Homework 1.doc

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Homework 1

Your homework is to answer the 5 questions given in exercise 8 about yourself. Write 3-4 COMPLEX sentences answering each of the given questions. Give the additional information about your favourites. Answering the last question don’t forget to precise what kind(s) of films you usually choose? Who do you go to the cinema with? Why do you like / don’t you like going to the cinema?

1.     Who is the actor you like very much or you hate?

The actor I like very much is Johnny Depp, I always enjoy watching films in which he plays. He is rather tall and slim, got dark hair, brown eyes, got beard and mustache (usually) and he is very handsome. Everybody should remember him from the films “A Nightmare on Elm Street”, “Edward Scissorhands”, “What's Eating Gilbert Grape” or “Sweeney Todd”.  But my favorite is Pirates of the Caribbean (he plays eccentric character Jack Sparrow) and I think this role shows that he is very talented actor.


2.     What is the film you can watch over and over again and you are not bored with it?

My favourite trilogy is the “Pirates of the Caribbean” films, this is a fantastic movie full of action, adventure, humor and a lot more. Lots of talented, famous actors plays in it, for example Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Geoffrey Rush. Johnny Depp's performance is one of his best ever. Pirates of the Caribbean is a magical journey that will delight parents, children and grandparents.


3.     What is the TV series you follow?

The TV series I follow is “Friends”. It’s telling a story of six young friends living in Manhattan. Every episode of Friends will make you laugh non-stop, humor is universal. The acting is amazing and characters are addictive. I love this show and it will probably always be my favourite.


4.     What is the TV programme you often watch?

TV programme I often watch is “So You Think You Can Dance”. It is a reality show that shows dancing competition. Every week participants prepare different kind of dance, four judges give their comments on each of the performances and every week one of dancer is eliminated from the show. It is a really great show and best thing for me is that I can see so many incredible choreographies.


5.     How often do you go to the cinema?

I really like going to the cinema and usually I go there at least twice a month. Mostly I go to the cinema with my husband and friends. Each of us like different kinds of films so we every time we try to chose something everyone will like. I think cinemas are perfect way for entertain, spending time with friends and have a great time.

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