Forum Moduł 2.doc

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Hello everybody,

Hello everybody,

I hope you all had a good weekend and that you are ready for the third week of the course. It’s time you started doing Lesson 8. Go through all the exercises carefully.

Go to our forum and describe you personality and character (both positive and negative features and explain what you mean, you’re also welcome to give some examples). Write between 5 and 8 COMPLEX sentences.

In case of any problems don’t hesitate to contact me.

Wish you all luck,
Monika Kaczmarczyk


As girls said before it’s not easy to describe our own character. I think I’m friendly - always try to be nice and kind for people, even if I have a bad day. I love spending time with people and hate staying on my own so I’m sociable for sure. Always try to be helpful (I live in England and lots of my friends don’t speak English at all so someone have to help them with lots of things). Unfortunately I’m a bit messy and clean up house only if I have to. Shopping with me it’s real nightmare because I’m very undecided. Sometimes I’m looking for one t-shirt for all day because I’m not sure what I really want. Also I’m very impatient and hate for example to stick in queues (as most of us J ). Very positive thing is that I’m Independent responsible (I was 19 when I move out from my parents and start to provide for myself).

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