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Anatomy and physiology
To provide adequate medical care on board ship there is no
need to have a detailed knowledge of anatomy (structure of
the body) or of physiology (function of bodily systems).
Nevertheless the information provided in this Annex could
be useful when examining a patient or obtaining and acting
on radio medical advice.
The principal bones of the skeleton and the main muscles
of the body are illustrated in Figures I.1 and I.2. The position
of the organs in the chest and abdomen is depicted in Plates 14
and 15.
Anatomy and physiology
Bone structure
Voluntary muscles
Involuntary muscles
Circulatory system
Breathing system
Digestive system
Urinary system
Nervous system
The bone structure
The skeleton, which consists of bones and cartilages, provides
a rigid framework. The separate bones and cartilages are held
together firmly at the joints by strong bands of connective
tissue (the ligaments). Each bone is enveloped in a very tough
adherent sheath of fibrous tissue. Between the sheath and
the bone surface is a layer of bone-forming cells which can
produce new bone in the event of a fracture.
The shaft of a typical long bone has a thick wall of dense
bone which forms a hollow cylinder enclosing a central canal
containing bone marrow. At each end the shaft is expanded
to make the joint surface. These surfaces are covered by a
smooth layer of cartilage to permit movements without
causing friction.
Voluntary muscles
These form the bulk of the fleshy parts of the body. They are
fixed to the bones by blending with the sheaths of fibrous
tissue surrounding the bones. Some are attached directly to a
wide area of bone surface but others taper to form a strong
cord (tendon or leader) which is attached at a specific place
on a bone. Muscles, and especially those of the limbs, are
arranged in two opposing groups. Contraction of one group
in response to an impulse through the nerve supply must be
accompanied by simultaneous relaxation of the opposing
group, or movement will not take place. These movements
are under conscious control.
Anatomical drawings
The skeleton
Main voluntary muscles
Organs of chest and
Involuntary muscles
These are found in the stomach and intestines, in the heart
and blood vessels, and also in other internal organs of the
body. They continue to work throughout life as part of
natural body function outside the control of personal will.
Circulatory system
The body contains about 5 litres of blood which consists
basically of four constituents: plasma; red cells; white
cells; and platelet cells.
The plasma is the liquid component of the blood
which circulates to all the tissue cells throughout the
body. It distributes food, water, salts and heat and
collects waste products which are subsequently excreted.
The red cells predominate and give the blood its
colour. This colour is derived from a complex iron
compound (haemoglobin) which is the main oxygen
The white cells give protection against infection by
attacking and killing bacteria and also by producing
substances which are necessary for building up resistance
to further infections.
The main purpose of platelets is to assist in the blood
clotting mechanism.
The heart and blood vessels
The heart is a thick-walled muscular pump about the size
of a clenched fist. It is divided in the mid line into two sides
which do not communicate. Each side has an upper and
lower chamber which communicate through a main heart
valve. The separate chambers are each served by a major
blood vessel that either brings blood to the chamber or
carries it away. See Plate 15.
The right side receives venous blood which, having
been circulated around the body, has given up its oxygen
and collected carbon dioxide. This blood is pumped
through the lungs where it is replenished with oxygen
and discards the carbon dioxide. As purified blood, it
returns to the left side to be pumped through the
arteries to all parts of the body.
The blood vessels form a closed system of tubes. The
arteries, which have to take the full force of the pumping
pressure, have thick walls containing muscle fibres and
elastic tissue. Each heart beat widens the bore of the
arteries to accommodate the surge of blood. Between
beats the bore is returned to normal by the action of the
muscle fibres and elastic tissue. Where an artery runs
close to the body surface, the changing pressures can be
felt as a pulse.
The arteries penetrate to all parts of the body,
dividing and sub-dividing until they narrow to form very
thin-walled vessels (capillaries). The capillaries then join
with the venous network which returns the blood to the
heart (Figure I.2). The size of veins increases until the
heart is reached.
The capillary system is vital to the life of all tissues. The
thin capillary vessel wall allows nutrients, oxygen, heat
and beneficial chemical substance to enter the cells and,
most important, waste products to be passed out into the
Figure I.1 The heart and the various
circulations, diagrammatic
Figure I.2 Capillaries
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Right main
Left main
Figure I.3 Lungs, bronchi, and alveoli
Breathing system
Every time a breath is taken in, the air (20% oxygen) passes through the nose or mouth and then
past the larynx or voice box into the windpipe (trachea) which is about 12.5 cm long. At its lower
end the windpipe divides into two main tubes called bronchi (Figure I.3).
The main air passage in each lung (the bronchus) divides into successively smaller branches
which carry inhaled air to all parts of the lung. Each small branch terminates by forming a
cluster of very tiny air sacs (the alveoli). A fine network of blood vessels covers the surface of
every air sac thereby permitting gas exchange by diffusion. Oxygen from the inspired air
passes through the thin tissues to combine with the haemoglobin of the red blood cells.
Waste gases, mainly carbon-dioxide, pass from blood into the air sacs and are expelled on
breathing out.
Haemoglobin + Oxygen = Oxyhaemoglobin
(purple red colour)
(bright red colour of normal blood)
Whenever the blood is insufficiently oxygenated, as in pneumonia, the purple red hue of the
blood shows as a blue tinge of the lips.
Each lung is covered by a lubricated lining called the pleura. The inner side of the chest wall
is also covered by a similar lining. These two layers of pleura are in contact and slide smoothly
over one another during breathing.
The act of breathing is mainly due to the diaphragm moving up and down. The diaphragm
is a large dome-shaped muscle which separates the chest from the abdominal cavity. When
the diaphragm muscle contracts, its dome becomes flattened and draws down the lungs,
causing air to enter them; when it relaxes the lungs become smaller and the air in them is
expelled. The muscles of the abdomen also help in breathing. When they tighten up, they
press the abdominal contents up against the diaphragm and help in expelling air from the
lungs; when they relax, they assist the diaphragm in drawing down the lungs as breathing in
takes place.
The normal rate of breathing at rest is 16–18 times a minute. This rate increases
considerably with exertion and also with certain diseases, especially those affecting the heart
and lungs.
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Digestive system
The abdomen is a cavity shut off from the chest by the diaphragm. The cavity is lined by a sheath
of membrane (the peritoneum) which also enfolds some of the abdominal organs. The sheath
secretes fluid which keeps the abdominal contents moist and prevents friction.
The digestive tract
This is a passage consisting of the gullet (oesophagus), the stomach, the small intestine, the
large intestine, the rectum and the anus.
The gullet is a straight muscular tube which joins the throat to the stomach. It passes down
through the back of the chest cavity and goes through an opening in the diaphragm to connect
with the upper part of the stomach.
The stomach is a J shaped pouch. It enlarges when food or liquid is consumed. The lower part
of the stomach is narrow where it joins with the first part (duodenum) of the small intestine.
The small intestine is a narrow-bore coiled tube, roughly 7.5 metres long, which occupies
most of the central part of the abdominal cavity. The internal surface of the wall bears a large
number of very small folds which project inwards to increase the surface area in contact with
the contents of the intestine. The small intestine joins with the large intestine in the right lower
quarter of the abdomen.
The large intestine is a wide-bore tube, roughly 1.5 metres long, which arches upwards and
across the abdominal cavity before descending the left side to join with the rectum.
The rectum is roughly 150 mm long and is continuous at its lower end with the very short anal
canal which opens to the exterior.
The digestive process
Digestion is the physical and chemical breakdown of food into useful products which are then
absorbed by the capillaries of the blood vessels serving the gut. The unwanted residue of food
is excreted as faeces.
The digestive tract walls contain involuntary muscle which by contractions moves the
contents through the entire length until they reach the rectum where they are stored as faeces
prior to evacuation. At certain places such as the entrance and exit to the stomach and at the
anus, circular bands of muscle capable of constriction (sphincters) act as valves to shut off the
The physical breakdown of food is accomplished by chewing, by the churning actions of the
gut and by the addition of special digestive juices to the food. This begins in the mouth when
food is mixed with saliva which contains enzymes. In the stomach, acid gastric juice is secreted
by the stomach walls and acts on the food which may be retained there for several hours before
passing through the duodenum. Small ducts from the bile system of the liver and also from the
pancreas open into the duodenum. These ducts provide juices which are partly designed to
neutralise the acid from the stomach juice and thus allow the enzymes secreted by the
duodenal walls to act more efficiently. The churning of the gut then ensures a thorough mixing
of food and digestive juices throughout the length of the small intestine where most of the
chemical breakdown takes place. The main functions of the large intestine are to re-absorb
water from the food residue and to reduce the bulk of the faeces.
The liver
The abdominal veins drain into the liver and carry to it the useful products which have been
absorbed during the digestive process. One of the main liver functions is to act as a chemical
factory which processes these products into substances necessary for nutrition.
Urinary system
The kidneys are located at the back of the upper part of the abdominal cavity, one on each side
of the spine (see Plate 14). They are embedded in fat to cushion them from injury.
The main kidney function is to remove water and certain harmful waste products from the
blood and, by this filtering process, to form urine. They control total body water and the
concentration of various chemical substances in the blood. The kidneys also play an important
part in maintaining a steady level of blood pressure.
The urine is carried downward from the kidneys to the urinary bladder by tubes of small
calibre (the ureters); one tube for each kidney. The urinary bladder is a muscular bag situated in
the front part of the cavity formed by the pelvic bones. The bladder acts as a reservoir where
urine collects until it is expelled by voluntary muscular contractions through a tube (the
urethra) which leaves from the bladder base.
The male urethra measures 18 to 20 cm from the bladder to the external opening at the end
of the penis. A knowledge of this length is important when passing a catheter. The female
urethra is much shorter, being about 4 cm in length. It runs embedded in the upper vaginal wall
to the external opening just above the vaginal orifice.
Nervous system
Cerebro-spinal nervous system
This consists of the brain, spinal cord and the associated nerves. The brain is in the cavity of the
skull. It is the co-ordinating centre for the nervous system, processing incoming information
from nerves concerned with sight, smell, taste, hearing, sensation etc. and controlling various
parts of the body, particularly muscles by way of out going (motor nerves). Higher functions
include intellect, memory, personality etc.
The spinal cord emerges from the base of the brain and leaves the skull into the bony
vertebral canal. It is protected by vertebrae throughout its length, and nerves emerge at
regular intervals. These nerves control muscles and transmit sensation back through the spinal
column to the brain.
Sympathetic nervous system
This is a fine network of nerves not under direct voluntary control influencing the function of
various organs, especially gut, bladder, blood vessels and heart.
This protects and covers the body. It consists of two layers. The outer layer is hard and contains
no blood vessels or nerves. This outer layer protects the inner layer, where there are sensitive
nerve endings numerous sweat glands and the roots of the hair.
Sweat consists of water, salt and some impurities from the blood. The evaporation of the
sweat cools the body, and helps to regulate its temperature.
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