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Make an Iris Folded Maple Leaf: printable iris folding patterns 

Kaye Haynes submitted this iris folding maple leaf project. She made it out of pages from an old copy of Birds and Bloom magazine.
iris folding card making  idea 




Alison Sawyer from Baltimore, Maryland in the US, is a school teacher and made this maple leaf project with her class.
iris folding card making  idea 

Karin Svensson, from Sweden, sent in this picture of her first ever iris folding project.
iris folding card making  idea 

Wies, from Groningen in Netherlands, made this maple leaf iris folding card.
iris folding project idea 

Mary, from New York, submitted this maple leaf iris folding project. She used ink, stamps and chalk to create the background and embossed the greeting.
iris folding project ideaLouane Chapelle, from France, submitted this maple leaf iris folding project.
iris folding project idea 


Carolyn, from Queensland Australia, made this Autumn card using the maple leaf template.
iris folding card making idea 


Marianne, from France, made this project using the maple leaf pattern.

iris folding project idea 





















Cherie, who admits that she is an iris folding addict, made this card using the maple leaf pattern.

iris folding project idea 










Lauren, from Santa Rosa, California in the US, submitted this iris folding maple leaf project.
iris  folding card making ideaRia, from Boxmeer in the Netherlands, used the maple leaf pattern to make this greeting card.
maple leaf pattern 

Linda, from Delaware in the US, made this maple leaf project.
mapleleaf iris folding project 





















Phyllis A., from Virginia, USA, made this birthday card for a friend of hers in Canada. They met in Arizona and discovered they had the same birthday which lands on Flag Day in the US. A red maple leaf is the emblem on the Canadian flag. The second picture shows the inside of the card. As you can see, she used the cut-out left over from the iris folding to write a greeting on the inside of the card. On the left side is the Canada's national anthem, " Oh, Canada" .
iris folding card making idea

iris folding card making idea 

Roger Peterson, from Florida in the US, doubled up the pattern then made both leaves with paper that had an all over leaf print to make this project.
iris folding card making idea 

Betsy Douglas submitted this iris folded maple leaf project.
iris folding card making idea 


Deborah, who is from Novia Scotia, Canada, made this project for her sister who is living in England and misses " home" . The edging leaves are a punch.
iris folding card making idea 


Pam submitted this picture of a project completed by her daughter who has been living in Canada for a few years.
iris folding card making idea 

Annette, from Eastern Pennsyvania in the US, made this iris folded maple leaf card.
iris folding card making idea 

Cindy, from Northern Maine, made this project for her daughter-in-law's classroom in Ontario, Canada.
iris folding card making idea 

Mary Carr, from Colorado in the US, made this maple leaf card in fall colors.
iris folding card making idea 


Amy, from Saskatchewan, Canada, made this card using paper for the iris folding and ribbon for the corners and iris.
iris folding card making idea 

















Teri Knapp, from Sheboygan, WI in the US, submitted this maple leaf card. She used Versamark for the background stamps on the cover. On the inside she used the same stamp with a rainbow ink pad and Stickles to highlight the leaf cut out from the card stock.
maple leaf card

maple leaf card 


Coleen Yap, from Malaysia, made this thank you card using the maple leaf template.
mapleleaf iris folding cardAnna, from Sheffield in the UK, used the maple leaf pattern to make this Thanksgiving card.
iris folding card making idea 


Jeanne Tozer, from Timaru in the South Island of New Zealand, sent in this photo. She stated that this was her first attempt at iris folding!
iris folding card making idea 

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