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Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it.


Te ćwiczenia są bardzo typowe dla wszelkich egzaminów; transformacje takie wymagają absolutnego zachowania znaczenia przekształcanych zdań, co w praktyce oznacza, że musimy zidentyfikować konstrukcje o tym samym znaczeniu; najlepiej wyuczyć się par ekwiwalentnych konstrukcji - transformacje bazują na stałych elementach; polecamy tutaj "Structural conversion" M.Misztala lub   zbiory ćwiczeń i podręczniki do egzaminów FC i Advanced; istotną sprawą jest użycie ustalonej konstrukcji - jeśli nawet przepiszemy zdanie, zaczynając tak, jak podano, ale stworzymy własną wersję, np. rozbudowując zdanie, by ominąć nieznaną strukturę, zapewne nie zyskamy tu punktu, np.:

I'm sure he will eventually apologize. - He is …   … so well-behaved that I'm sure he will apologize.



1) The only person that was allowed to speak to him was his sister.


2)  "Just make sure you avoid staying in the city centre, Mike," said Ruth.

Ruth warned ....

3)  I won't tell you this again.

This ....

4)  As soon as the police officer left, the neighbours started shouting again.

No sooner .....

5)  I am not willing to discuss this matter at the moment.

This ....

6)  The doctor advised him against taking a holiday in a tropical country.

The doctor's ....

7)  Although it was expected that he would stand for election, he decided not to.

Contrary ....

8)  I will go only if all my expenses are paid.

Unless ...

9)  If I take the job I'll have to move to Paris.

Taking the job ....

10) I'm sure he will eventually apologize.

He is ....

11) "I know it was you, I've seen you make off with my bike!"

She accused ....

12) It was only after a few days that I learned who my companion was.

Not ....

13) This doesn't concern you.

This is ....

14) Jane doesn't take any exercise, which is why she is so unfit.

Jane's unfitness .....

15) You won't have any problems with passing the exam, providing you don't make any stupid mistakes.

Unless .....

16) She works better when she is pressed for time.

The less ....






1)  Nobody was allowed to speak to him except his own sister / nobody except / but  his own sister was allowed  to…

2)   Ruth warned Mike not to stay in the city centre / warned hm against staying in the city centre

3)   This is the last time I have told you this

4)   No sooner had the police officer left than / when the neighbours started shouting again

5)   This is not a good moment to discuss this matter / This is not something I am willing to discuss at the moment

6)   The doctor's advice was not to take a holiday in… / was against taking a holiday in…

7)   Contrary to what had been expected / was expected, he decided not to stand for election

8)   Unless all my expenses are paid, I will not go

9)  Taking the job means/involves  (my) moving to Paris

10)  He is bound/certain to apologize eventually

11)  She accused me of stealing her bike/ of making off with her bike

12)  Not until after a few days did I learn who my companion was

13)  This is none of your business / not your concern

14)  Jane's unfitness is due to her not taking any exercise

15)  Unless you make some stupid mistakes, you won't have any problems…

16)  The less time she has, the better she works

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