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The Underground Training Course
For Combat Athletes
© www.UndergroundCombatTraining.com
Zach Even – Esh Performance Systems, LLC
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If you want to get brutally strong and powerful as well as having the look of thick, dense
muscle then it’s time to train Underground. Many decades and even centuries ago the
greatest lifters and most dominant athletes looked strong AND actually were brutally
strong! They were what we would call “All Show and ALL Go!”
Nowadays too many people look strong but can’t perform with high levels of strength
and power. This is what happens when you follow pretty workouts that revolve around
high tech equipment and wimpy workouts. As a combat athlete, we BOTH know that we
must be able to maintain out strength, power and conditioning through an entire bout,
regardless of our combat sport of choice.
These men lifted stones, heavy barbells with two hands and one hand, heavy kettlebells,
climbed rope, pressed heavy thick handle dumbbells plus many more amazing feats!
They also trained with high volume and frequency. This showed that due to all this
manual labor type training coupled with their Underground training, their GPP levels
(work capacity) were very high. Unlike many of today’s lifters and athletes who are very
out of shape and can not handle high intensity work outs!
Now, depending on how often you train in combat, and how intense your combat
workouts are, this will determine how much Underground training you do. The more you
train in combat, the less Underground training you’ll perform.
Remember, we reap the rewards of our training through proper rest and nutrition. Part of
your discipline will be resting when you may really want to train. Discipline means doing
© www.UndergroundCombatTraining.com
Zach Even – Esh Performance Systems, LLC
what you have to do and what is best for you, not what you want to do! What you want to
do has nothing to do with what is best for you!
Getting back to these strongman fighters, they all had a common goal in mind and that
was to get extremely strong and powerful! In turn they all built physiques that are still
held with the highest esteem today! Wrestling, especially Greco Roman wrestling was a
large part of their training back in the day.
Above, George Hackenschmidt - known as the 'Russian Lion', was a brutal wrestler and
regularly used Russian Kettlebells to develop dominating strength, power and endurance!
Sumo style training with throws and hip tosses was a huge event in the olden days, and
sometimes these wrestling matches would go on for more than 1 day with the same two
athletes! Talk about having high endurance, conditioning and mental toughness!
Let’s take a look at some of the tools they used back in the day, which have made a
comeback into today’s training for many individuals, athlete or not! I must warn you
though, this training takes guts and a no fear attitude! You must be willing to push
© www.UndergroundCombatTraining.com
Zach Even – Esh Performance Systems, LLC
yourself and challenge yourself with heavy weights and odd objects. You’ll be sore in
places you never felt before.
In the end though, you will reap the rewards of Underground training which is that of
obtaining a body that looks strong and powerful while performing with domination! If
you think you’re ready then let’s get started!
Below is a list of equipment that you will want to start collecting slowly for your own
gym. That’s right, your own gym – not many gyms are left out there nowadays that cater
to the hard core lifter who wants to train raw, in the trenches, NO BS style! Don’t forget
though, much of the equipment listed here can be obtained for free from junk yards, tire
yards or can be made by a local welder! My suggestion is that you investigate your
resources and snag the necessities for FREE, then move on and purchase toys if
Sandbags – You can’t go wrong here. This is one of the cheapest portable gyms around
and one of the most effective. Get yourself a duffel bag from an army navy store, and
then get 2 or 3 bags of pea gravel. Place the pea gravel inside two heavy duty contractor
bags, tape them up for security and then load them into your duffel bag. Start with the
basics: farmer walks, military press, clean and press, squats, bent over rows and Turkish
get ups.
© www.UndergroundCombatTraining.com
Zach Even – Esh Performance Systems, LLC
Above, two pea gravel bags taped up and ready to get some abuse in a canvas army navy
duffel bag!
Above, bent over sandbag rows. This is a great way to incorporate grip work with your
pulling movements. An excellent move for Judoka and Gi Grapplers.
© www.UndergroundCombatTraining.com
Zach Even – Esh Performance Systems, LLC
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