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Programmable Controllers
Theory and Implementation
Second Edition
L.A. Bryan
E.A. Bryan
Second Edition
L. A. Bryan
E. A. Bryan
An Industrial Text Company Publication
Atlanta • Georgia • USA
© 1988, 1997 by Industrial Text Company
Published by Industrial Text Company
All rights reserved
First edition 1988. Second edition 1997
Printed and bound in the United States of America
03 02 01 00 99 98 97 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bryan, L.A.
Programmable controllers: theory and implementation/L.A. Bryan,
E.A. Bryan.—2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-944107-32-X
1. Programmable controllers. I. Bryan, E.A. II. Title.
TJ223.P76B795 1997
629.8'9—dc21 96-49350
Due to the nature of this publication and because of the different applications of
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Preface ..................................................................................................... ix
About the Authors .................................................................................... x
How to Use this Book ............................................................................. xi
1-1 Definition ................................................................................................. 4
1-2 A Historical Background .......................................................................... 5
1-3 Principles of Operation ........................................................................... 10
1-4 PLCs Versus Other Types of Controls ................................................... 13
1-5 PLC Product Application Ranges .......................................................... 22
1-6 Ladder Diagrams and the PLC ............................................................... 24
1-7 Advantages of PLCs ............................................................................... 26
2-1 Number Systems .................................................................................... 34
2-2 Number Conversions .............................................................................. 41
2-3 One’s and Two’s Complement ............................................................... 43
2-4 Binary Codes .......................................................................................... 46
2-5 Register Word Formats .......................................................................... 50
3-1 The Binary Concept ............................................................................... 56
3-2 Logic Functions ...................................................................................... 57
3-3 Principles of Boolean Algebra and Logic .............................................. 64
3-4 PLC Circuits and Logic Contact Symbology ......................................... 68
4-1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 82
4-2 Processors ............................................................................................... 84
4-4 Error Checking and Diagnostics ............................................................ 92
4-5 The System Power Supply ..................................................................... 98
4-6 Programming Devices .......................................................................... 104
5-1 Memory Overview ............................................................................... 110
5-2 Memory Types ..................................................................................... 111
5-3 Memory Structure and Capacity .......................................................... 115
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5-5 Configuring the PLC Memory—I/O Addressing ................................. 127
5-7 Memory Considerations ....................................................................... 133
6-1 Introduction to Discrete I/O Systems ................................................... 138
6-2 I/O Rack Enclosures and Table Mapping ............................................ 139
6-3 Remote I/O Systems ............................................................................. 146
6-4 PLC Instructions for Discrete Inputs .................................................... 147
6-5 Types of Discrete Inputs ...................................................................... 150
6-6 PLC Instructions for Discrete Outputs ................................................. 162
6-7 Discrete Outputs ................................................................................... 165
6-8 Discrete Bypass/Control Stations ......................................................... 177
6-9 Interpreting I/O Specifications ............................................................. 178
6-10 Summary of Discrete I/O ..................................................................... 182
7-1 Overview of Analog Input Signals ....................................................... 186
7-2 Instructions for Analog Input Modules ................................................ 187
7-3 Analog Input Data Representation ....................................................... 189
7-4 Analog Input Data Handling ................................................................ 196
7-5 Analog Input Connections .................................................................... 199
7-6 Overview of Analog Output Signals .................................................... 201
7-7 Instructions for Analog Output Modules ............................................. 201
7-8 Analog Output Data Representation .................................................... 203
7-10 Analog Output Connections ................................................................. 213
7-11 Analog Output Bypass/Control Stations .............................................. 214
8-1 Introduction to Special I/O Modules .................................................... 218
8-2 Special Discrete Interfaces ................................................................... 220
8-3 Special Analog, Temperature, and PID Interfaces ............................... 224
8-4 Positioning Interfaces ........................................................................... 233
8-5 ASCII, Computer, and Network Interfaces .......................................... 248
8-6 Fuzzy Logic Interfaces ......................................................................... 255
8-7 Peripheral Interfacing ........................................................................... 260
9-1 Introduction to Programming Languages ............................................. 276
9-2 Types of PLC Languages ..................................................................... 276
9-3 Ladder Diagram Format ....................................................................... 282
9-4 Ladder Relay Instructions .................................................................... 289
9-5 Ladder Relay Programming ................................................................. 298
9-6 Timers and Counters ............................................................................ 306
9-7 Timer Instructions ................................................................................ 308
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