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00:00:00:movie info: XVID  624x352 23.976fps 701.2 MB|/SubEdit b.4066 (
00:01:10:My old man says|cos he's a nigger and he's West Ham,
00:01:13:you got to kill the cunt twice.
00:01:16:So fucking kill the cunt twice.
00:01:20:I'm gonna take|the black bastard's fucking head off!
00:01:28:That was him.
00:01:32:Aim for his chest, yeah? Not his face.
00:01:41:Black West Ham cunt!
00:01:47:Look, mate...
00:01:56:Come on. You killed the nigger!
00:02:04:Last place I wanted to die|was south of the river,
00:02:07:in Millwall country, lowlife city.
00:02:12:I'd experienced more violence than|you'd ever want in a thousand lifetimes,
00:02:17:so I always thought I'd go out fighting.
00:02:20:I'd been shot, I'd been stabbed,|I'd been kicked senseless.
00:02:25:But I'd handed out|my fair share of retribution and all.
00:02:28:It'd all been part of the game up until then.
00:02:33:The film you're about to see|is based on a true story,
00:02:38:my story.
00:02:50:...with this bird, right? Up in her bedroom.
00:02:52:Her old geezer's fucked off down the pub,|so we thinks, "Lovely."
00:02:56:So I started to try and get her bra off.
00:02:58:- What, so you could feel her tits?|- No, so he could put her bra on his head.
00:03:02:Of course so he could feel her tits,|you soppy bastard.
00:03:05:- All right, mate, I was only asking.|- I worry about you, mate.
00:03:08:If you remember oxblood and your DMs,|your monkey boots, your Squire shoes,
00:03:12:your Blakeys,|your Stan Smiths and your Trim Trabs,
00:03:15:then you remember the times|in the '70s and '80s
00:03:18:when football violence|was part and parcel of the beautiful game.
00:03:23:Maybe you wore an MAjacket|or a bubble coat,
00:03:26:an half-and-half ski hat or a beanie.
00:03:28:Maybe you even chanted the songs,|steamed in, kicked off,
00:03:32:and like the rest of us then,|glorified in the headlines.
00:03:38:Fuckin' hell!
00:03:55:- Come on! Do the Wolves nigger!|- We're West Ham, mate.
00:03:58:- We're West Ham.|- Who're you? Clive Best's little brother?
00:04:02:You ain't West Ham if you're on your toes|with them Wolves cunts.
00:04:05:They were a proper naughty firm, mate.|They just smashed a load of West Ham.
00:04:08:- They were pissed on, mate.|- Shut up, you little mug.
00:04:12:- Show us where they are, or I'll piss on you.|- They're only over there.
00:04:15:Come on, then. Let's go and fuck 'em!
00:04:21:Come on, then!
00:04:27:We knew we shouldn't have followed them,|but it was the South Bank Crew,
00:04:30:West Ham's top firm back in them days.
00:04:33:Stick together, yeah? Stick together.
00:04:42:Their leader was this proper hard geezer,|Stevie Hogan.
00:04:45:Back then, we all wanted|to grow up to be like Stevie Hogan.
00:05:34:For the first time in my life,|I felt like I belonged somewhere,
00:05:37:and it was here, with West Ham.
00:05:40:The Old Bill didn't have a clue, back then.
00:05:42:The couldn't believe I was only 14, after|they slung me in the back of a Black Maria.
00:05:46:Neither could Stevie Hogan.
00:05:47:That Saturday was the start of the good|times, because I became part of something.
00:05:52:But you know what?|It wasn't always like that.
00:05:56:# Get up in the morning,|slaving for bread, sir
00:06:01:# So that every mouth...
00:06:03:Hello. What's your name?
00:06:06:Aren't you lovely?
00:06:09:Let's have a look at you.
00:06:13:- Isn't he a sweetheart?|- Yes, love, he's a real darling.
00:06:18:They're still cute at that age, in't they?
00:06:21:Before they get that curly hair and big lips.
00:06:23:Bye, then, love.
00:06:29:Ignorant cow!
00:06:33:Come on.
00:06:35:The war never ended for Doll Chambers.
00:06:37:She survived the Blitz|and raised two kids of her own.
00:06:40:And now she was going into battle for me.
00:06:46:A 49-year-old white woman,|with only a mother's love to give,
00:06:50:she decided to foster a black baby|from Dr Barnado's orphanage.
00:06:54:# After a storm, there must be a calm
00:06:57:# Catch me in the farm,|you sound your alarm
00:07:01:# Poor me, the Israelite
00:07:09:By the time I was ten, all I ever wanted|was to look the same as everyone else.
00:07:14:No matter how hard I scrubbed,|I never got any whiter.
00:07:18:Come on, son.|You're going to be late again!
00:07:21:# Get up in the morning,|slaving for bread, sir
00:07:23:# So that every mouth can be fed
00:07:28:# Poor me, the Israelite #
00:07:35:Oh, ain't you going to sit down|and eat something?
00:07:38:I'm going to be late, Mum, like you said.
00:07:39:Oh, come on, son.|I made your favourite, specially.
00:07:43:Sorry, Mum. I ain't hungry.
00:07:45:You're never hungry.|What's the matter with you?
00:07:49:Cecil, tell him to eat something.
00:07:51:Yeah, come on, son.|Don't upset your mother.
00:07:54:I've got to go.
00:07:58:What? Just...|You behave yourself, you hear me?
00:08:41:How the fuck|do you comb that fuzzy-wuzzy hair?
00:08:44:- Where'd you come from, chocolate face?|- Fuckin' blackie!
00:08:47:- Yeah, you tell him, Bill.|- Oi, nig-nog. I drew a picture of you.
00:08:51:- Want to see yourself?|- And he's got a granny for a mum, an' all.
00:08:57:What happened to your real mum,|monkey boy?
00:08:59:Don't you remember, lads?|We fed her last week, down London Zoo!
00:09:03:Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo!
00:09:05:My dad says you lot should go back|to where you come from.
00:09:08:- Go on, fuck off back to the jungle.|- Fuck off, Billy, you gypo!
00:09:12:What you pair of cunts doing|hanging about with a darkie for, anyway?
00:09:17:Ain't you gonna say nothing? Carol!
00:09:19:- Go on, Cass!|- Do him, Cass!
00:09:26:From day one, Prentice and Freeman|were always there for me.
00:09:32:Come on! Fuck him up!|Come on, he's nothing!
00:09:49:Yeah, all right, all right.
00:09:53:That's another new school uniform ruined.|I can't afford to buy a new one every week.
00:09:58:You can't just go|bashing people up all the time.
00:10:13:What happens|if someone reports you to Dr Barnado's?
00:10:17:I'll tell you what happens. They'll say I can't|control you. They'll take you away from me.
00:10:22:Is that what you want?
00:10:24:Violence isn't going to solve anything, Carol.
00:10:27:- Stop fucking calling me that name!|- Oi! Don't you talk to your mother like that!
00:10:31:- You hear me?|- Well, don't you ever call me Carol again!
00:10:35:I'm sick of being tormented for it.
00:10:37:It's a girl's name.|Everyone knows it's a girl's name.
00:10:40:Well, don't blame me. Blame them|that give you away. I didn't give it ya.
00:10:45:Why can't you call me something else,|then?
00:10:47:Well, what am I supposed to call you,|you daft sod?
00:10:51:I can't just call you son all the time, can I?
00:10:54:- Call me Cass.|- Call you what?
00:10:57:- Call me Cass.|- Cass?
00:11:01:- What's that?|- That's what my mates call me.
00:11:04:Well, why on earth do they call you Cass?|That's worse than Carol.
00:11:08:No, it ain't.|It's after that boxer, Cassius Clay.
00:11:12:Oh, bleedin' hell! I might have known|it had something to do with fighting.
00:11:16:Yeah, but he's the toughest fighter there is.
00:11:19:Everyone likes him.
00:11:23:People don't like you|just cos you can bash people up, son.
00:11:31:Oh, all right, if it means that much to you|and it's going to make your life easier,
00:11:36:I'll call you... Cass.
00:11:39:Will you make the teachers|call me Cass as well, then?
00:11:43:But you got to promise me|to stay out of trouble, OK?
00:11:48:Yeah, but everyone apart from my mates|think that all I am is just a darkie.
00:11:58:That is just ignorant name calling.
00:12:03:That is not what you are.
00:12:06:I'll tell you what you are.
00:12:09:You are my special boy.
00:12:13:Special like Cassius Clay?
00:12:16:Yeah, special just like Cassius Clay.
00:12:20:Come here!
00:12:31:Right, you pair. Off you go.
00:12:36:And don't let him take you down the pub|with all them West Ham mates.
00:12:41:No bad influences, right?
00:12:44:You take care of him, Cecil.
00:12:47:I don't want him|getting into any more trouble.
00:12:50:It's all right, Doll. It's only the football.
00:13:16:# We're the North Bank,|we're the North Bank
00:13:20:# We're the North Bank Upton Park! #
00:13:31:- You all right, fellas?|- Yes, mate.
00:13:35:I don't know what|the fucking East End's coming to, do you?
00:13:38:- Yeah, I know, mate.|- Hey, steady on, lads. He's just a little kid.
00:13:44:Gonna fuckin' grow up though, ain't he?
00:13:52:You all right, son?
00:14:09:You looking forward to the match, son?
00:14:12:- What's the special occasion?|- Eh?
00:14:15:Well, why are you taking me with you,|all of a sudden?
00:14:18:Your mother thought|we ought to spend a bit more time together.
00:14:21:- Why?|- You know what your mother's like, son.
00:14:31:Anyway,|who's your favourite West Ham player?
00:14:34:- I'm not sure.|- Oh, come on.
00:14:36:Bobby Moore? Martin Peters? Geoff Hurst?
00:14:40:Don't know.
00:14:42:Yeah, well... Don't matter.
00:14:47:Just remember, stay close to me today.
00:14:50:Don't want you getting hurt, right, Cass?
00:14:54:Your mother'd kill me.
00:14:58:# I'm forever blowing bubbles
00:15:03:# Pretty bubbles in the air
00:15:08:# They fly so high, they reach the sky
00:15:14:# And like my dreams, they fade and die
00:15:19:# Fortunes always hiding... #
00:15:22:Upton Park was known|as the academy of football.
00:15:25:The Britannia was known as the heartbeat|of the hardcore West Ham following.
00:15:29:- Are we going in?|- Yeah, fuck it, we're half in the firm now.
00:15:32:You had to earn respect|to be accepted at The Britannia,
00:15:35:and after the Wolves fight,|we thought our time had come.
00:15:38:Oi! No fucking nig-nogs allowed in this pub.
00:15:41:You stick with the sambo snooker club|down the road.
00:15:45:Fuck off, you non...
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