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00:00:01:movie info: 25fps|/SubEdit b.3873 (
00:00:14:Toho Co. Ltd., Japan MCMLIV
00:00:34:From Hideji Hojo's adaptation|of the novel "Musashi"|by Eiji Yoshikawa
00:00:39:Producer|Kazuo Takimura
00:00:42:Screenplay|Tokuhei Wakao and Hiroshi lnagaki
00:00:45:Cinematography|Jun Yasumoto
00:00:48:Art Direction|Makoto Sono and Kisaku lto
00:00:53:Sound|Choshichiro Mikami
00:00:55:Lighting|Shoji Kameyama
00:00:56:Music|Ikuma Dan
00:00:59:Cast|Takezo/Musashi - Toshiro Mifune|Matahachi - Rentaro Mikuni|Takuan - Kuroemon Onoe
00:01:10:Otsu - Kaoru Yachigusa|Akemi - Mariko Okada|Oko - Mitsuko Mito|Osugi - Eiko Miyoshi|Seijuro Yoshioka - Akihiko Hirata
00:01:27:Director|Hiroshi Inagaki
00:01:37:A battle is about to be fought
00:01:42:between the armies of the East|and the West -
00:01:45:For supremacy in medieval Japan
00:01:50:1600 A.D.
00:01:55:Miyamoto Village
00:02:47:What will you do? Have you decided|about a woman? -Are you going?
00:02:52:I am going
00:02:56:I'll be famous after|my first battle
00:02:58:Then what will the village|elders say!
00:03:03:What do you say?|Join me
00:03:12:Oh yes!|You have your mother to look after
00:03:18:And Otsu to marry
00:03:24:I am all alone. You are not
00:03:28:I will go alone
00:03:41:Bad one! Climbing trees again!
00:03:46:Takezo!|The priest will scold you!
00:03:51:Really, Takezo!
00:03:57:You too, Matahachi!
00:04:15:Listen, Otsu!
00:04:18:You are engaged to me, aren't you?
00:04:26:If, well, for instance, if...
00:04:32:If I left for a year,|what would you do?
00:04:36:Would you wait for me?|-Where are you going?
00:04:42:I am not going anywhere
00:04:45:I mean, "in case"
00:04:49:I would wait. For a year,|even for ten years!
00:04:55:You will?
00:04:57:You are going to battle!|-No. Not l!
00:05:04:You lie!|Takezo has tempted you
00:05:09:Do not go, please!|What will become of me?
00:05:14:I have tested your love.|-Do not go!
00:05:22:I will never leave you!
00:06:35:Battle of Sekigahara
00:07:19:Look! What's that?
00:07:22:Run for your life! Run!
00:07:27:No use digging!|Run! Quickly!
00:07:35:Where are our troops?
00:07:41:Enemy crossed the river!|We've been defeated! Routed!
00:07:54:Can this be the end of the war?
00:07:58:They make us dig like slaves
00:08:02:But the war is lost!
00:08:06:You run!|-And you?
00:08:09:Our cause is not lost.|I will fight on!
00:08:20:Me, too!|-No! Run!
00:08:23:It is not over yet.|I may get a captain's head!
00:10:56:Courage! Matahachi!|Your wound is slight!
00:11:01:I will die!
00:11:04:Don't talk like that.|-I want to live to see her!
00:11:13:I see a house!
00:11:18:I can't quite make it out.|Keep your strength up
00:11:24:Otsu is an orphan
00:11:26:After I am gone,|please look after her
00:11:37:Spare no one!|Search everywhere!
00:12:02:Look! Matahachi!|The house!
00:12:05:I can't go on.|-It is true! Look!
00:13:07:Give us food!
00:13:09:And keep quiet!
00:13:59:You must be hungry.|Sorry I am late
00:14:16:Thank you. I will eat later
00:14:19:I'm tired of eating gruel.|-The wound is healing fast
00:14:25:It has been two months already
00:14:29:Where is he?|-Riding again. He likes to
00:14:34:It's not just that.|He's trying to conquer the horse
00:14:39:He rides until he exhausts it
00:14:42:He has always been ruthless.|-I like that type of man!
00:14:58:How I long for home!|But this must mend itself first
00:15:03:The skin has not healed over
00:15:07:I can walk, though.|-Do not overexert yourself
00:15:11:We cannot stay here forever.|-But we are glad to have you
00:15:16:You see, we are alone.|It is lonely here
00:15:21:Stay until you recover.|-The enemy might discover us
00:15:27:They do not look for such|unimportant... Pardon me!
00:15:33:Unimportant. That's right!
00:15:37:Let me do it
00:15:44:We left home thinking we could|become samurai so easily
00:15:50:What a dream!
00:15:54:Bear it, weakling!
00:16:57:Takezo!|Give me a ride!
00:17:08:Otsu, my love!
00:17:11:Forgive me!
00:17:17:Who is this Otsu?|-A girl of our village
00:17:21:Your sweetheart?|-No, Matahachi's betrothed
00:17:26:Matahachi's?|-A nice, sweet girl
00:17:30:And she excelled a rough riding
00:17:33:You think I'll be frightened?|-You will if I let him out!
00:17:37:I will not! Try him!
00:17:40:You'll scream.|Your mother will be angry
00:17:44:Do not worry!|I will not scream. Please!
00:17:51:Coward?|-You big coward!
00:18:02:Do not cry out!
00:18:25:Are you all right?
00:18:28:That crazy mean horse!
00:18:31:It is not his fault.|-You think it's mine?
00:18:36:Do not be angry
00:18:57:Why don't you hold me|in your arms?
00:19:27:Wench! Listen!
00:19:38:Is your mother home?
00:19:43:Warn her!|Tell her she's trespassing!
00:19:47:We will collect our share of|the tribute soon! Remember!
00:19:52:I will run you two out of this|territory unless you behave!
00:20:09:Who's that?
00:20:11:A brigand
00:20:28:Hurry! He will be back again!
00:20:36:Say! This is splendid!
00:20:45:What is your trade?
00:20:48:Outwardly, herb-farming
00:20:51:And actually?|-Actually?
00:20:57:Connected with brigands?|-To some extent
00:21:01:Mother! This is solid gold!
00:21:08:It is. Splendid!
00:21:12:Stripping dead samurai?|-Yes. Otherwise we cannot live
00:21:17:Not scared?|-So what?
00:21:20:You also?|-Of course. They are dead!
00:21:33:Will that brigand really come?
00:21:38:Is your mother not frightened?
00:21:42:Is the hiding-place far?
00:21:46:Please speak to me
00:21:50:Do not be angry with me
00:21:53:Forget it!|You have Otsu!
00:22:07:He has no right to stop me
00:22:10:I can do whatever I like!
00:22:14:He killed my husband
00:22:17:People say so.|But I hate to believe it
00:22:23:My man was a bigger man.|Stronger and finer
00:22:27:Though he too was a brigand
00:22:36:Drink?|-I cannot
00:22:38:Give me that wooden sword!
00:22:42:You are a child
00:22:49:I will not be here long
00:22:51:I will go to Kyoto|for some real business
00:22:56:What about you?
00:22:58:I cannot go home yet.|-Waiting for another battle?
00:23:04:First fame, then I shall|return home
00:23:14:I am wild, so they hate me
00:23:23:Good fortune to you!
00:23:34:Already!|-The bandit!
00:23:37:Good! I shall test this.|-Wait!
00:24:10:Are you alone?|Where's the wench?
00:24:15:Bring out the treasure quietly,|quick! Or you'll regret it!
00:24:25:Stubborn one!|-Let us search!
00:24:42:The ceiling!
00:25:16:Who are you?
00:25:18:Kill him!
00:27:40:I will never let you go!|-What are you doing?|Never!
00:27:45:A woman is drawn to a strong man!
00:27:48:You make me feel like a woman!
00:27:51:Take me, Takezo!
00:27:55:I love you!
00:27:58:A woman says this,|only when she loves!
00:28:06:Take me!
00:28:35:Who was that running passed us?
00:28:59:Must we leave at once?|-Yes!
00:29:02:We have to get out before dawn
00:29:04:His bandits are bound|to come to kill us!
00:29:07:We'll fight
00:29:10:We'll wait for Takezo, won't we?
00:29:13:He won't come back!
00:29:19:He attempted to assault me.|He is a savage!
00:29:25:I repulsed him. He ran away
00:29:29:You're gentle and kind, Matahachi,|not like that wild boar!
00:29:36:Please help us. Will you?|Will you help us?
00:31:11:That fool!|What about your mother and Otsu?
00:31:42:You fool, Matahachi!
00:31:48:You fool, Matahachi!
00:32:04:Give them our gold!
00:32:08:Never!|-Our lives...
00:32:12:Do not touch the women!|We can talk!
00:32:55:You are brave!
00:33:14:"All travelers must show|proper identification"
00:33:22:What is your destination?|-Miyamoto Village
00:33:27:He looks like a bandit
00:33:29:Seize him!
00:34:14:Priest Takuan! Look at yourself!
00:34:20:"Holy I am alone..."
00:34:29:Drink, my newborn Buddha!
00:34:32:Find me a drying pole instead
00:34:35:I washed my only clothes
00:34:39:What will you do in the meantime?
00:34:41:I shall stay like this
00:34:44:Please! It is unbecoming!|-What do you mean?
00:34:50:Human beings are born naked.|-Oh! You priests!
00:35:25:Mother Osugi!
00:35:27:Otsu! My dear!|-What is happening?
00:35:29:I hear Takezo broke through the|guard and is in this area
00:35:34:We may hear about Matahachi!
00:35:39:So you are Takezo's relatives?
00:35:45:We are quite distant relatives, sir
00:35:49:And we have nothing to do with him
00:35:53:He was such an unmanageable fellow
00:35:57:We outlawed him.|We call him "The Lawless"
00:36:01:Very well. Now listen!
00:36:05:I am organizing a hunt for him,|with my base at this temple
00:36:10:All of you will cooperate|and assist us!
00:36:14:That "Lawless" Takezo is a terror
00:36:20:He let my son die alone|and he shamelessly came home
00:36:23:We must punish him!
00:36:44:Matahachi, where are you?
00:37:22:How criminal!|Bloodshed in a temple!
00:37:26:What audacity to come here!
00:37:28:He is a demon!|A devil, indeed!
00:37:35:The village will be penalized|for this! Understand?
00:37:40:Two from each family shall|report at once for the hunt!
00:37:46:That is an order!
00:37:54:Hurry up!
00:38:24:Now arrest all villagers|related to him!
00:38:28:They will be the bait!
00:39:30:Come on! You lazy louts!|Are you dead?
00:39:36:Hurry up! Hurry up!
00:40:17:Thank you for your work
00:40:25:Should Matahachi be dead,|what will you do?
00:40:31:I will still consider you|as my daughter-in-law
00:40:35:You are, aren't you?
00:40:37:Aren't you?
00:40:41:I am relieved to hear that
00:40:50:It would not be proper to|leave you at the temple too long
00:40:55:You will live here with me!
00:41:01:Or don't you like that idea?
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