Burton Jaci - Lycan's Surrender (Ellora's Cave).pdf

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Jaci Burton - Lycan's Surrender
An Elloras Cave Publication, May 2004
Elloras Cave Publishing, Inc.
PO Box 787
Hudson, OH 44236-0787
ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-84360-868-5
Other available formats (no ISBNs are assigned):
Adobe (PDF), Rocketbook (RB), Mobipocket (PRC) & HTML
Edited by Briana St. James.
Cover art by Syneca .
Jaci Burton
For all those who have fought for freedom, I thank you and dedicate this book to you.
And for Charlie, who is my warrior, my king and my love.
Chapter One
The Planet Czeralion
Lycan, King of Raynar, stood over the carnage. Bodies littered the arid, desert landscape.
The battle had been fierce, moreso because theyd run into two different clans.
Some of those that lay dead on the hard, unforgiving ground were female. That could not
be helped.
He whirled at the sound of a moan, realizing a woman at his feet still breathed. He
remembered this one. He thought he had killed her, even though he had not sliced through
her, merely bashed her helmeted head with his sword
Is she dead?
Lycan shrugged in response to Tors question. He knelt and bent over the unconscious
woman, placing two fingers on the side of her neck. She has a pulse.
Too bad.
Lycan frowned at his best friend. Were taking her back with us. Check the others. See if
anyone else is alive.
Tor frowned, his expression filled with anger. She tried to kill you. Why dont you just
finish her off?
Why, indeed? If she were any other warrior, shed already be dead. But women were
protected in the kingdom of Raynar. Though she wasnt of Raynar, she was still female and
would not be intentionally harmed.
Besides, it was his blow that sent her to the ground. While perfectly acceptable to defend
himself against an attacking female, there was nothing noble about running her through while
she lay helpless on the ground. Im taking her back.
With a sigh of disgust, Tor turned on his heel and mounted his balon, giving orders to the
other warriors to search the bodies for signs of life. Tors furry beast let out a howling cry, its
blue horn pointing toward the sky. Tor pulled on the reins and galloped away, leaving Lycan
alone with the woman.
He pulled off her helmet and checked her head for other injuries. She was a mess, her hair
tied back in some kind of braid and filthy with the dirt of battle. Her leggings and arm braces
were torn and she stunk to high heaven.
With hands more gentle than he should use on an enemy, he lifted her and climbed easily
onto his black balon , positioning the female in front of him so he could hold her in place. Her
head dropped against his chest and he wound his arms around her. The animal let out the
same piercing wail as Tors, then took off at a fast run at Lycans command.
The ride back to Raynar was long, and yet the woman had not regained consciousness by
the time they arrived at the gates. He lifted her off the balon , ordering his aide to dispatch the
physician to the chambers next to his bedroom.
The woman was feather light, her slight frame like a childs. But her body was that of a
woman. Her breasts were plump and full, as evidenced by the peek of cleavage displayed
through the tattered laces of her thin shirt.
Lycan kicked the door open to his chamber and walked through to the second bedroom.
He deposited the woman in the center of the silken coverlet.
Still no response from her. He reached for her throat again and found her pulse still
beating steady.
You called for me?
Lycan turned at the question from Dar, the royal physician. Yes. This Dognelle woman
has been injured and has not regained consciousness. Look her over. Ill be back shortly.
Dar nodded and bent over the woman, quickly untying the laces of her shirt. Lycan tilted
his head to the side and watched, enjoying the exposure of one side of a creamy breast.
Lingering was unnecessary and yet he couldnt seem to turn his eyes away from the slow
unveiling. Dar would report his findings when he finished examining the woman. Besides,
Lycan needed a bath and a change of clothes. Seven days out in the heat and dirt and he
probably reeked worse than the woman.
He entered the dark, paneled bath chamber, waving off the concubines who came to greet
him. The smell of cedar filled the air, reminding him of swimming in the lakes as a young boy.
Stripping off his clothes, he sighed deeply at the welcoming sight of the steaming water. The
turquoise pool was large enough to fit a dozen, but right now he was in no mood for female
Sliding into the warmth, he laid his head back and studied the skylights, open today to let
the warm sun inside.
Tor joined him, cursing his way into the room.
Damn women, Tor muttered, stripping quickly and sliding into the water. You need to
have them serviced by the guards or some of the other staff members while were gone. I can
no more step foot in the palace than ten of them are on me.
Lycan laughed. And youre complaining? You love them all and you know it.
A half smile curled Tors lips. Maybe. Right now Im just tired. I want to sleep until
morning. Alone.
Lycan knew how Tor felt. His muscles were sore from hard riding and equally taxing
battles. They had already spent three days fighting warriors from the Centuri Kingdom when
they ran into the Dognelle on their way back home.
Dognelle, while female, were well-trained warriors. Killing women went against
everything Lycan believed in, yet he had no choice when theyd come upon them. Warring
with the Dognelle was no different than with any of the other clans. Raynar was one of the
richest kingdoms, sitting on top of prime land that any one of a hundred clans wanted to
The Dognelle had chances to merge with the Raynar kingdom, and had steadfastly refused
to join them. Instead, they made war on Raynar just as Centuri did.
Sometimes it seems like weve been at war since the day I was born, Lycan murmured,
staring into the rippling blue water.
We have been. Since we were old enough to wield a sword and mount a balon, weve
been warriors. Before that, we played war, then trained for it. Its our life, Lycan. We have to
defend whats ours.
Heaviness weighed on Lycans soul. I realize that. I just wish we could have peace.
Tor snorted. Peace? With who? The Dognelle? Id just as soon slice off my own dick than
lie down with those heathens.
Theyre just women, Lycan muttered.
Theyre barbarians. Probably cut our throats, or even worse, while we slept.
And one lay unconscious in the chamber next to his. Maybe he should sleep with his
sword tonight.
After he bathed, he dressed in buff leather pants. When he returned to the secondary
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