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City-State of Tyr
Official Game
The City-State of Tyr
Walter M. Baas
Design: Walter M. Baas
Editing Dale A. Donovan
Project Coordinator: Dori Jean Watry
Cover Art: Brom
Interior Art: Tony DiTerlizzi and Tom Baxa
Cartography: Diesel
Typography: Angelika Lokotz
Production: Paul Hanchette
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Special Thanks to:
Gary W. Watkins, for his invaluable help, and
Curtis Scott, who encouraged my writing, and inspired me in times of need.
Thanks to:
Tim, Troy, Bruce, Rich, Nora, and Dori whose guidance and support made this project possible.
Dedicated to the memory of
Curtis Scott.
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Introduction .......................................... 3
The Observation Tower ........................ 5I
The Tower Bridge .............................. 52
The Golden Tower .............................. 52
Chapter One: Life in Tyr ........................... 4
History ............................................. 5
Timeline .......................................... 6
The Government ................................. 7
Crime and Punishment ........................... 9
Trade and Commerce ........................... I0
Water ............................................. I2
Chapter Five: Under Tyr ........................... 55
The Sorrows .................................... 55
The Crimson Shrine ........................... 57
The Poison Sting ................................. 57
Elven River ....................................... 57
Belly of the Noble .............................. 58
Mercur Fountain ................................. 58
Tembos Teeth .................................... 58
The Crawl ....................................... 58
Farias Passages ................................. 58
Chapter Two: Environs of Tyr ..................... I4
The Iron Mines of Tyr ........................... I4
Agriculture ....................................... I8
Chapter Three: The City of Tyr .................. 2I
City Culture .................................... 2I
Tradesmens Districts ........................... 22
Merchants District .............................. 30
Nobles Quarter ................................. 34
The Warrens .................................... 36
Bards Quarter ................................. 42
Gladiatorial Gate .............................. 43
The Stadium .................................... 43
Arena Market .................................... 44
Beast Market .................................... 46
Slave Pens ....................................... 46
Gladiatorial Games .............................. 47
Kalaks Ziggurat ................................. 43
Chapter Six:
Psionics, Magic, and Religion in Tyr ............ 60
Psionics .......................................... 60
The Order ....................................... 64
Magic ............................................. 65
Religion .......................................... 66
Chapter Seven: Personalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Chapter Eight: Campaigning in Tyr ............ 79
Character Kits .................................... 79
New Character Kit .............................. 8I
Character Interaction ........................... 83
Adventure Suggestions ........................ 84
Last Words ....................................... 70
Encounter Tables .............................. 90
Tyrian Trade Goods Cost Table ............... 93
Chapter Four: The Golden City .................. 50
The Grand Gate ................................. 50
The High Bureaus .............................. 50
The Kings Gardens ........................... 50
Templars Quarters .............................. 5I
Tyr City Maps
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
After a score of days beneath the burning sun, the
sight of the great walled city meant trading the stench
of beasts for that of beggars. My tongue rasped over my
cracked, dry lips in anticipation of the Tyrian ale Id
soon be drinking. The stories heardslaves freed,
Kalak dead, and magic wild in the streets. The truth
would soon be known. Such information would fetch a
high price with the templars of Nibenay, perhaps an
audience with the Most High Concubine of the
Palace might even be in order! This was my first trip to
Tyr, and I planned to drink my fill of the city.
Some things never change though, like the black
heart of a templar. The scrawny vulture at the gate ran
his jaundiced eye over our cargo, sizing up the bribe he
could extort from honest traders. I played the game,
passed him some ceramics, and entered the city. A
vagrant breeze swirled the dust as we emerged from the
caravan gate and, when Id wiped my eyes, a colorfully
dressed, wrinkled man stood before me.
You paid too much, he declared.
What? Who are you? What business do you have
with me? I asked. I let my hand drop to the hilt of my
scimitar to punctuate my point.
I? I am Ojoba, a draqoman. You are new here, that
is obvious. You have business to do and assisting with
your business is my business. Many are Tyrs wonders,
and many are its hazards. I can help you.
He seemed to expect me to say something. I didnt.
You will want a place to stay, yes? A place for your
mounts? You have no friends here? I am not your
friend, but I can help you. I know this city. I know its
markets, its inns, its streets. I speak several tongues and
know local customs and laws. You want a good price
for your cargo. Maybe you have some trade goods that
require special handling, away from the prying eyes of
the templars, yes? I can help you. You will profit, to be
sure. As for my services, I ask only five ceramics for
every gold you make. Consider my offer. Youll find
none better.
Five for every gold! You mistake me for a nobleman
or a lunatic! I have dealt with your kind before. Even the
arrogant bloodsuckers of Nibenay ask no more than
one silver a day and a ceramic for every gold and hope
to bargain for one or the other. Ill give you five ceramics
for the day, what remains of it, and no more.
Spoken like a true trader, he said, inclining his
head slightly. Obviously you are neither nobility nor a
mad man, but surely you would not value an associate
who would meekly accept a traders first offer. The sun
already begins its descent, so let us not tarry. A silver
for the day and three ceramics for every gold each day
after this. Include a drink of water and a morsel to eat,
and I am at your service.
A silver and two ceramics per gold, and you feed
yourself, draqoman Ojoba. Your first job is to guide us
to the market where we might sell our goods. Then you
can show me which winehouse boasts the comeliest
serving wenches. Have we a deal?
Indeed we do. First things first, now we go to the sta-
I have business to do, you ugly renk! Are you deaf?
Yes, yes, business, but the stadium serves as the
market in Tyr, except on festival days. It is there that
youll get the best price. Later to Shadow Square,
where your thirst for wine shall soon be sated. You see,
you do profit by me already, though not a coin has
passed between us.
About This Supplement
Tyrs new mantle of freedom sets it apart from the other
city-states of Athas. The citys inhabitants struggle to
survive amid anarchy and turmoil. Assassination, rev-
olution, and reformation have rocked Tyr since it was
first described in the original DARK SUN ® boxed
set. From its clouded past to the painful winds of
reform blowing through the city, Tyr comes alive within
these pages. Additional information is included for
the DUNGEON MASTER (DM) interested
in setting up a campaign in or around the city-state of
Tyr. Remember to watch your back, for Tyr may be free,
but it is never safe.
Tyr lies in a small valley among the foothills of the
Ringing Mountains. Although not the largest city of
the Tablelands, it's considered one of the most impor-
tant due to its political clout, location, and great (by
Athasian standards) reserves of iron ore in the nearby
mountains. A single caravan trading route connects
Tyr to the network of roads that link the major cities
of the Tablelands. This is not to imply that elven
traders do not use other routes of their own devising,
but there is only a single navigable pass for the larger
Until recently, the city of Tyr had been ruled by the
great sorcerer-king Kalak. Following the death of Kalak
and the ensuing war with Urik (see History below), the
people of Tyr have begun the reconstruction of their
city amid a storm of change. The government has
undergone sweeping reform. Trade and commerce,
long neglected due to Kalaks obsession with the con-
struction of his ziggurat, are on the rise as iron once
more flows from the mine. The games have begun
again as well, now the province of freemen, not slaves,
where the only deaths are accidental. Even the more
secretive societies of Tyr have emerged from the after-
math with renewed energies.
This is not to say that all is well in Tyr. The city
still faces an uncertain future. Divergent voices sound
within the Councils chambers. Food and water remain
scarce, and many have no work or decent lodgings.
Mobs of looters and thieves roam the city for, as the
saying goes, Freedom alone will not fill yer belly! Fur-
ther, many of Tyrs defenders perished in the war
against Urik, leaving the city vulnerable to outside
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