Pathfinder - Chronicles - Book of the Damned - Vol. 1 - Princes of Darkness.pdf

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Pathfinder Chronicles: Book of the Damned Volume 1, Princes of Darkness
Book of the damned Vol. i
By F. Wesley Schneider
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A Pathfinder Chronicles Supplement
Table of Contents
HellandtheArchdevils 4
Author : F. Wesley Schneider
Cover Artist : Kieran Yanner
Cartography : Rob Lazzaretti
Interior Artists : Jeff Carlisle, Alan Lathwell,
Francis Tsai, Eva Widermann, Kieran Yanner
Publisher : Erik Mona
Paizo CEO : Lisa Stevens
Vice President of Operations : Jeff Alvarez
Corporate Accountant : Dave Erickson
Director of Sales : Pierce Watters
Sales Manager : Christopher Self
Technical Director : Vic Wertz
Events Manager : Joshua J. Frost
Editor-in-Chief : James Jacobs
Editing and Development : Christopher Carey,
Sean K Reynolds, and James L. Sutter
Editorial Assistance : Jason Bulmahn
Editorial Interns : David A. Eitelbach and Hank Woon
Art Director : Sarah E. Robinson
Senior Art Director : James Davis
Special Thanks : The Paizo Customer Service
and Warehouse Teams
Paizo Publishing, LLC
7120 185th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052-0577
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks,
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Pathf inder Chronicles: Princes of Darkness, Book of the Damned Vol. I is published by Paizo Publishing, LLC under the Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Paizo Publishing, LLC, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and GameMastery are registered trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC; Pathfinder Chronicles and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC. © 2009 Paizo Publishing.
Printed in China.
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G leaned through the tales of the most ancient, communion with the beyond, and that
The first feeble glimmer of light stirred here, and reality has been aflame ever since.
What was, we know from it; what is, grew from that root; and what will be—our inevitable
dissolution—burns amid its fires. The Seal is called many things, for it is the beginning and end of all.
Nothingness begat nothingness, and so it was throughout the time before time. Our realm is not
the place of wonders that gods and other manipulative things would have us believe. All comes from
somewhere, be it natural or arcane, and all of creation knows its boundaries.
But such is not the case with the Seal. From whence it came or how it fell unto our world, none—not
even its first children—can say. It is that it is, and that is all we, with our feeble minds and intervals,
can ever know.
A shining beacon in the endless, starless night of oblivion, the Seal’s glow lit the darkness, revealing its
infinite possibilities. Eons passed like drops in a river, and the first light never flickered nor diminished,
nor did any spark or whisper join it in the darkness. And so the moment came and went without
thought, and reality entered a new age as the Seal was joined by twin radiant motes of its own creation,
barely perceptible candle flames amid its great brilliance.
In a way of understanding, these were the first lives,
fundamental essences learning for the first time what
it was to live. Through ages untold, these motes slowly
came to know motion, playing over the surface of the Seal
even as they drew sustenance from its power. Countless
millennia saw these flickers wander and dance, little
more than sparks upon the sun, beautiful but trivial.
Their endless, unthinking lives knew only the simplest of
sensations, and reveled in the cold of the void and the
warmth of their Seal.
Then it happened again, and the motes were joined.
A slight puff of life expelled dozens of new motes forth
to orbit the Seal, and the First discovered that they
had grown. Larger and faster than these new lives,
the First collected and consumed their siblings, and
grew greater. Slowly they discovered control of their
forms, and the first deliberate shapes began to appear
amid the Seal’s radiance. Perhaps in response, the Seal
unleashed more and more of its motes, until there
were too many for the First to hunt and consume.
Gradually these new motes began to grow as their elder
siblings, and life spread across the Seal.
Thus, a distinct progression began in the time before time. There was the Seal, those newly created,
and the First, who braved each new and evolving state of being. Through the epochs, the children of the
Seal grew in size and complexity and ability. The motes began to take on favored forms and gradually
m ou nti ng step s o f H eav en, fr om whi ch
s prin gs the go od and th e r igh t. I n t he
n am e o f th e O rde rs, Pow ers, Thr one s, a nd
Choi rs, who wit nes s al l ab ove and be low. In
the na me of the Lor ds o f t he E mp yre an,
who me asu re a ll kn owl edg e an d s ee t hrou gh
lies. An d i n t he nam e o f t he first gr eat
Lord , h e w ho was ta ken an d w hose pe ople
kno w s orro w f or him st ill, I s wea r t hat
wha t f ollow s a re t he visi ons of m y tra vels,
the th ough ts of s ouls an d t he soull ess, the
nat ure of cre ati on, and th e t rut h u nto
all thi ngs.
—T abr is, f rom th e in tro duc tion to the
Bo ok o f th e D am ned
lore of Hell extant before the advent of blasphemies and lies, these pages summarize the
chronicle of the being Asmodeus, known as the Prince of Darkness, the God-Fiend, and—
in an age before reason—the First.
F r o m T h e B o o k o f t h e D a m n e d
I n t he nam e of t he host s a nd the sev en
became as great animals, wandering and feeding, exploring and interacting. The First, as the oldest and
most powerful, became leaders and predators, adding the ever-advancing essences of their lesser brethren
to their own, and in so doing growing always greater. Life was as a spiritual wilderness in this prehistory,
and the first impressions of emotion—of companionship, and fear, and wonder—came to form. And what
followed in pursuit and avoidance of these sensations was thought.
Having spent untold eons together, what were once motes and the first of the Seal’s creations became
brothers and the greatest of its children. With minds came power, and as they realized their needs the
First unwittingly reshaped the power of the Seal to provide. Painting new wonders in the ancient light for
unknowable spans, one of the First happened upon a strange sigil, and meaning came into being. Symbols
and meaning emerged through the following age, the First spinning across the Seal, journeying among
their lesser kin, and venturing as far from the light as they dared in discovery of new concepts.
Eventually, as its brother had discovered the power of symbols, the other made its own discovery, reshaping
itself and uttering the first intelligent sound. With speech came the potential for new knowledge, and
the words of the First rang through an eternity that could no longer be called empty. Reaching into the
depths of itself, the being that had once been nothing more than a mote crafted the first word, a name
for itself, and came to be called Ihys. And for his brother, who had been his companion for all that he
knew, he lovingly crafted a second name—Asmodeus.
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