Tucker. Konstruktor marzeń - Tucker. The Man and His Dream (1988) DVDRip.XviD.Napisy PL.txt

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00:00:41:Chances are
00:00:42:you've never heard of|Preston Thomas Tucker...
00:00:49:a man ahead of his time.
00:00:56:Pretty, isn't it?
00:00:57:Mr. Tucker's car|has everything...
00:01:00:pop-out safety windows,|rear motor.
00:01:02:Oh, but I'm getting|ahead of my story.
00:01:05:The first time|he ever saw an automobile,
00:01:08:he was just|a young boy.
00:01:10:In his excitement,
00:01:12:he found the wheels|passing over his feet.
00:01:15:The muddy road was soft.
00:01:17:He wasn't hurt.
00:01:18:That was the first view|of the machine
00:01:21:that was to mold|his thoughts and actions
00:01:24:most of his life.
00:01:26:Determined to learn|how cars were made,
00:01:29:he went to Detroit,
00:01:30:where he met Vera Fuqua.
00:01:32:They were married,
00:01:34:and, wasting no time,|began a family.
00:01:37:He never lost sight|of his dream
00:01:40:to design|and manufacture
00:01:42:the finest automobile|ever made.
00:01:45:He spent|every minute he could
00:01:48:at the Indianapolis|Speedway,
00:01:49:teaming up|with Harry Miller,
00:01:51:one of the greatest|designers of racing cars
00:01:54:who ever lived.
00:01:57:In 1936, Mr. Tucker|saw the war clouds
00:02:00:looming on the horizon
00:02:02:and began working
00:02:03:on a high-speed|combat car.
00:02:06:It was bulletproof,|had air conditioning,
00:02:09:and mounted|a power-operated gun turret.
00:02:12:The combat car was|turned down by the military.
00:02:15:It had one drawback,|they said.
00:02:18:It was too fast.
00:02:19:The War Department's|policy then was
00:02:22:no combat car should go|over 35 miles an hour.
00:02:29:His gun turret,|however,
00:02:31:was immediately|put into service.
00:02:34:Who knows how many|brave Americans
00:02:36:owe their lives|to Tucker's turret?
00:02:39:Where were they built?
00:02:41:In the most practical|place Tucker imagined...
00:02:44:the barn|by his Michigan home
00:02:46:where he|and his family lived.
00:03:05:Oh, my God.
00:03:12:Hold that tiger
00:03:15:Hold that tiger
00:03:17:Hold that tiger
00:03:19:Hold that tiger
00:03:21:Hold that tiger
00:03:23:Come on out, girl.
00:03:25:What's this?
00:03:26:Did you put this|in my car?
00:03:30:Did you?|What is this thing?
00:03:33:Open it.
00:03:34:What is it?
00:03:35:My friends,|you are in for one doozie.
00:03:38:What can|I call this?
00:03:40:It's history|in the making.
00:03:42:Is there anything|you want to explain
00:03:45:about the dogs?
00:03:47:Oh... well, I traded|the old Packard for them.
00:03:52:One dozen|trained dogs.
00:03:54:What will we do|with a dozen dogs?
00:03:57:It was a great trade.
00:03:59:Are you dying|to know what's in here?
00:04:02:Huh? No?
00:04:03:- Yes.|- Yes.
00:04:04:You're dying, huh?
00:04:06:Gallup took a poll
00:04:08:about what Americans want|when the war's over.
00:04:10:87 of Americans said
00:04:12:the first thing|they want is a new car.
00:04:16:Which would the public|rather buy?
00:04:19:The same|old models made
00:04:21:before the war or...
00:04:24:the car of tomorrow...
00:04:29:- Ooh!|- Whoa!
00:04:32:Looks like he's going|90 mph standing still.
00:04:35:Know who's going to|build these cars? We are.
00:04:38:We'll put the Big Three|out of business.
00:04:40:Who will we sell|them to? Buck Rogers?
00:04:43:Under the hood,|we've got luggage.
00:04:47:Engine's in the rear|where it ought to be.
00:04:50:Look at this.|Individual torque converters.
00:04:52:You're crazy!
00:04:54:You'd have to have wheel tracks|70 inches wide.
00:04:57:Dinner's ready!
00:04:59:All right.|Let's go!
00:05:00:How many?
00:05:03:How about|the U.S. Army?
00:05:05:You boys hungry?
00:05:07:Oh, Millie!|Millie!
00:05:10:And our best|dog food, huh?
00:05:16:Hold that tiger
00:05:18:Hold that tiger
00:05:19:Hold that tiger...
00:05:22:How much you going|to tell him?
00:05:27:Coming through.|Got dirty dishes.
00:05:29:They'll fall on you.
00:05:30:Don't trip!
00:05:31:The fenders...|Light.
00:05:33:Who's this guy,|Karatz?
00:05:35:He's a business man.
00:05:36:I met him|on the train.
00:05:41:Come here, Junior.
00:05:45:Who's that?
00:05:46:The man I've been|talking about.
00:05:49:Abe Karatz.
00:05:51:Good luck, honey.
00:05:52:We'll be|in the den.
00:05:58:Look at him.
00:06:00:Yeah. He's scary.
00:06:02:He's not scary.
00:06:03:He's from New York.
00:06:07:I appreciate|your coming.
00:06:09:How long|between trains?
00:06:10:You like living in|the middle of nowhere?
00:06:13:You want coffee at|2 a.m., you'd die first.
00:06:16:Yeah, or make one.
00:06:18:Who wants coffee|at 2 a.m.?
00:06:20:You chew the fat|with the waitress.
00:06:23:Here you|look around,
00:06:24:there's nothing|but scenery.
00:06:26:We're stuck|with that.
00:06:27:How do you like|your coffee?
00:06:30:In the city.
00:06:35:Double fives again,
00:06:37:and he does it.
00:06:42:You brought me|here for cars?
00:06:47:Does that look|like a car to you?
00:06:50:That is a gold mine|I'm handing you
00:06:53:on a silver platter.
00:06:55:Forget it.
00:06:57:You got no chance.
00:06:58:How can you|say that?
00:07:00:You haven't even|heard my ideas.
00:07:04:Einstein's|in the idea business,
00:07:05:making|numbers so high
00:07:07:only dogs hear them.
00:07:08:But what's it|cost him?
00:07:10:Paper, pencils.
00:07:11:To manufacture a car,
00:07:13:you need millions|of dollars.
00:07:15:Well, that is what|Wall Street is for...
00:07:18:to float|stock issues, Abe.
00:07:21:Who are you?
00:07:23:What do you know?
00:07:24:Any experience|on Wall Street?
00:07:26:It's revolutionary.
00:07:27:This is how cars are|going to be made.
00:07:30:Abe, and with|your connections...
00:07:32:I don't have|connections.
00:07:34:I have connections|with connections.
00:07:36:Speaking for them,|myself, and God...
00:07:39:Him, too...|forget about it.
00:07:42:You got no chance.
00:08:16:Well, think about it.
00:08:20:Drive safely.
00:08:21:Yes, sir.
00:09:03:Pile in, cutie.
00:09:05:Who wants ice cream?
00:09:07:Let's go to Doc's!
00:09:09:Man your positions.
00:09:11:See if we can break|our record time.
00:09:13:Hurry up! Come on!
00:09:15:I've got|my position.
00:09:26:It was pathetic|how he loved the idea.
00:09:29:Embarrassing|to see a man like that
00:09:32:trying so hard to|play my harp strings.
00:09:35:I'm going to make him|sweat a while first.
00:09:41:Watch this baby|accelerate!
00:09:44:- Whoa!|- Whoa!
00:09:45:Hold that tiger
00:09:46:Hold that tiger
00:09:48:Sounds like Tucker again.
00:09:49:Yep! That's him.|Let's go!
00:09:51:Hold that tiger
00:09:53:Hold that tiger
00:09:54:Hold that tiger
00:09:58:Where's that tiger
00:09:59:Where's that tiger
00:10:01:Here's that tiger
00:10:03:Where's that tiger
00:10:04:Here's that tiger
00:10:06:Where's that tiger
00:10:08:Here's that tiger
00:10:09:Do do do do|do do do do
00:10:12:Do do do do|deedle da da dum
00:10:14:Da da da|deedle da da da
00:10:16:Deedle da da dum...
00:10:18:Who wants|ice cream?
00:10:22:How you doing, Doc?
00:10:23:Ok, if you don't|include everything.
00:10:26:How about sodas|all around?
00:10:28:Triple scoops|tonight.
00:10:30:Triple scoops.
00:10:31:Chocolate,|pistachio, strawberry.
00:10:32:You can|mix them all up, OK?
00:10:35:Strawberry soda.
00:10:37:Hey, uh...
00:10:38:ain't those|prefab houses something?
00:10:40:How do you know|they're any good?
00:10:43:They're not|even built yet.
00:10:45:It says so|in the magazine.
00:10:48:Johnny, stop.
00:10:49:Yuck! He spilled it.
00:10:51:Noble, stop|eating my sundae.
00:10:53:Stop it, Johnny.
00:10:54:Hey, does anybody|want strawberry?
00:10:57:Hold that tiger
00:10:59:Hold that tiger
00:11:00:Working with a writer,
00:11:02:Tucker got an article|about the car published
00:11:05:in pic magazine.
00:11:06:But nobody,|not even Tucker,
00:11:08:was prepared|for what happened.
00:11:10:Within a week,
00:11:12:150,000 letters|poured in
00:11:13:from all over|the country.
00:11:15:"I want a Tucker."
00:11:17:"Where can I|buy a Tucker?"
00:11:19:"Can I get|a dealership?"
00:11:21:Overnight, the nation|had gone Tucker crazy.
00:11:26:Just because Tucker|builds a car
00:11:29:doesn't mean he can|mass produce it.
00:11:34:So... what do we need|to make this work?
00:11:40:Well, we need a car.
00:11:42:A car we got.
00:11:43:A working prototype?
00:11:45:Says so|in the magazine.
00:11:47:We, uh, also|will have to have
00:11:50:some big|Detroit names
00:11:52:for the board...|the prospectus.
00:11:54:Like who?
00:11:55:Well, there was a fellow,
00:11:57:vice president|at Ford many years,
00:11:59:Robert Bennington.
00:12:01:He's president at|Plymouth right now,
00:12:03:but he's being|kicked upstairs.
00:12:05:We might get him.
00:12:07:Will he want a say|in running things?
00:12:10:A say?
00:12:11:Bennington will|run the company.
00:12:13:Tucker may not|go for that.
00:12:15:People don't|buy stock.
00:12:17:They buy people|they can trust
00:12:19:or believe they can.
00:12:21:If what's-his-name...
00:12:23:If Tucker's going to be|a pain in the ass...
00:12:26:Don't worry.|He's a good man.
00:12:29:What else do we need?
00:12:31:We need|a factory, hmm?
00:12:34:You get Bennington,|whatever it takes.
00:12:38:I'll get the factory.
00:12:41:Thank you.
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