
(8 KB) Pobierz - Windows Repair Change Log.

Add ERUNT Registry backup tools. This is another option to backup the system registry before doing repairs. Also very helpful when a users system restore isn't working properly.

Major improvement for the Reset File Permissions repair. On vista and newer the repair would allow access to folders windows normally blocked. Such as "C:\ProgramData\Application Data". Normally with this folder you would get an access denied. After you ran the reset file permissions repair you could access it. The side effect was that this folder points back to the C:\ProgramData folder. So it made an endless loop! The repair now checks if your on anything newer than XP. If you are then it runs a batch of commands after the repair that puts back the deny permissions on all the folders that are supposed to be blocked. This stops that endless loop from happening. 46 folders total. :-)

Per user request I have added a silent command option to the program. Set the options in the setting.ini file and run the program with /silent. The program will run in custom mode running the repairs set in the settings and then close it self. Will even reboot when done if set in the settings. (Perfect option for my fellow network admins) :-)
Small code changes.

Added new repair "Repair Missing Start Menu Icons Removed By Infections" This repair will put back the missing icons in the start menu, quick launch, and desktop that are moved by a rogue virus.

Added new repair "Repair MSI (Windows Installer)"
Added exe fix (when a virus hijacks the exe section in the registry) to the "Remove Policies Set By Infections" repair.
Improved "Repair Windows Updates".
Small interface changes.

Bug Fix: I found a very odd bug where some of the repairs were not working right. All repairs run under the system account (because of the trusted installer in vista and newer). For some reason the repairs that set registry keys by a .reg file and with regedit would run but the changes wouldn't take. The fix was to have those repairs run as the logged in account. Still scratching my head on that one, but at least now they work again :-D
Bug Fix: The repair windows firewall wasn't running all the repairs needed for it. This has now been fixed.
The Reset File Permissions now skips the "Users" folder in Vista and newer and "Documents and Settings". The reason for this is in Vista and newer there is a bug where if the file permissions are changed in the user profile then Windows thinks the file is shared when it isn't and you get a shared icon on it. More information is here,69.0.html
Small code improvements.

Changed Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) from "stisvc start= demand" to "stisvc start= auto" in the windows services repair.

The "Remove Policies Set By Infections" repair wasn't working properly. The commands where deleting the Reg file before it had been applied. I added the start /wait command to the regedit. "Remove Policies Set By Infections" Now works correctly :-)

Removed "WwanSvc start= demand" from the windows services repair.
The program no longer defaults to the C:\ for repairs. The program now looks at the location of the Windows dir and uses the drive that Windows is on.

On users machines who's "Path" variable was corrupt none of the repairs would work. To fix this I have added "set path=%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem" to all the repairs. Now on users systems with a corrupt "path" variable the repairs will still work properly :-)

Changed 4 service defaults from manual to auto in the set services to default startup repair. Media Center Receiver Service, Media Center Scheduler Service, Windows Media Center Service Launcher and Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service.
Removed Panda cloud antivirus from the program and put Avast as a recommendation (Step 2 Window).
Added ComboFix to the recommendation page (Step 2 Window).

Interface changes.

Blackvipers site listed the Windows 7 wireless service startup state as manual. But when it is set to manual it will not start and thus the user has no wireless. I have updated the services startup repair tool to put the wireless to auto instead of manual.

Added a new repair "Set Windows Services To Default Startup". (Currently 194 services) This will set the Windows services to their default startup state. Special thanks to for having all the default information handy. This will set the services startup by the "sc config" command and not by the registry. The information on the repair in the program lists all the services that are set.

The new setup file for the program was missing some of the repair files it needed. The setup has been updated and I made this new version so people who downloaded the last version will update and get the rest of the files they need.

Removed moving arrow from the repair window. Since the list of repairs is growing and the list is scrollable the arrow didn't work well.
In a past update I removed the custom buttons because they would cause the program to crash. The program then used the default old ugly buttons. I have made a new button control and updated the buttons so they look better, and it doesn't cause the program to crash like the old ones.
Program now asks the user if they want to create a restore point before doing repairs if they didn't have the program create one.
The program now comes in a setup program and the portable version. The new setup is larger because it contains the VB6 SP6 runtimes the program needs in case they are corrupt on the system that is being repaired.
More Code tweaks and changes.

Added more files to the register system files repair that will fix "Class not registered" when trying to open a .mmc file. Such as Task scheduler, Device Manager, Computer Management and more.
Program now starts the Windows Sidebar after the Windows Sidebar repair.
Removed the security zones in IE being reset with the sidebar repair.
More code tweaks and improvements.

Removed the custom buttons from the program. It was causing the program to crash on some systems. Program is meant to repair, not look pretty, so ugly standard safe buttons it is :-)
Add new repair "Repair Windows Sidebar/Gadgets"
Changed the window size of the repair window, making it smaller and easier to fit on screen for smaller resolutions.
More code tweaks.

Minor GUI and code Tweaks.

If you ran an older version of this repair program and it caused problems on your system, download and run this version and it will fix any problems it caused :-)
Added new repair "Repair Volume Shadow Copy Service"
Major update to the program making it safer and better at repairs. Make sure to use this new version and not the old versions.

Per user request - Added a new repair "Repair CD/DVD Missing/Not Working"
Fixed bug where when repairing WMI the WMI tester would open and the program wouldn't move forward till the WMI tester was closed. Most users didn't know to close this. I have made the program now look for and close the WMI tester if it pops up during the WMI repair.

Remove some files from the Register System Files repair. While this repair worked great on a lot of some systems on a few ones it would create more problems. The repair now has a much smaller list of only known good files to register.
Updated Repair IE section.
Updated Repair MDAC Section.

Major changes to how the program launches the repairs. It now shows the command window doing the repair in the task bar. Also should work better with the UAC enabled and running the commands as administrator. This will also keep the program from not responding during repairs.
Updated the file permissions repair to include everyone and users full rights. It use to do just Administrators & System. But on some machines they needed more to get things working right again. This should fix that.
Replaced some of the controls in the program so the program & zip file is smaller in size.

Fixed bug in Repair WMI (Hopefully got it this time)
Added link to help fix any problems someone might have with the file permissions repair.

Fixed bug in Repair WMI
GUI Changes.

First Release
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