Barry Feig - Marketing Straight to the Heart, From New Product Development to Advertising (1997).pdf

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Marketing Straight to the Heart
Barry Feig
American Manag ement Association
New York • Atlanta • Boston • Chicag o • Kansas City • San Francisco • W ashing ton, D.C.
Brussels • Mexico City • Tokyo • Toronto
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services of a competent professional person should be sought.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Feig, Barry.
Marketing straight to the heart / Barry Feig.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-8144-0355-7
1. Brand choice. 2. Motivation research (Marketing) 3. Marketing—Psychological aspects. I. Title.
HF5415.3.F393 1997
658.8—dc21 96-52678
© 1997 Barry Feig.
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
This publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part,
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without
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To the people who love me and whom I love in return— and especially to my children, Meredith
and Jeremy , who are MY hot buttons
1 What Is Share of Heart? How Can It Work for You? 1
2 Fifteen Hot Buttons to Push 20
3 Straight-to-the-Heart Marketing Research 39
4 Staking Your Claim to Your Target Market: The to-the-Heart Mission
Statement 63
5 Developing the Marketing Strategy 77
6 Creating Share of Heart From the Start: Developing New Product
Winners 98
7 Exploding Those Deadly Marketing Myths 116
8 How Marketing to the Heart Can Reverse the Fortunes of Stagnant or
Declining Brands 131
9 Hooking the Heart Through Advertising 150
10 Making Consumers Embrace Your Products and Brands 168
11 About Value 185
A Final Word From the Author 190
Index 191
The most captivating moments in any Olympic games are not in the athletic endeavors—most runners
and swimmers look pretty much the same while performing—but what happens after the event. The
emotions of the achievers, winning or losing, often transcend the actual accomplishments.
This book is about emotions and achievements—marketing achievements.
You can't separate the selling of a product, any product, from the emotions that come with buying that
product. That's why successful companies, even companies with such unglamorous products as tires,
base their marketing strategies on emotion. Those Michelin commercials featuring babies area great
deal more effective than just listing dull factoids and factory specs. People who sell time-shares and
vacation properties spend a great deal of time learning about their customers' emotional wants and
needs before they show the property they are hawking. They sell a dream rather than reality.
Emotion is critical to every phase of business, from product planning and development to marketing to
R&D. It should be built into every marketing plan. Even when one pitches an idea to management and
stockholders, it's necessary to push the correct emotional buttons as well as to talk about numbers and
potential markets.
This book is based on interviews and work I've done with consumers and the companies that sell to
them. When I say consumers, I include businesspeople. I've spoken to a great many people over the
years in both consumer and business-to-business market segments, and this book is the outgrowth.
The tools for achieving marketing success are spread throughout the book, but I suggest you read
Chapters 1 to 3 as a complete unit, for they are the foundations of the book.
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