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A C olleCtion of C hArACter C Areers & A dvAnCes
Lead Developer: Jay Little
Additional Design and Writing: Dave Allen, Owen Barnes, Bill Bodden, David Chart,
Dan Clark, Mike Ferguson, Lizard Harac, Jude Hornborg, Gary McBride, Clive Oldfield,
Dylan Owen, Aaron Rosenberg, Steven Schend, Jeff Tidball, Dan White, Wayde Zalken
Editing: Mark O’Connor, Dylan Owen, Sam Stewart
Graphic Design: Hal Mangold, Andrew Navaro
Cover Art: Ralph Horsley WFRP Logo: Darius Hink s
Interior Art: Toren “Macbin” Atkinson, Steve Belledin, Caleb Cleveland, Dave Gallagher, David Griffith,
Jon Hodgson, Carl Frank, Ted Galaday, Janine Johnston, Pat Loboyko, Britt Martin, Val Mayerik,
Justin Norman, Erik Polak, Scott Purdy, Wayne Reynolds, Rick Sardinha, Adrian Smith, Greg Staples
Art Direction: Zoë Robinson
Managing Developer: Michael Hurley
Publisher: Christian T. Petersen
Fantasy Flight Games
1975 West County Road B2
Roseville, MN 55113
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical,
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Wa r hammer Fantasy Roleplay © Games Workshop Limited 2005. his edition © Games Workshop Limited 2009. Games Workshop, Warhammer, Warhammer
Fantasy Roleplay, the foregoing marks’ respective logos and all associated marks, logos, places, names, creatures, races and race insignia/devices/logos/symbols,
vehicles, locations, weapons, units and unit insignia, characters, products and illustrations from the Warhammer World and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay game
setting are either ®, TM and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2009, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. his edition published
under license to Fantasy Flight Publishing Inc. Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved to
their respective owners.
Product Code: WH27 ISBN: 978-1-58994-547-0
For more information about the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay line, free downloads, answers to rules questions,
or to participate in the online community, visit us online at:
Playtesters: Alexander J. Bateman, J.R. Godwin, Michael Hurley, Fredrik Jacobsson, Lapsang Souchong (Roger Put, Robbert Raets,
Eric Rutjens, Wim van Gruisen, Gilbert van Zeijl), Jonas Lindström, Karl-Henrik Malmquist, Mark O’Connor, Dave Perry, Stefan Persson,
haad Powell, Aurel Quarzell, Ross Watson, Ian Wilson, and Paul Wright
Special hanks: Owen Rees and all the great folks with Games Workshop, for all of their assistance.
Table of Contents
t Able of C ontents
i ntroduCtion ����������������� 4
Crime Lord.......................... 54
Crusader.............................. 55
Cult Attendant...................... 56
Daemon Slayer...................... 57
Deepwatcher ......................... 58
Demagogue .......................... 59
Dilettante ............................60
Drover................................ 61
Duellist............................... 62
Dung Collector ..................... 63
Embalmer ............................64
Enforcer.............................. 65
Engineer.............................. 66
Entertainer........................... 67
Envoy................................. 68
Estalian Diestro..................... 69
Ex-Convict ..........................70
Exciseman ............................ 71
Exorcist............................... 72
Explorer ...............................73
Faceless ............................... 74
Farmer ................................ 75
Fence .................................. 76
Ferryman............................. 77
Fieldwarden.......................... 78
Fisherman ............................ 79
Foreman .............................. 81
Forger................................. 82
Friar................................... 84
Frogwife ............................. 85
Gambler .............................. 86
Ghost Strider ........................ 87
Giant Slayer ......................... 88
Grail Knight ........................ 89
Grail Pilgrim .......................90
Grandmaster......................... 91
Grave Robber .......................92
Grave Warden ...................... 93
Guild Master ........................94
Hag Mother ......................... 95
Hag Witch .......................... 96
Hedge Wizard ...................... 97
Hedgecraft Apprentice ............ 98
Hedgewise.......................... 100
Herald ............................... 101
Herrimault .........................102
High Priest ......................... 103
Horned Hunter ....................105
Horse Archer .......................106
Horse Coper........................107
Horse Master .......................108
Ice Maiden .......................... 110
Ice Witch............................111
Initiate............................... 112
Interrogator ........................ 114
Jailer ..................................115
Journeyman Runesmith ......... 116
Journeyman Wizard ............. 117
Judicial Champion ................ 118
Killer of the Dead ................ 119
Kislevite Kossar...................120
Kithband Warrior................ 121
Knight .............................. 122
Knight Errant ..................... 123
Knight of the Blazing Sun......124
Knight of the Inner Circle...... 125
Knight of the Raven ............. 126
Knight of the Realm............. 127
Knight of the Verdant Field ...... 128
Knight Panther....................129
Lamplighter ........................ 130
Lay Priest ............................131
Litigant ............................. 132
Man-at-Arms .......................133
Marauder............................ 134
Master Runesmith ................ 136
Master Thief ........................137
Master Vigilant.....................138
Master Wizard .................... 139
Mate .................................140
Mediator ............................ 141
Mercenary ..........................142
Merchant............................ 143
Messenger ...........................144
Militiaman ......................... 145
Miner ................................146
Minstrel ............................. 147
Monk ................................ 148
Mystic ...............................150
Navigator ............................151
Newssheet Vendor................. 152
Noble .................................153
Noble Lord ......................... 154
Norse Berserker .................... 155
C Areers ���������������������������6
Abbot .................................. 6
Admiral ............................... 7
Agent of the Shroud .................8
Agitator ............................... 9
Ambassador .......................... 10
Anchorite .............................11
Animal Trainer..................... 12
Anointed Priest ......................13
Apothecary .......................... 14
Apprentice Runesmith .............15
Apprentice Witch.................. 16
Apprentice Wizard ................ 17
Artillerist ............................ 18
Artisan................................ 19
Astrologer ........................... 21
Ataman ............................... 22
Badlander............................. 23
Badlands Ranger....................24
Bailiff ................................ 25
Barber-Surgeon ..................... 26
Battle Pilgrim....................... 27
Bear Tamer .......................... 28
Black Guard .........................29
Boatman.............................. 30
Bodyguard ............................31
Bondsman............................ 32
Border Courtier .................... 34
Bounty Hunter ......................35
Burgher .............................. 36
Camp Follower ......................38
Cantor ................................ 39
Captain ...............................40
Carcassonne Shepherd.............. 41
Cartographer ........................42
Cat Burglar.......................... 43
Catechist .............................44
Cenobite ............................. 45
Charcoal-Burner.................... 47
Charlatan ............................ 48
Chekist ...............................49
Chimneysweep ...................... 50
Cloaked Brother .....................51
Coachman............................ 52
Table of Contents
Outlaw .............................. 156
Outlaw Chief ...................... 157
Outrider............................. 158
Pamphleteer ........................ 159
Penitent ............................. 161
Physician............................ 162
Pilgrim .............................. 163
Pistolier .............................164
Pit Fighter .......................... 165
Politician ........................... 166
Prelate ............................... 167
Priest................................. 168
Protagonist .........................169
Questing Knight .................170
Racketeer ........................... 171
Raconteur .......................... 172
Rapscallion ..........................173
Rat Catcher ........................ 174
Reaver ............................... 175
Riverwarden........................ 176
Roadwarden ........................ 177
Rogue ............................... 178
Runebearer ......................... 179
Scholar............................... 181
Scourge of God .................... 182
Scribe ................................ 184
Sea Captain ......................... 185
Seaman .............................. 186
Seer................................... 187
Sergeant ............................. 188
Servant .............................. 189
Sewer Jack ..........................190
Shieldbreaker ....................... 191
Skald .................................192
Slave ................................. 193
Slaver ................................194
Smuggler............................ 195
Soldier ...............................196
Spy ................................... 197
Squire................................ 198
Steppes Nomad.....................199
Stevedore ........................... 200
Steward ..............................201
Streltsi .............................. 202
Strigany Mystic ...................203
Student ............................. 204
Swamp Skimmer...................205
Swampaire ......................... 206
Targeteer........................... 207
Temple Guardian..................208
Thief ............................... 209
Toll Keeper ........................ 211
Tomb Robber ..................... 212
Tradesman .......................... 213
Troll Slayer ........................214
Vagabond ........................... 215
Valet ................................. 216
Vampire Hunter................... 217
Verenean Investigator ............ 218
Veteran ..............................219
Village Elder ...................... 220
Wall Warden...................... 221
Warlock ............................ 223
Warrior Priest.....................224
Whaler ..............................226
Winged Lancer ....................227
Wise Woman .....................228
Witch ...............................229
Witch Hunter .....................230
Wizard Lord....................... 231
Woodsman ......................... 232
Wrecker .............................233
Yeoman ............................. 234
Zealot ............................... 235
A ppendiCes �������������������� 236
Appendix I: Character Creation
Summary ........................ 236
Appendix II: Master Starting
Career Table .................... 238
Appendix III: Starting Careers by
Role Tables .................... 240
Appendix IV: Alternate Starting
Careers Tables ..................242
Appendix V: Skills & Talents by
Cult.............................. 244
Appendix VI: Provincial Features
(Optional) .......................245
Appendix VII: Combat Action
Summary ........................246
Map of the Old World ..........248
Character Sheet ....................250
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i ntroduCtion
Welcome to the Wa r hammer Fantasy Roleplay Career
Compendium . his book presents a huge collection of
careers from a wide range of WFRP products, organising
and centralising information that was previously spread
out among a dozen or more books into one convenient
resource. We also introduce several new careers to help lesh
out your campaigns and add more realism and depth to the
Old World. Inside the pages of the Career Compendium you
will ind more than 220 careers, each career featuring new
information and ideas for both players and GMs. he book
also provides literally hundreds of adventure seeds and plot
hooks to create engaging, memorable encounters and stories
involving these careers.
Careers also help tell a story. As a character advances over the
course of a WFRP campaign, the careers he adopts become a
sort of journal of his life. he story behind the Rat Catcher
who seizes an opportunity to strike it rich by becoming a
hief could be wholly diferent from the Rat Catcher who
takes up arms and chooses to become a Shieldbreaker. Or the
Apprentice Wizard who eschews the other wizardly careers
to instead focus on acadaemia and becomes a Scholar. he
countless other career combinations also have their own
unique stories to tell.
he career system provides a more luid, natural progression
than many other advancement systems. Characters tend to
advance more gradually over time, improving here by a bit,
getting slightly better at that – as opposed to the jarring,
sudden surges in ability by having everything change at
once. his gradual process makes progression easier to
integrate into the story, and makes it easier for a GM to ind
opportunities within a campaign to justify advancement.
Based on the career system’s importance to the WFRP
experience, and seeing how much depth, lavour, and
realism it adds to the setting, it is easy to see how valuable a
sourcebook like the Career Compendium will be to your game.
The Career System
Why a Career Compendium ? Perhaps more than any other
game element, the system of careers is a signature part of
WFRP . he careers provide lavour and identity to player
characters as well as NPCs. here’s a sense of realism the
career system generates for the setting, illing the Old
World with people from all walks of life, from the lowly
Rat Catchers and Bone Pickers to Noble Lords and Warrior
It also provides a great tool to GMs to help create non-player
characters for their campaigns. You don’t have to decide how
to shoehorn the leader of a village into a broad, generic class
like “Fighter.” Instead, you can ind relevant careers that help
create a fully leshed out character concept and can populate
your world with people that make sense.
Using This Book
he focus of this book is an alphabetical listing of careers.
Each career has its own full-page listing, making it easier to
skim through the book and ind the career you’re looking for,
while also allowing us to devote more attention to the many
diferent types of careers available in Wa r hammer Fantasy
Roleplay . here are no separate chapters or sections, until you
reach the Appendices.
If you are a player, you can use this book to quickly explore
the advancement options available to your character. Rather
than shuling back and forth through several books, you
can easily compare and evaluate your options right here.
As a GM, the Career Compendium will quickly become
one of your most valuable tools. he book is illed with
hundreds of ideas and a wealth of new information about
the Old World and its people. And if your players go of in
a direction you weren’t anticipating during a session (as they
are wont to do), you can quickly generate NPCs by inding
appropriate careers.
Updates & Errata
Where possible, the careers found in the Career Compendium
have been updated to relect the most current errata and
corrections. Changes to the advance schemes, talents, skills,
and trappings have been lagged in special text to make
identifying these updates easy.
Further, the career entries and exits have been updated and
adjusted, allowing more luid mobility between several careers.
Previously, n e w careers found in other WFRP sourcebooks
generally only provided career mobility between other careers
from the same sourcebook or the WFRP Core Rulebook . he
Career Compendium allows some of these careers to connect
where there is a natural, logical relationship.
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