Safe Haven by SnowQueens IceDragon COMPLETE.pdf

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Rated MA For Mature Adult. Language & Sexual Situations
Safe Haven
By SnowQueens IceDragon
Summary : Edward Cullen is filming his new movie in Las Vegas. His only
solace is Bella, who lives and works in the luxury hotel he is staying. But
is she all she seems EXPLICIT Adult content
Chapter One
Here I am in another fucking soulless, over-styled, over-priced hotel suite. I place my
hold-all on the bed and hand a twenty-dollar bill to the over anxious, big-toothed PR
prick, who‟s hovering at the doorway.
“I‟ll find my own way around… thanks.” I mumble, by which I mean fuck off - now. The
prick, all bright smiles and warm welcome closes the door and leaves me to it.
Plasmas in all the rooms, bed the size of Texas and fucking flowers everywhere. Yep, I
am back in America, land of the free and home of the rabid teen. This will be my prison
for the next month - well at least the room has a balcony so I can smoke. I open the
Fanfiction Based On Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight Series
doors and the hot air blasts through me. I lick my lips, saliva instantly feeling cooler as
the warm air evaporates the moisture off my face. Fuck it‟s hot. Only the Americans
would have the arrogance to build a fuck-off oasis, a Mecca for gamblers in the middle
of the bloody desert. I peer cautiously over the balcony. No paps… yet. It is mid
afternoon and the sun is blindingly bright. I sit down on the floor of the balcony, pull on
my Raybans, take my fags out from my shirt pocket, light up and start re-reading my
The light begins to fade around 7.00. I glance up. The strip has come to life, all lights
against a backdrop of a fading aquamarine and opal sunset. Oh… I get it now . I watch
transfixed as the sun fades. Fuck it‟s stunning, lit up like Christmas, or Harrods or some
shit like that. A timid knock at the door distracts me from the view. What the fuck now?
Fuck - a little girl… well a petite young woman on closer inspection. All nylon suit and
chestnut hair tied back and tucked under some ludicrous cap, staring intently at the
floor. She has clear, translucent, beautiful skin and a slight rosy flush on her cheeks.
She‟s looking anywhere but at me.
“Would you like a turn-down service sir?”
Normally I‟d say fuck-off – well not in so many words to a funny-looking tense young
“Please.” The word is out before I can stop myself and I watch as she flushes crimson
and walks self-consciously into the bedroom. I follow, drawn - and gaze at her as she
turns down the bed. She takes out a mint from her pocket and places it on the pillow.
Why do they do this? I‟ll have just brushed my teeth when I come to bed – I won‟t want
fucking chocolate. Her small hand reaches into her other pocket. I know what this
means. Not the petals… too many fucking flowers in here already.
“Please… no petals.” I ask.
She looks up at me, finally. Bright, bottomless, brown eyes fearful – as if she‟s
committing some major transgression, long dark lashes fanning across her pale cheeks
as she glances down uncertainly.
“Please.” I say again. Perhaps her English isn‟t very good. She frowns, a small crease
appearing between her brows. What would it be like to kiss that crease? Shit. Where the
fuck had that thought come from? She bites her full pink lower lip. Shit. Something
pulls deep in my guts and then her small pink tongue darts out and licks that lip. Fuck.
Desire… from nowhere, for this funny-looking girl. She nods briefly and heads for the
door. As she passes me, I catch the name badge on her small, pert breast … Christabel .
“Good evening Sir.” And she‟s gone – out of the door.
I shake my head and run my fingers through my hair. God I really have to stop doing
that, a nervous habit that has been photographed to fuck for over a year now. Well it‟s
better than picking my nose. Christ I‟m fucking famished. I don‟t want to risk the
restaurant so I look for the room service menu, besides my agent will be up soon. We
have things to discuss – more fucking work no doubt. I am dog-tired and need a rest –
but hey I‟ll only be flavour of the month for a while and have to seize the fucking day. I
think about calling home – but it‟s three in the morning in London and I don‟t think the
aged parents will appreciate a wake up call quite this early. My mobile rings. Where the
fuck is it? My holdall – still on the bed.
“Hi Ed – can I come up?”
“Sure Taylor - room 1114.”
I press stop on the phone. What would he have for me now? Yet more scripts no doubt.
Call time for the shoot is 5 am. Fuck that is early. Too fucking early. I pick the chocolate
mint off the pillow recalling the little girl and my weird random reaction to her. Shit –
I‟ve just brushed my teeth. Well maybe for breakfast. I clamber into bed and pick up
one of the scripts that Taylor in his unbounded enthusiasm has left me and begin to
Day one has gone well. The director really knows his shit and what‟s really refreshing is
having the writer on hand for guidance for a change… follow her vision. And of course
there is Tanya. Beautiful, spoilt, sexy, voracious, fucked up Tanya, my leading lady…
we‟d worked together once before, years ago – when we‟d both been struggling actors,
before she started believing her own hype. Now she‟s a scary older lady that I have to be
careful to keep at arms length – I so don‟t want to go there … again. I don‟t need any of
her fucked up shit. What I need is a shower.
I‟ll say one thing for the Yanks… they know plumbing – big time. Best showers on the
planet by far. Whilst washing my hair I marvel that I‟ve managed to evade the rabid
teens both to and from location and I briefly wonder how long that will last. I clamber
out of the shower refreshed and glowing and I hear the timid knocking on the door. Oh
turn-down Babe… hmmm – this should be interesting.
“Come-in” I call.
She enters, shy, retiring, staring at the floor again.
“Would you like a turn-down service Sir?”
She peeks up at me with her dark, dark eyes and I‟m wet and draped in a towel and she
flushes socialist red embarrassing us both.
“Err… please,” I mutter and step back to let her into the bedroom.
She trips over her own feet and falls, but instinctively I catch her. She‟s so light. There‟s
nothing of her. Does she eat? And she smells of flowers and cinnamon or some homely
and comforting shit like that. Thank fuck I tucked in the towel or I‟d be socialist red too.
“Are you okay?” I ask keeping my shit polite.
She gasps and the red quotient increases ten fold.
“Sorry,” she mumbles and she‟s obviously terrified. Christ - am I that scary with no
“Hey it‟s okay… you just fell over your own feet.” I give her my best reassuring,
concerned smile as I right her, let go and step back. See no hands . She stares down at
her knotted fingers and mumbles a thank you and an apology and scoots over to the
“Skittish little thing aren‟t you?” Shit – I‟ve said that out loud.
She glances up for a split second, her dark eyes impossibly wide. She really is seriously
pretty… maybe even beautiful if she‟d just take her hair down and out from under the
hideous cap thing she‟s wearing. She ignores my statement and her small hands quickly
and efficiently turn the bed down – as they must do to all the beds on this floor – and
maybe more floors. I don‟t like that thought for some inexplicable reason. She places a
mint on the pillow and then looks towards me briefly questioningly – though not
directly at me I notice, her flush has diluted to a rosy glow. Yeah, beautiful – and my
attention strays to her name badge again, over her breast. Christabel. A beautiful name
for a fucking beautiful girl.
“Petals?” she asks and her voice is soft, soothing and I can‟t place the accent.
“No thanks.”
“Will that be all?” She asks me nervously, biting her lip - her eyes on the floor again.
Whoa… small white even fucking teeth. Why won‟t she look at me? I realise that she‟s
asking me this because I‟m standing there, naked except for my towel looking at her
“Err… no thanks.” I mutter completely fucking distracted and then she licks her lower
lip again and I‟m gone – desire coursing through me – stronger than yesterday. Fuck –
what is it about her. She looks fucking fragile and vulnerable and I have an
overwhelming urge to protect her… and an overwhelming urge to ask her to stay…
maybe talk for a while. Fuck that.
“Good evening Sir.” She mumbles and then she‟s gone. And I release the breath I‟ve
been holding. Fuck – what the fuck was all that about - some silly little girl… what the
Chapter Two
Day two. What a fucking disaster. Tanya fucking Denali makes an outrageous pass at
me in my trailer… what could I do? She‟s got her tongue in my mouth and her hand
down my trousers… well it just seems rude not too. Not to indulge her little fucked up
fantasies. But fuck she‟s a crazy bitch who likes it rough… much rougher than I like it.
Make-up will have fun covering up the bites and scratches she‟s left on me. I can
envisage the teasing now… The mad bitch is also staying in the hotel – so she‟ll be hard
to avoid. Maybe I should ask to be moved… but then I won‟t see turn-down Babe … ‘So’
my conscience snarls at me… Well – she‟s cute and clean and sweet – and has probably
never jumped on some horny fucking actor who should know better.
And of course the rabid teens have cottoned on somehow to where we‟re all staying.
Fuck but they‟re crazy bitches too and they‟ve flocked downstairs… it‟s all out of bounds
now. The shower washes disastrous day two and Tanya Denali off me and I slowly
unwind. After I‟m dry I pull on my jeans and a clean t-shirt and grab a beer from the
I am slowly making my way through the room service menu, that means Hamburger
and fries tonight … the meal America has bequeathed the world… fries… Ha – they‟re
called chips where I come from. Oh I miss home. Walking my dog by the Thames –
down to the village… I say village – it‟s really a suburb of London but it has it‟s own
village pond and the best pub on the planet. The Sun Inn…. hmmm Adnams beer – you
just can‟t get it in the States – what I‟d give for a pint.
I hear the timid knock and I smile.
Turn-down Babe is here.
“Come-in.” I put my beer bottle on the side table.
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