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Special Thanks to the Playtesters
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Duggan, Liam Eyers, Alexander Lampson, and James
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Oblivion’s Edge
“I have seen oblivion’s long curved talons and leathery wings; I
have seen it in the soulless eyes of a million ravening beasts and the
keening wail of a predator that shall never be sated. And now I see
its shadow falling upon this world...”
–Syndalla, Throne Agent of the Ordo Xenos
Tyranid invasion of a world. Trapped on the surface as
the air ills with alien spores and bio-spawned horrors
drop from the sky to devour everything in their path, there
is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Though a valiant
defence or a formidable fortress may buy you a few hours more
of life, once begun, a Tyranid invasion becomes as inevitable
as the tide, rising slowly but surely to engulf a world and
pick it clean of all life. It is a tragic helplessness that hundreds
of worlds before Avalos have endured, and hundreds more
will endure after, as the Great Devourer darkens skies and
extinguishes all hope of salvation in a cloud of marauding
bio-constructs and deadly toxins.
This is the horror that faces the Battle-Brothers trapped on
Avalos in the aftermath of the Lordsholm uprising. Without
means of rescue and without the knowledge that help is on
the way, they must prepare themselves for the worst. As the
glory of their victory over the Broodlord and his nest fades,
they must face the realisation that it was a success that came
too little too late, and that the fate of Avalos and its millions
of citizens was sealed even before the Kill-team’s boots hit
the ground. Now, as Hive Fleet Dagon approaches and its
fearsome living ships descend on the helpless world, the
Battle-Brothers can only ready once more for battle and hope
to sell their lives well in the name of the Emperor.
noteS For the GM
The following section gives the GM an overview of the
adventure and details important foes and notable allies.
In addition to the GM’s brieing presented here, there are
numerous ‘GM Guidance’ sidebars throughout the adventure
itself. These sidebars provide the GM with tips, advice, and
general guidance on how to deal with aspects of the rules, the
actions of the players, and the development of the plot.
GettinG Started
To run this adventure, one person needs to take on the role
of the Game Master, and 2-4 players take on the roles of the
Battle-Brothers (note that if the players number less than 4,
the GM should reduce the number of enemies that the Kill-
team encounters by 1/2, rounding up). You will also need
at least two ten-sided dice (1d10). This adventure is a direct
follow-on from F i n a l S a n c t i o n , picking up the action just a
few days after its conclusion. While it is recommended that
players play through F i n a l S a n c t i o n irst, it is not absolutely
necessary; if the GM wants, he can run this adventure as a
stand-alone scenario. o b l i v i o n S e D g e has also been designed
so that all the rules and background information needed to
run it can be found in F i n a l S a n c t i o n , along with a selection
of pre-generated characters.
F i n a l S a n c t i o n can be downloaded from the Fantasy
Flight Games website at www.FantasyFlightGames.com.
A n O v e r v i e w O f t h e A d v e n t u r e
o b l i v i o n S e D g e follows the Battle-Brothers’ escape from
Lordsholm during the horror of the Tyranid invasion of
Avalos and their efforts to strike back against the alien terror
intent on stripping the world of all life.
d e A t h w A t c h r u l e b O O k
While this adventure is designed so that it can be used
without a copy of the D e a t h w a t c h Rulebook, there are
a few occasions where the GM can expand or embellish
encounters if he has a copy of the D e a t h w a t c h core
rules. Where these instances occur, notes are provided
in the text to guide the GM.
T here are few things as utterly terrifying as a full-scale
The adventure begins four days after the Battle-Brothers’
confrontation with the Broodlord and the inal hours of
the Lordsholm uprising. The city lies in ruins and most of
its population are either dead or have led the city for the
relative safety of the outer provinces. Ragtag bands of rebels
still plague the remaining Planetary Defence Force (PDF), but
are no longer a real threat to Imperial control of the city.
Having caught their breath and had time to take stock of the
situation, the Battle-Brothers are at Thorsholt manor in the
company of Syndalla, the Temple Assassin, and any of their
other allies that remain alive. They will be either formulating
a way off-world or waiting for help to arrive.
It is at this point that the true Tyranid invasion begins.
From the Battle-Brothers’ vantage point, they see the sky
begin to darken as a mighty hive ship descends into low orbit
disgorging millions of spores. As day turns to red-night and
the air becomes thick with raining bio-matter, the PCs receive
a garbled vox communication from near orbit and are given
reason to hope that this might not be the end after all. Arriving
at the eleventh hour, Fleet Captain Cobb, commander of the
112th Calixian Expeditionary Battle Group, and his task
force of four Imperial cruisers and a dozen escorts have taken
up position on the side of Avalos furthest from the hive leet.
Having received the call for help from the PCs, his group
was the nearest that could be dispatched. Unwilling as yet to
engage (his force is heavily outnumbered by the Tyranids),
the Fleet Captain can, however, aid the PCs by getting the
Kill-team off-world and into orbit.
With the Tyranids descending on the city in an unstoppable
tide of death, the Battle-Brothers must reach the spaceport
(the only remaining landing zone) and get off-world. They
may also have to escort to safety the surviving Imperial
functionaries and other important personages still seeking
shelter in the manor. However they plan their escape, it will
involve crossing the city, possibly using some of the remaining
PDF vehicles, and cutting a path through the Tyranid hordes
which pour down old streets and fall from the sky above.
Remaining rebels may also prove a problem as they try and
ind a clear route across a city that has already been fought
over once before. Once the PCs reach the spaceport, a new
challenge presents itself as they must clear a landing zone for
their extraction and then hold out until their rescue arrives by
fortifying an area against the Tyranid advance across the city.
With luck and a judicious application of irepower, the
Kill-team will hopefully make its escape and be lifted by
Valkyrie to a waiting shuttle to the south, which will then
take the Battle-Brothers into orbit from where the true horror
of the invasion can be seen. Hundreds of Tyranid vessels
cluster in low orbit, crowded around a massive hive ship as it
spills spores and bio-matter into the atmosphere, turning the
blue world a dark and sickly red. After passing close to the
swarm, the shuttle will ly around to the far side of the planet,
where, sheltered from the Tyranids, the Imperial battle group
waits. The PCs will then be taken aboard the Emperor’s Wrath
and into the presence of Fleet Captain Cobb and his master
tactician Hadros to formulate a plan to defeat the invasion.
There will be a number of ways in which the Kill-team, in
alliance with the Fleet Captain and his vessels, will be able to
strike back at the Tyranids, including direct intervention on
the planet’s surface or hit and run attacks against the outermost
hive leet vessels. However, to truly destroy the hive leet and
bring an end to the invasion, the PCs will need to take out
the hive ship or somehow destroy its ability to control the rest
of the swarm. In fact, this is the only instance in which Cobb
will commit to a frontal assault on the hive leet—if he can
deploy the Kill-team onto the hive ship and have them sever
its hive mind link, he will then order an assault against the
remaining Tyranid vessels during the confusion.
Boarding and disabling a hive ship (especially one as
large as the one assaulting Avalos) is no easy feat, even for
the Battle-Brothers. To help them, Cobb will offer them
command of a company of Storm Troopers, the best men he
has, though to a man they will not be expected to return.
Once the Battle-Brothers manage to board the hive ship, they
will then have to work their way through one of the most
hostile environments imaginable in an almost blind search for
the vessel’s central cortex and its hive mind conduit. If they
can reach this point alive, and if they manage to succeed in
their task, then they will have crippled the hive ship’s ability
to command the Tyranid leet through the hive mind, giving
Fleet Captain Cobb and his cruisers a ighting chance against
a confused and disorganised foe.
The adventure comes to a conclusion with the Kill-team
escaping the hive ship’s death throes, once again racing
against time before the bio-ship becomes their tomb. At the
same time, more Imperial aid inally arrives as a Space Marine
battle barge thunders out of the Warp to join the fray—it may
send a Thunderhawk to pick up the PCs if they need it. With
the arrival of more Deathwatch and the destruction of the hive
ship, the Tyranid invasion will be thwarted. However, Avalos
lies in ruins and will be plagued for decades to come by the
remnants of Tyranid organisms and fanatical rebels. For now,
the Battle-Brothers will be able to take a well deserved rest
and ponder on the greater implications of Hive Fleet Dagon’s
arrival on Avalos and just who or what might have inluenced
its course...
Deathwatch Kill-team, doubtless the Imperium’s most valuable
asset in the system. He realises, however, that his work here
is not done, and if he can ind a way to reliably engage the
hive leet with a reasonable degree of success, he will take it.
Currently, however, the hive leet greatly outnumbers his own
battle group, and even the combined irepower of his two
ships of the line would not stand long against the massive
Tyranid hive ship at the centre of the swarm.
When the Battle-Brothers inally meet Cobb, they will need
to overcome his caution and rigid adherence to procedure
if they are to succeed in the destruction of the hive leet.
This situation is made more interesting by the fact that Cobb
has no command over the Kill-team, nor do they have any
authority over him. However, both are ostensibly supposed
to work together for the interests of the Imperium—interests
that currently seem to focus on saving what can be saved
from Avalos and hopefully crushing the hive leet. The GM
should make the Battle-Brothers work to gain Cobb’s trust,
and they will have to both respect his station as well as come
up with decent plans of attack if they are to complete their
own mission and win glory for the Deathwatch.
A l l i e s A n d A n t A g O n i s t s
Throughout the adventure the players will face a multitude
of fearsome foes and a much smaller number of helpful allies.
This section covers all of the pertinent NPCs who make
an appearance in o b l i v i o n S e D g e , including their rules
proiles and any other important background information
or additional rules. The adventure also includes a number
of NPCs and enemies from F i n a l S a n c t i o n , most notably
Syndalla, Planetary Governor Thorsholt, Genestealers, and
the Broodlord. Proiles and other information on these NPCs
can be found on pages 28-29 of F i n a l S a n c t i o n .
M A s t e r t A c t i c i A n h A d r O s
“To kill something you must irst understand its ways and study its
patterns and movements. Thus, when the time comes to strike, you will
best know where to sink in your blade.”
f l e e t c A p t A i n A r A s t c O b b
“Caution is as noble a virtue as valour when facing the unknown.
Only a fool throws away his strength when, had he waited, he would
have been able to strike but once and meet success.”
Fleet Captain Cobb’s primary advisor is Master Tactician
Hadros, an Imperial Navy adept of the Tactica Imperialis.
Quiet and softly spoken, Hadros is likely to be present
whenever Cobb meets with the Battle-Brothers, offering his
counsel and wisdom on plans and matters regarding the hive
leet and its likely actions and reactions. Ironically, Hadros
is often the voice of risk and recklessness, urging Cobb to
take chances if he deems a high probability of tactical or
strategic success, and generally trying to overcome Cobb’s
natural cautiousness. In this way the GM can use Hadros as
an ally for the PCs, helping them to reine and develop any
plans of attack they might have as well as smoothing relations
between them and Cobb.
The other key purpose of having Hadros on hand is to
give the players access to knowledge their character would
not have, notably information on the hive leet, the world of
Avalos, and the capabilities of the Imperial battle group. The
GM can use Hadros to throw in hints or guide the actions of
the Kill-team, or to help them in coming up with effective
strategies. The GM should remember that Hadros is not all
knowing, and it is worth maintaining a level of mystery
around the Tyranids. For example, while Hadros will know
that the hive ship directs the hive leet, he has a limited idea
of just what the Battle-Brothers might encounter once they
board it.
Arast Cobb is Fleet Captain of the 112th Calixian
Expeditionary Battle Group, which comprises of his lagship
the Emperor’s Wrath (a Mars Class battle cruiser), the Blade
of Drusus (a Tyrant Class cruiser), two Dauntless Class light
cruisers (the Saint of Scintilla and the Divine Crusade ), and a
dozen light escort vessels. Tasked with patrolling the regions
around the Well of Night, Cobb and his battle group were the
closest Imperial forces to receive the Kill-team’s astropathic
communiqué, and the only ones able to respond with any
amount of swiftness. Much like the Battle-Brothers, however,
Cobb was unprepared for the scale of the Tyranid incursion
in the Avalos system—Naval Intelligence assured him that no
signiicant tendrils of Hive Fleet Dagon were anywhere near
this region of space. Cobb is now in the unenviable position
of being able to possibly halt the invasion, but quite likely at
the cost of many of his ships.
Cobb is by nature a cautious man. Old and worn by over
a century of service to the Imperial Navy, he has risen to
his current position by following protocol and protecting the
valuable assets under his command. While a younger or more
reckless captain might have immediately launched an assault
on the hive leet attacking Avalos, Cobb has chosen to hang
back and wait for more information or a more advantageous
time to attack. He has made steps to complete what he sees
as arguably his real reason for being here, the recovery of the
Hadros provides a great roleplaying opportunity for
the Kill-team; his adherence to the Tactica Imperialis
may please an Ultramarine, whilst a Space Wolf may
grow impatient with that same methodical approach.
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