modify the pistons in order to
correctly change the compression ratio.
The pistons are generally made of a
The pistons are generally made of a
different material or at a bare minimum
they will be cast in a different way on a
turbocharged engine, as they have to deal
with vastly different pressures than their
normally aspirated counterparts. Regardless of
material or construction though, you will
fi nd you need to modify the pistons in order to
correctly change the compression ratio.
Pistons will play a vital part in how
much power your engine can take
Pistons will play a vital part in how
much power your engine can take
We’ve sorted the management
and told the ECU to add more
fuel on boost via a chip, some
reprogramming or a totally dif-
ferent management system.
How do we know more
fuel is actually
available? You need some
information about your original
injectors and find out what
they will flow for power. If
they are not big enough
you will need to change
them to some that are
larger, then you need to
program the ECU again
to ensure that the fuel
is retained at the same
level it was before the
change until that extra
fuel is actually required.
Throwing in big injectors
without reprogramming
will just end up with either
a non-running or at best a
very badly running engine.
On systems without an air-
fl ow meter (speed density
systems) and presuming
your management can
accept input from a sensor
that can see pressures over
and above atmospheric, the
fi rst thing we must do is
actually fi t one, because you
can be pretty certain the one
you have will only be a 1bar
sensor that can read up to
atmospheric pressure.
If you try to use boost with
the original one you’ll discover
to your pistons’ peril that
your ECU cannot see any
boost and continues to fuel
as though the engine was
normally aspirated, thus only
supplying the fuel for around
130bhp. Soon your engine
internals will resemble a
Mars bar in a furnace.
Make sure your injectors can
fl ow enough fuel, else it’ll melt
As well as more fuel on boost,
we need to program the ECU
to retard the boost as the
cylinder pressures get higher
and higher. Generally speak-
ing, the more boost you add,
the less spark advance will be
required. Get this wrong and
you could say goodbye to the
pistons in less time than it
takes to get to fourth gear on
your first-ever full power run.
It’s not that simple at all,
and there are a lot of other
spark map changes to be
done, but for the purposes
of this article we are just
simplifying. For more in-depth
info, see my three-part
management feature from
previous issues.
MAP sensors are needed to let
the ECU see positive air pressure
Engine mapping is best
left to the professionals
Head gaskets on some normally aspirated vehicles are not very
good at all, simply because they don’t have to be. Very often
you will fi nd a different material is used on the higher powered
turbocharged models, so be aware that this issue may need
addressing, although you will never know how tough the stand-
ard one is until you try it. My advice is if there is an uprated
one on an existing turbocharged model then fi t it, as the OE
manufacturer didn’t uprate it for a laugh and something to do,
it was done as a necessity.
A custom mappable ECU
is the best route to go for
fast tech
fast tech
Contrary to popular belief the
camshafts on a normally aspi-
rated engine are normally quite
good for a turbocharged appli-
cation under most conditions.
If you are running really wild
ones, or have variable cam tim-
ing then you’ll run into problems
but generally speaking the cams
aren’t a big issue for an average
turbo conversion and can be
dealt with later on if you want
to tailor your boost and power
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fast tech
Have you ever considered
how fuel, or for that matter,
any liquid or gas fl ows from
one place to another? Any gas
or liquid will fl ow away from
the highest pressure towards
the lowest pressure.
Let’s say we are running our
injectors at 3bar of pressure in
the fuel rail and that they inject
nicely into our inlet runners...
What happens to the fl ow then
as the boost pressure in those
runners increases to 3bar?
At 3bar we would have equal
pressure on either side of
the injector and nothing
would fl ow.
As the boost goes up our
injectors fl ow less and less. So,
how do we fi x that? We swap
our fuel regulator to one that
increases pressure in a linear
or greater fashion the more
inlet pressure it sees. Usually
we run 1:1 meaning for every
psi above atmospheric pres-
sure we apply to the regulator,
it will increase the fuel pres-
sure by 1psi.
As an example, a rail that
runs 3bar at atmospheric pres-
sure, will run 5bar if it is used
with 2bar of boost, this keeps
the differential pressure across
the nozzle the same from
As the boost goes up our
injectors fl ow less and less. So,
how do we fi x that? We swap
our fuel regulator to one that
increases pressure in a linear
or greater fashion the more
inlet pressure it sees. Usually
we run 1:1 meaning for every
psi above atmospheric pres-
sure we apply to the regulator,
it will increase the fuel pres-
Things are looking good
now. We have big injec-
tors and management to
cope, and we have sorted
the fuel regulator so that
it increases the pressure
as we run more boost, so
what next? Well, we have
to head back down the
line to the fuel pump. The
fuel pump on your car may
not be able to supply that
amount of fuel for the bhp
you are running, and it
most certainly may not be
able to do so at a couple of
bars extra pressure. Time
for yet another upgrade...
atmosphere right up to as much
boost pressure as the regulator
can deal with, normally about
2.5bar in my experience.
We have our fuel pump supply-
ing the volume of fuel, and the
injectors are ready and waiting
to supply that fuel to the ple-
num at the correct fuel pres-
sure to ensure atomization in
our highly pressurized inlet.
Great news, we are all done
now then? No, how does the
fuel get from the pump to the
new injectors? The lines are
far too small on many normally
aspirated cars so we need to
uprate the lines too. How big
we go depends on the
power we want, so take
specialist advice or risk
doing it twice, and don’t
forget the return to the
tank line. If that is too
small our fuel pressure
will be stuck too high
as the regulator can’t
bypass suffi cient volume
of fuel to maintain the
required pressure, not
good news at all on our
huge new injectors.
You need bigger fuel lines
if you’re turboing your car
Make sure the wiring
is up to the job, too
Turbochargers do require a
good supply of oil under very
high pressure to ensure lubrica-
tion of the journal bearings at
high turbine speeds and core
temperatures. Have you consid-
ered where you will get this oil
supply from?
Nine times out of 10 we
use the oil pressure switch
drilling and fi t an adaptor here
to allow us to supply both the
switch and our oil feed, but I
can think of a couple of exam-
ples where this isn’t possible,
so think ahead.
You also need to bear in mind
that not only do we need to get
oil into the turbo we need to get
it back out too, and down to the
sump again. This requires a tap
into the sump of suitable bore
and angle so as not to restrict
the oil return path, as doing
so will cause oil to be forced
past our turbine seal, leading
to smoke. Even the big boys
get this wrong at times as Ford
proved when it got this design
wrong on the early Fiesta
Turbos and had to uprate the oil
return pipe to ensure reliability.
You need a high-pressure oil feed to
keep your expensive turbo going strong
fast tech
atmosphere right up to as much
boost pressure as the regulator
can deal with, normally about
You need bigger fuel lines
if you’re turboing your car
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fast tech / TECH / N/A & TURBO DIFFERENCES /
When you increase the power
of an engine, you invariably
also increase the piston ring
blow by, which means we
have a certain amount of air to
process and remove from the
crankcase if we don’t want all
our oil seals to fail. Normally,
an engine’s breather system
will simply link the top and
bottom of the engine with a
series of pipes and route the
resultant oily air mixture into
the inlet plenum for re-diges-
tion into the combustion
process, as that’s the greenest
way of doing so.
The problems you will face
with this method are
numerous, but the main
problem is that your nor-
mally aspirated breather
system pipework isn’t
normally of suffi cient
bore to move all the gas
required on a high power
engine, also the normal
system is easily over-
come by excess oil on a
high-performance engine that
throws its oil around in the
sump a lot. So, you will often
need to add another port to
the opposite side of the block
to deal with oil surge under
hard cornering.
An oil separator is advised
to allow the mixture to enter a
canister as a heavy oil and air
mix. The canister then sepa-
rates this oil/air mix and sends
the air to the atmosphere or
back to the inlet of the engine.
The spare oil that was sepa-
rated is then returned into the
sump, thus lowering oil loss
quite dramatically.
How many of you are aware of,
or have ever considered, the
fact that oil is the engine’s pri-
mary coolant? All the surfaces
of your engine that generate
any heat such as bearings and
bore walls etc are lubricated
and cooled directly by the oil.
The oil transfers this heat
to the block and sump etc.
The water jacket then absorbs
some of this heat and transfers
it away to the radiator to be
radiated back to atmosphere.
Get yourself an oil tempera-
ture gauge and monitor it to
ensure you aren’t running the
oil too hot because of your
turbo and extra power genera-
tion. If you are, time to look at
one of the various oil cooling
options available.
Oil coolers are a good idea to
help keep the engine cool
It looks like the management
and fuel system are sorted
now and we are safe to turn
the boost up a little and see
what our new powerplant can
do. Well, maybe...
The amount of boost you
intend to run will govern
what we have to do about
intercooling. If you’re looking
for just 3 or 4psi you will
be fine.
However, if you want more
than that, you should look
very seriously into ways to
cool down the air coming out
of the turbo, you won’t be
making much power with air
temperatures upwards
of 100 degrees Celsius, so
you will need to fit either an
intercooler or a chargecooler.
See FF issue 262 for more
in-depth information on the
differences between charge-
cooling and intercooling and
details of how it all works.
This sadly is one of the
biggest killers for a DIY
turbo conversion. People
seem to forget that per-
formance engines require
performance fuels, and
they continue to run
their new high-power
boosted engines on low
octane shopping fuel and
detonate it. High power
engines without complex
management incorporat-
ing active knock detec-
tion require the best fuel
octane you can buy at the
pump. Ignore that advice
at your peril.
With intercoolers,
bigger really is better
So there you have it,
hopefully that will have
given you some idea of
the complexities involved in
converting a normally aspirated
engine to a turbocharged one. See
you next month.
We will look at exhaust gas
temperature, how it’s measured
and why it’s important.
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