Time clauses.doc

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Ex. Underline the appropriate time phrase and put the verbs into the correct tense.


1.      I’m not leaving until / by the time I …………………… (finish) this job.

2.      He promised to phone while / the moment he …………………… (arrive) in Orlando.

3.      She had tidied the room as soon as / by the time her mother …………………… (get) home.

4.      We’ll have a party when / while the exams …………………… (be) over.

5.      You can go home whenever / before you …………………… (want) to.

6.      They were dancing as soon as / while we …………………… (drink) Coke at the bar.

7.      Tom came home just as / till June …………………… (leave).

8.      We went to sleep after / until we …………………… (eat) our meal.

9.      By the time / Until I …………………… (arrive) home, George had already left.

10.  Tell June I’ll call her by the time / as soon as I …………………… (have) some news.

11.  Ann didn’t buy a car until / since she …………………… (save) enough money.

12.  We had been waiting for six hours until / by the time the train …………………… (get) into the station.

(source: Virginia Evans, Round Up 6, p. 77)



Ex. Fill in: after, as soon as, since, before, by the time, while, until or whenever.

“So, Mrs Trumpton, welcome to your first driving lesson. I’d like to say a few words 1) ………we begin. The most important thing to remember is that the pedal in the middle is the brake – 2) ……… you need to stop, you press it. Never start the engine 3) ……… you get in the car, because it might be in gear and never drive off 4) ……… you make sure the road is clear. You must continually check your mirror 5) ……… you are driving, because it is important to know what is behind you. I will only take you out on the road 6) ……… we have practised the basics in the car park for a couple of lessons. Don’t worry Mrs Trumpton, I’ve been teaching people how to drive 7) ……… 1982, so you’re in good hands. I assure you that 8) ……… you have finished this course, you will have become a safe and confident driver”.

(source: Virginia Evans, Round Up 6, p. 78)







Combine the following sentences using the conjunction that is provided.

1. Rosalie studied very hard.
    She took the exam on Thursday. (before)

2. Angus was thoroughly exhausted.
    He ran the Boston Marathon (26 miles). (after)

3. The doorbell rang.
    Brian was taking a shower. (when or while)

4. Jonathan was eating his dinner of pork chops and beans.
    He was watching the news on TV. (when or while)

5. Giles was backing into a parking space.
    He heard a crunch. (when or while)

Now you supply the conjunction: before, after, when, while

6. The CAO had heard the orchestra several times.
    He invited them to play at the Independence Day concert.

7. Jennifer had a date with Charles.
    She thought she was falling in love.

8. Christie cried for weeks.
    Her mother died.

9. Aaron was eating dinner.
    Caroline called to ask about the assignment.

10. Sean had to stay home for three weeks.
    He injured his back.

(from: http://tillyer.net/GLOW/fsi102.htm)

Read the sentences and then write 1 next to the action that came first and 2 next to the action that came second. If they happened at the same time, put S next to each.

1. The kidnappers called shortly after the group of tourists disappeared.

_____ the kidnappers called        _____ the tourists disappeared

2. The governor authorized delivery of food to the kidnappers when they promised to release some

        _____ the governor authorized the delivery     _____ the kidnappers promised to release hostages  

3. Only two hostages were released after the governor sent in food.

_____ hostages were released     _____ the governor sent in food

4. We were all watching carefully while the two hostages walked out of the house.

_____ we watched    _____ the two hostages walked out

5. The governor's assistant grabbed the phone after it rang again.

_____ the assistant grabbed the phone     _____ the phone rang again

6. The kidnappers were angry when the governor didn't come the phone in person.

_____ the kidnappers got angry     _____ the governor didn't come to the phone

7. The kidnappers shouted a lot of political rhetoric before they slammed down the phone.

_____ they shouted rhetoric     _____ they hung up the phone

8. They called again while we were trying to decide what to do.

_____ they called again     _____ were trying to decide what to do

9. They were very pleased when the governor agreed to come to the phone.

_____ they were pleased     _____ the governor agreed to come to the phone

10. They began to negotiate seriously after the governor got involved.

_____ they began to negotiate     _____ the governor got involved

11. Before we finished the negotiations, the kidnappers promised to release all hostages.

_____ we finished the negotiation     _____ the kidnappers promised the release

12. The kidnappers were allowed to make a public statement before the army arrested them.

_____ they made a statement     _____ the army arrested them


(from: http://tillyer.net/GLOW/fsi104.htm)

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