historia miłosna - en kärlekshistoria - a swedish love story reż. roy andersson 1970 cd1.txt

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00:00:01:/SubEdit b.3875 (http://alfa.icis.pcz.czest.pl/~subedit)/
00:02:36:You've got to have one of these...|women really like it!
00:03:52:- I could use some help!|- Coming!
00:05:23:A LOVE STORY
00:08:17:That's my youngest boy.|The oldest one has a body shop.
00:08:24:He's doing well.|He has five employees.
00:08:29:And he has a son, a wiley kid.|Fifteen years old.
00:08:36:He got a moped when he turned 15.|All the kids have to have them.
00:08:42:But that wife of his...! She does|nothing but water the flowers.
00:08:49:But they can afford it,|so why not? You can't...
00:08:57:Wait until we get a Social Democratic|government! Things will change then!
00:09:14:Let's go to the park,|there's more space there.
00:09:23:Lasse! Lasse!
00:09:36:- Not too bad, thanks for asking.|- I hope you're better soon.
00:09:41:Thank you.
00:09:46:- Hi, Granddad!|- So, you come to visit an old man?
00:09:52:- Where's old dad and the others?|- Over there.
00:09:57:Here he is!
00:10:06:Turn round!|I'm heading over to the bridge.
00:10:12:There's a pastry shop over there.|Verner knows it.
00:10:26:Eva, honey...
00:10:28:Don't be sad. There, now...
00:10:37:Hi, Eva. Happy birthday.
00:10:45:Four cheers for Eva!
00:10:53:- Where's Roger?|- Here.
00:11:24:- Such a nice family!|- Verner has been here before.
00:11:29:Verner has been here before.
00:11:36:Hey, Lasse!
00:11:40:You can take that path down.
00:12:06:Looks like we have|some entertainment!
00:12:10:I thought I saw a glimpse of Verner.
00:12:14:Hi, Lasse!|Not too bad, thanks.
00:12:18:Hello! Thank you.|We can sit down here.
00:12:23:- Granddad can sit there.|- I'll take the corner seat.
00:12:33:- Isn't this nice.|- And here are some flowers.
00:12:37:Thank you.|I'll let the nurse take care of them.
00:13:02:- Isn't there a waitress?|- No, you serve yourself here.
00:13:07:So, what do we want?
00:13:11:- I want coffee.|- That sounds good!
00:13:15:- A ham sandwich...|- I don't know if they have that.
00:13:22:Damn kid...!|Are you trying to kill the old man?
00:13:33:Can I have another one?
00:13:36:- Do you want anything, Eva?|- No, thanks.
00:13:52:- Do you want coffee?|- Not me.
00:13:56:- Seven coffees.|- Seven. - Shut up!
00:14:00:Can't you shut that dog up?
00:14:14:Hey! The dog there.|Can't you shut it up?
00:14:42:It was my right elbow. I don't know|why you think it was the left.
00:14:47:But it was my left knee|I banged up when you were seven.
00:15:15:P�r! Ask if they have|an egg and anchovy sandwich!
00:15:25:P�r! Salami is okay, too.
00:15:50:- Don't you want anything?|- No thanks.
00:16:09:- Did they have anchovies?|- No, only ham.
00:16:21:Here's your little cup.
00:16:26:And get rid of this tray.
00:16:30:- Annika's going to be there, too.|- Yes.
00:16:38:Wow! What a torch!
00:16:42:Did you see that flame?
00:16:46:Do I have to climb over the table|to get a sandwich?
00:17:18:I guess it won't be long|before you're discharged, Granddad.
00:17:23:I'm not going to be discharged|from here. Why would I?
00:17:28:I don't want to leave.
00:17:31:I don't want to leave!
00:17:41:This world isn't... made for me.
00:17:47:It's not made for lonely people.
00:18:08:Do you hear me?!
00:18:11:This world isn't made|for lonely people.
00:18:20:Once I thought it could be...|but it isn't!
00:18:33:I thought that life would one day|be just as good for everyone-
00:18:39:- But that hasn't happened.
00:18:46:Do you hear me?
00:18:58:- Don't run over anyone!|- Watch out, then.
00:19:21:Am I doing all right? More?
00:20:23:There are 200,000 birds|in this town.
00:20:28:And I only know seven.
00:20:35:- Well then, get going!|- You just have to be tough.
00:22:05:I wanted to be|an airline stewardess.
00:22:12:The first time,|they said they'd get back to me.
00:22:17:Then a friend of mine said,|"You're too tall."
00:22:24:And I never heard from them.
00:22:29:The next year, I got ill when|they were having entry examinations.
00:22:39:When I got better, the class|was starting and it was too late.
00:22:49:The next year, that friend said,|"You could take a guide class."
00:22:56:"It's almost the same thing."
00:23:00:So I did.
00:23:04:I got there, and the instructor said,|"Do you speak English?"
00:23:09:A dark-skinned man with dark glasses.
00:23:13:There was a ceiling fan blowing.
00:23:19:"Sure," I said, "I know a little|English and a little German."
00:23:23:I was awfully nervous.
00:23:26:There were a bunch of other girls|there who were just as nervous.
00:23:32:He had us turn this way and that.
00:23:38:And they said they'd get back to us,|but I never heard from them.
00:23:56:Sometimes I feel panicky|because I'm not married.
00:24:05:When I see my old school chums|with prams. I feel like...
00:24:11:...people are staring at me.
00:25:02:- Does an Annika live here?|- Yes, why?
00:25:05:Hey! She lives here!
00:25:42:Clear off.
00:26:12:I certainly|don't have such terrible aim!
00:26:17:I want to know more|about the striker.
00:26:21:- Can you help with this door?|- Coming.
00:26:24:- Strikers are good at making goals.|- Aren't they all?
00:27:04:- <i>Geneva</i>-<i>Marseille. </i>|- Marseille!
00:27:07:They're in the wrong place.|Take that one and we'll switch.
00:27:19:- <i>Frem Kobenhavn</i>-<i>Groningen? </i>|- Copenhagen!
00:27:35:- FV Furst-Wiener CK?|- Draw!
00:28:17:- Shouldn't they hang the other way?|- No, they shouldn't.
00:28:36:Let go... now!
00:28:45:They swing a little unevenly.
00:29:29:That's the way it goes|when you waste your free time on it.
00:29:37:If we'd won the lottery, we|wouldn't be hanging up this old crap!
00:29:46:Gunhild, this was your idea.|What do you want this crap for?
00:29:55:It doesn't serve any purpose.
00:30:02:- And you didn't lift a finger!|- I don't think they look good.
00:34:54:Come now.
00:35:39:- Hi.|- Hi.
00:35:43:- The balloon popped.|- Aww...
00:35:50:- How are you?|- Fine. You?
00:35:59:- I think he's tired now.|- It's almost his nap time.
00:36:23:- Hi.|- Hi.
00:36:35:Roger's balloon popped|coming up the stairs.
00:36:42:How are you?
00:36:47:Just fine.
00:36:51:- How about you?|- Okay.
00:36:58:- Are you beating the dog?|- Don't get hysterical again!
00:37:04:- Are you moving in?|- Shut up!
00:37:08:- Annika, hurry up!|- Come home early or I won't sleep.
00:37:16:- Those kids will ruin that car.|- Go stop them.
00:37:20:- I don't care about the car.|- Oh, is that so?
00:37:24:- Hi, Iceman. What do you drive?|- A Peugeot, why?
00:37:30:- Worthless make. How's work?|- Fine.
00:37:35:Wrong business.
00:37:38:If you want to drive|a dented car, fine!
00:37:41:Annika! This place is a morgue...
00:37:59:What's that on your neck? A hickey?
00:38:14:- Where are you going?|- The Domino.
00:38:19:- You like dancing?|- Yeah.
00:38:24:- Who are you meeting there?|- Lotta.
00:38:28:- Aren't you meeting a boy?|- Yeah...
00:38:36:- Anyone special?|- Nah.
00:41:14:I wanted to.|I don't know why I didn't.
00:41:20:Everyone says that. Me too.
00:41:29:I was there an hour, for him. But|when he came, I didn't talk to him.
00:41:41:And when he came toward me,|I turned away.
00:41:48:Then he left.
00:41:55:Too bad.
00:42:00:"Fortunately, your problem isn't|unusual. We all do things we regret."
00:42:07:"Ask yourself what you want,|and do it."
00:42:11:"Then you'll know|if you're unhappy for a reason."
00:42:15:- That's just the way it is.|- Maybe...
00:42:20:Too bad you didn't talk to him.
00:42:27:- It just didn't happen.|- Say you don't get another chance?
00:42:44:- What do you want me to tell her?|- I want to talk to her, I just can't.
00:42:50:Tell him I wanted to say hi, but...
00:42:59:I don't want to admit it.|It feels silly.
00:43:03:Why not?
00:43:08:I don't want to admit that I...
00:43:12:- I'll tell her.|- No!
00:44:40:- You live up there?|- Yes, but on the courtyard side.
00:45:33:- Is P�r here?|- P�r! You have a visitor!
00:47:31:- That isn't acceptable.|- What?
00:47:36:- Bumping people like that.|- Like what?
00:47:40:You hit my knee.|And you're making trouble.
00:47:47:Knock it off.
00:49:18:- <i>� Donde puedo comprar cigarillos? </i>|- <i>Where can I buy cigarettes? </i>
00:50:35:In the room behind me,|your mother is lying...
00:50:49:And I'm a git.
00:51:03:- Hi.|- Hi.
00:51:08:- Where were you?|- Out.
00:51:17:I don't feel quite happy.
00:51:25:I'm sure it'll be better|when we get a new flat.
00:51:30:Go to bed now.
00:52:07:I'm going to get that bastard.
00:52:13:You all just stood there watching!
00:52:21:And her...|I don't give a shit about her!
00:52:27:How can I go out with her now?
00:52:35:I can't take it!
00:52:41:You just watched!
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