War of the Roses by edwardandbellabelong2gether.pdf

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War of the Roses by edwardandbellabelong2gether
What do you do when you find out the one person who should never betray you...has? When
Edward & Bella have trouble conceiving and he turns to someone else for comfort...will she ever be
able to forgive him? AH Canon couples.
His total demeanor had changed. He was angry now because I was making him leave and not letting
him get his way.
He was still standing in front of me as he shoved his hands in his pockets before roughly grabbing my
hand. As he shoved my rings back on my finger he said, "I told you that I would put these back on for
you . I grabbed them when I made Charlie his breakfast this morning.
"Fine!" I shouted at him as I walked towards my window to give myself some breathing room.
IpointedoutthewindowThatbeautifulnewPorscheoutthereis mine ! I cut my hair to hurt you!
You lovemylongerhairIdontwanttodoanythingthatmakes you happy! That is the only reason I
Volvo on the way to see my dad at the hospital. He also happens to be a lawyer !"
little further.
handlingmycasegetreadytopay husband !" I yelled as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Why the fuck are you consulting with lawyers, Bella? This is bullshit and you know it! We are not
I decided to put one final nail in our marriage coffin.
I slid my rings off my finger once again and threw them at him. "It's too late, Edward. The divorce is
happening. I want to be free of you and your lies!"
With that, I stormed into the bathroom and locked the door.
Edward followed me and banged on it relentlessly. "Goddamn it, open the fucking door or I will kick it
in, I swear to God!"
" Edward! Do I need to get my gun, son ?" I could hear Charlie yell from downstairs.
"Go Edward!" I yelled again.
I heard one final pound on the door and then his voice, FineImleavingbutremember
this sweetheart thatmoneythatyouusedtobuythatfuckingcaryoulovesomuchwas my
money! You will be sorry for this Bella. You are not going to divorce me and if you want to do this the
My body slid down the door until I reached the bathroom floor.
How did I get here?
Chapter 1
Thursday: August 14, 2008, Age 24
feel it in my gut.
It had been EdwardandmemywholelifeWegrewuptogetherourparentswerebestfriendswe
had the same circle of friends including his brother and sister and their significant others.
Edward and I were married right out of high school. We wanted to go away to college together as
husband and wife.
Our friends were supportive but our parents were doubtful that we would be able to make it work at
such a young age. They knew we were very much in love but they also knew the hardships of making
a marriage work.
However, we could not be apart. Therefore, we did it. We were married a month after our high
school graduation.
WealwayshadaveryhealthysexlifeWhenIsayhealthyImeanvery healthy asinwewere
never able to get enough of one another.
We always made time for each other and for our sexual appetites.
Edward and I had been married for seven years this past June. We did not celebrate our
anniversaryhehadto work Nordidwecelebratehisbirthday also in June. His sister, Alice, and I,
threwhimasurprisepartythathedidnotshowupforallegedlyalsobecauseof work .
wehadbeentryingtogetpregnantforthelastyearandahalfOkayletmerephrasethat I was
trying to get pregnant for the last year and a half. Edward did not seem interested in it anymore.
We decided we would get pregnant after we had both finished college. However, we still continued
to put it off and I was frustrated. Finally, Edward came home one day and said he wanted us to start
trying. I was the happiest I had ever been.
Edward went to medical school and finished in the top of his class. Sure, he studied all the time and I
waslonelybutIknewthepricewewouldpayforhisdreamsIwasfine with it. I had my own
home for him. I graduated from college, but I still had yet to do anything with my degree.
The plan was for me to be the caretaker of the housethechildrenandtobethedotingdoctors
wife. Edward had this perfect vision of wanting what his parents had. His father would go to work
every day and was one of the town's most beloved doctors. Esme stayed home and provided a
happy, loving environment for their children and Carlisle.
Edward seemed as if that was what he expected for us as well.
As long as I had my Edward, I was okay with that. But when I finally talked him into starting our
familywediscoveredaproblemWewerehavingaveryhard time getting pregnant. We went to
see a specialist and he ran many tests. They discovered that I had only one ovary and that it was a
lazy ovary. The doctor said this should not make it impossible for me to get pregnant but it could be
quite difficult.
We left the office discouraged but Edward told me that we would do whatever necessary to have a
baby. It was fun at first. We were going at it like bunnies. He was coming home whenever I called and
asked him to because I was ovulating. I would go to the hospital and 'surprise' him. It was as if we
were teenagers all over again.
much longer than I had heard guys last their first time. I did not think he was ever going to stop.
cumourfirsttimetogetherwhereIhaveheardmost virgin girls do not have that experience their
I never could figure out what Edward saw in me. When I would express this to him, he would tell me I
was being absurd and that I did not see myself clearly. He told me that I was the most beautiful girl in
theworld his girltobeexactandthatIwashisbestfriend
I could not remember the last time he said that to me though.
Things came to a head a few weeks ago.
I had called and asked him to come home because I was ovulating. He made it through the door
had been rough before but he was kind of hurting me this time.
I pushed him off me. "Edward what's wrong with you?"
" I'm just giving you what you want Bella. All you fucking care about is getting pregnant so let's get
to it. I need to fuck you so I can get back to work. I do have a fucking job and people who depend
on me!"
The tears stungmyeyesButIdidnotwanttoletthemfallEdwardhateditwhenIcriedHe
" I depend on you too," I said in ashakyvoicethatdidnotmaskthefactIwasabouttocryasIhad
today sweetheart. Are we going to do this or can I go back to work?"
" Just go," I sobbed as I rolled over and away from him.
" Fine, don't wait up. I'm working a double shift." Then he got up from the bed and left me there to
Of course, he was working a double shift. For the last few months, he always worked a double
shift. It felt as if he was avoiding being around me.
was too afraid to find out the truth. I made a decision about four hours later and I decided to go to
the hospital and apologizetotrytoworkthingsoutafterwhathadjusthappened
the nurses' station and asked them to page Dr. Edward Cullen. We always had to distinguish
between Edward and Carlisle or both of them would show up if they only paged 'Dr. Cullen' since he
and his father both worked here.
The nurse looked up at me and said, "Do you mean Dr. Carlisle Cullen?"
" No, I mean Edward."
" Oh well, I'm sorry. Dr. Edward Cullen got off from his shift two hours ago. But I can page Dr.
Myfearswererealandwhydidnt this bitch know who I was?
" Miss? Would you like me to page his father?"
I shook my head. "No, that won't be necessary."
I turned and left.
End flashback.
I did not question Edward about it because I knew he would get defensive and probably not tell me
the truth. The next day I went to lunch with Alice and Rosalie.
Alice was Edward's twin sister, while Rosalie was married to his brother Emmett. Alice was married
to Rose's brother, Jasper. I told them about what had been going on in my marriage. They both
assured me that it all had to be a misunderstanding because Edward would never do something like
that to me.
I still had my doubts and suspicions.
After lunch that day, I made the choice that led me to where I was at today. We had a radio show
here in Seattle on my favorite channel in the mornings. The two disc jockeys on the show always did
a segment on Thursdays called Rose Wars with Wendy and Adam.
In this segment, they would call someone's significant other to find out if they were cheating or not.
The woman, Wendy always called the person in question and offered them a dozen free red roses.
She would then tell them that they would be sent to the person of their choice. She then got the
person to give her a name for the card and a greeting for her to write on there.
All you had to do was email the morning show with your story and Wendy and Adam would read
over them and decide whom they wanted to pick each week.
I emailed them the same day that I had my lunch with Rose and Alice. Monday they called and said
that I had been picked for this week's show. This was it. I was going to find out if Edward was
cheating on me or not.
I was extremely nervous. I had hardly eaten since Monday when I found out I would be on this
week's show. I had to know and finally I was going to get my answer. I was scared. While one part of
and something was definitely off about Edward.
I called the radio station and waited for them to bringmeintotheshowOncetheygottomeIhad
to explain my story to everyone. I had to talk about the email that I wrote and why I suspected my
husband of cheating. It was humiliating to talk about this with strangers.
I did not know what else to do.
why we're doing this. Okay? Are you ready?"
I took a deep breath. "I'm ready," I said shakily. One way or another, this was all going to be out in
the open soon. I was just praying it went the way I wanted it to go.
They dialed my husband's cell phone number. "Hello?"
"Yes can I speak to Edward please?" Wendy said to him.
"This is Edward."
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