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An Official DUNGEONS & DRAGONSQGame Supplement
by Allen Varney
Part Two of the Blood Brethren Trilogy
Table of Contents
........ 2 Chapter 8: Serpent Oasis ............... 42
Introduction .........
Chapter 9: Nightrage Foundq ................ 48
Adventure Overview .........................
Chapter 10: The Trail to Koresh Teyd .......... 52
Chapter 1: Setting the Stage .................. 5 Chapter 11: Ashinorain .....................
Chapter 2: About Feathered Serpents ........... 9
Chapter 3: Coh .........................
Appendices: NPCs, Monsters, and Magic
Chapter 4: Bat Cavern ......................
Non-Player Characters ...................... 61
Chapter 5: Travelling in Annelids ............. 26 New Monsters .............................
Chapter 6: Worms and Worse ................. 29 New Magic ................................
........... 34 Monster Snmmaq Table ......... inner front cover
Chapter 7: The Banks of the Nithia
Design: Allen Varney
Editing: Karen Boomgarden
Cover Art: Fred Fields
Interior Art: Timothy Bradsueet
Cartography: Dennis Kauth
Graphic Design: Stephanie Tabat
Typography: Tracey Zamagne
Production: Sarah Feggestad
Special Thanks to Lillian Butler, Nancy Flowers,
Warren Spector, and Don Webb.
TSR Inc.
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1990TSR, inc. All Rights Resewed. Printed in U.S.A.
DUNGEONS 8 DRAGONS, D&D, ADVANCED DUNGEONS 8 DRAGONS, and AD8D are registeredtrademarks owned by TSR, InC
HOLLOW WORLD and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
Distributed to the book trade in the United Slates by Random House, Inc. and in Canada by Random House of Canada Ltd. Distributed to
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ISBN 088038898-6
In that world beneath, where continents &ifi
lazily moss the sky like dandelion seeds-where, like
firelight seen through patchment, red sunlight
gleams through the dimetrodons’ translucent spinal
webs-nothing has changed.
Whole civilizations of glory and grandeur, lost for
iifty centuries to the outer world, thrive lie trans-
planted orcha,rds. Sages from above would beg to
explore their lands and people; yet the citizens eat
and sleep, mend rips and herd sheep, breed and die,
and know boredom as anyone would; and few thii
can amaze more than the birth of a calf.
Those who have seen the stars may retreat here,
sheltered from the dark. The novelty of this eternal
noon diverts the visitor like a stage’s mappings. But
even here a thoughtfnl hero may finally comprehend
that nothing has changed. Nothing ever changes.
Here, human minds grow like bonsai trees. carefull
Change of scene offers a shifungvantage. But as a
tilt of the head shows a jewels new facets, it also reveals1
5ws. The nowlties of this world may only camouflage ~
an unexamiaed and fearsome hollow.
the History section’s account of the burrowers,
otherwise known in this uilogy as the Great Anne-
the Adas entries on the Merry Pirates, the
Nithians, and the Schattenalfen;
two monster desc~ptions
in the Adas-tht
flying viper from the Azcan Empire listing, and the
manscorpions in the Nithian Empire entry;
and the entries for Thanatos and Asterius in thc
Immortals section.
About the &t
The adventure’splot is described in a sequetlcc
chapters, each keyed to a single setting or idea. The
chapters are summarized in the followingAdventure
Overview. Most of the chapters contain the followin$
How Thq Get There: Ways the PCs can reach thir
place, including a list of dues from other chapters
that point here.
The Scene: General physical description.
Paths the,pkyers can take to gather
dues leading them further into the adventure.
N ,S
Events: Occurrences that may happen while the
PCs are present. Some are optional, some manda-
Where Next?: This entry des
Nightrage is the second module in the DUNGEO
the dues given
in this chapter and the pkres they lead. Just as impor-
tant, it summad2es the fncn that you must convey to
the players More the Pcs leave this am.
Staging Hints: From time to time, the adventure
offers notes on how to stage a scene-that is, how to
pace it, create an appropiiatcmwd, and produce cer-
tain dramatic &. Use this ad& to create avivid,
memomble adventure for the playus.
Not wery chapta has all of these enmes; ?me chap
ten conrain extra enmes not listed hem characrers and
events described in a chapm can appear in vadous
orders, and your storyhe may well depart from the
default sequence this module assumes.
Any text in a box should he read aloud or para-
phtased for the players. All other information is for yoc
alone. Reveal it only in response to PC actions.
THACO: In statistic listings, this stands for “To Hi
Armor Class 0.’’ Suhtract the target’s AC from this
number to get the roll needed to hit.
AbiIiy checks: The adventure sometimes calls for
PGto make an ability check. Roll Id20 and cornpart
the result to the character’s appropriate ability
(Strength, Dexterity, etc.). Ifthe roll is equal D
less than the ability score, the action succeeds. If the
roll is greater than the ability score, the action fails.
& DRAGONS@Blood Brethren adventure trilogy in
the HOLLOW WORLDm campaign setting. To use
this adventure, you need the D&D@Basic. Expert,
and Companion sets and the HOLLOW WORLD
boxed set. Gazetteer 13, ThC Shadow Elves. may alw
prove helpful but not necessary.
This series began in module HWAI, Nighrwail,
and it condudes in HWA3, Nightstom. However,
within broad limits the three modules can he played
in any order. Though part of a series, this adventure
can stand independently with some adaptation. If
you are playing this module alone, see the lead-in
description in the next section, “Adventure Over-
Nightrage works best for a party of four to six
player characters (PCs), levels 7-9. Everything that
follows is for the Dungeon Master’s eyes only. Playem
should NOT read huther.
Preparing the Adventure
In HWAI, the PG’ quest began in the outer world
and led them to the Hollow World. (Though nomi-
nally beginning in the D&D Known World, this
trilogy adapts easily to any existing campaign set-
ting.) This part of the adventure takes place entirely
in the Hollow World; if you play it alone, you can
even use PCs native to the Hollow World, according
to the guidelines given in the boxed set. In this mod-
ule, native PCs would most plausibly be Azcans,
other nationalities enslaved by the Azcans, or Merry
Pirates; they should not be Schattenalfen or
Update: In the Timeline given on the inside gate-
fold of HWAl, Nightwail, the reference *- “h~
maqs” should be changed to “Nithia.”
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Because this module ranges across 3,000 m
the Hollow World and through a complex storyline,
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As outlined at the beginning of Nightwlil, this trilogy
details an elaborate plot by the Entropy Immortal Thanatos to
corrupt the Hollow World and pvtr of the outer world. He has
set in motion wed schemes-in the Arcan Empire, the
Nithian Empire, and, fa overseas, the land of Shahjapur (a
new culture introduced in this trilogy; for denils, see Night-
storm). This module details the Nithian section of Thanatos's
plot, thc project code-med "Nighagc."
The boxed set outlined a pivotal mntin rhe Hollow
World's bistoty, the onslaught of a monstrous me of burrowets
(unnamed in the boxed set. but one we is identified hcrc
called "Great Annelids''). The Annelids' and other burrowers'
devastation throughout the Hollow World led the lmmomls to
mite their Spell of Premaon. The Spell put the Annelids
into suspended animation, beyond even the Entropy Immor-
uls' power to rcvivc them. . . the other Immorrals thought.
master he has installed one ofthe Blood Bmhrm. the evil
outer-world xmts detailed in rhe fm module of this series.
(See the "NPCS" section of the zppcndix for a mmnmy.) This
is the evil sorcerer Korcsh Tcvd.
As detailed in HWA1. Thanatos has staged a doer me to
divert host all the world's Imm~rtd~
into the distant past.
With a magical "timc marker" he has delayed their remfor
some months. Thcrcforc, for the duration of this zdvcnture,
no dend speUs above 2nd led sm available! Thc only crcep-
tion applies to dcrics of Thanatas himself, induding Simm of
the Blood Brethren. (Simm figures in HWAI. Note that
Koresh Tcyd, villain of this module, is not z dcric.)
Clcricr can cast 1st- and 2nd-level spells as usual, since these
arise from rheir own purity of spirit. But higher-led spells M
granted by thcir patron Immornls. and the Immonals won't
return until the end of HWA3.
Astadus: One Immornl, htsrerius, has rcmained in the
present-but Thanatos captured him and has imprisoned him
in the hdof Shahjapur, using a powerful device called a
Yct now Thanatos has revived some of the Annelids. As their
sheath. Asterius sent out 2 fraction of his awareness to
remc the POin HWA1, for he recognizcd that as outsiders in
the Hollow World they have the best bcc of freeing him. Io
this advcnnue, he can do no more than scnd them a few
cnigmztic dreams.
Optionally, you can decide that Asvrius (substituting for the
PCr' patron Immorrals) grants PC de& spells highcr than 2nd
level. However, only PCs gain this advantage; NPC detirs dl
mnot cast hieh-level SOCIIS. Note that PC detis hive no due
why this shouid be!
Certain Annelids, +?xous lgain despite the kck oftheir
once-fabled intdlicncc. have been tunneling through thc
World-Shicld, the anti-magic boundarg Layer between thc
outer wotld and the Hollow World. Por remns ddedin the
fmt module, Thanatos wants to turn the World-Shidd into a
honeycomb of passages. This is pur of his plan to spread the
Hollow World's corruption to the outer world, the PCs' home-
Symbionts: To datc. the Annelids have tunneled at random
without guidance. But Korcsh Teyd recently mtived in the
Hollow World (his entry was detailed in HWAl) and has begun
supervising the Annelids' tunnding. He has lchicvcd control
of the Annelids with a symbiont. a new organiSm that survives
through an attachment to the Annelidd nervous system. With
a symbiont aached. an Anndid obcys Koresh's commands to
saturate the World-Shieldwirh NM&.
What are the symbionts, and where did Koresh get them?
This provides the cmdmystery of this adventure.
hpent-minr and Shrtdm: Io lieu of* full explanation
at this pint, dice it to say that Koresh requires a vital
ingredient for the production of these symbionts: an otherwise
innocuous herb called serpent-mint.
This herb grows only in rare spots in the Hollow World. and
Koresh must cnlisr thc aid of the Schaucnllfcn, thc dark dva,
to procure it. Fommtdy, the Annelids givc Komh the vital
element he netds to enlist the elves' coopcntion.
The Annelids' leavings, you see, indude pure World-Shield
ore. Though he himself has no need for the waste me. Koresh
Teyd can forge it into powerful anti-magical mor. With this
armor, the Schattenalfen become much more powerful and can
ph the conquest of their hated enemies. Thaefore. thev have
great incentives IO harvest mote serpcnt-mint to trade to
Elemmpls: In order to forge the World-Shield ore, Koresh
requires SupernaNd arSistulcc. He has morrcd ompention
fmm evth and fm elemends of the Elemend Plana, bring-
ing them here to a volcatllc vent in the Nithian Empire. There
they srzff and maintain a foundry. Nigbuage foundry, that
mates the finished World-Shield armor.
The plibt ofthe unwilling clcmmnls brings the POinto
the adventure. An ewaped evth elemental, Gabbro, enlists
their aid in louting the foundry and defearing Kotesh Tcyd.
This inidmission m dwdneatly with the one given in
migment also imts incidental missions, as ddedin the
Adventure Summary below. But fist. a Mcr
The adventure begins near Atardpa. the ruins described in
w U
Chapter 6 ofNighd as the pcs' arrival point in the Hollow
World. Prom there it progress to i sehattenllfen urn;
auws the continmr to &chis, capital of the Nithian EmpirC,
and it Drobablv condudes on the floadnn continmr of Ashno.
tain. What foliows is only one likely mu& the adventure my
using the settings desuibed.
Chapter 1, Setting the Stage: The PO joumq to thcir fist
stopping place and encounter their first infomation sourrc, a
humble but garrulous shepherd named hl. Dzcl tells them
the lore of an important (and cndangcrcd)Hollow World
aeam. the fcithmd stpent. Noone un =plain its rapid
population decline.
Chapter 2, ALwutFcatheredSerpnts: Details, both wdl-
known and sa.
that the PCs may ~vmruallyuncwcr.
Chapter3, Colirm:Ad~mwnwh~fheFGtaLcona
qum to Imu rhc supnts' mysredous bxeding pd. Chw
pint towvd the Nirhiuls, whom no m has evaseenin$his
rcgion bdorr, and mwvd rhe Sdmmdkn,who haw mysmim
ami-magical mor thar mdm them llmmt invincible.
amp, and the fmt brief encounter with Koresh Teyd.
Chapter 4, Bar Gvem: A foray into a Schattedm guerilla
Chapter I, liaveling in Annelid%The PO gn to the
Nithian Empire via ht
hard way-imide the
gigantic creature!
Chapter 6, Worms and Worse: Three thousand miles inlad,
thc PO again meet Koresh Teyd and his Nithian henchman
Kruthep, and they fmd dues to the World-Shield scheme. The
be- may tide in Koresh'smagid Scmckhtet-barge. which
pwes m~thly
through solid radr.
Chapter 7. The Banks of rhc Nithis: 'Ihc hemes qlore one
of the great cities of the Hollow World, and my well meet its
Phanoh, for bcttcr or worn. Koresh Tcyd bas used flattery and
deception to bdricnd Pharaoh, in order to prevent intecference
in his lvgcr schcmc. Clues lead to a seuet oasis in the desert,
and to a mokiog vent in the mountains near the capital UQ.
Chapter 8. Serpent Ouic: In the desert of the Nithim
Empire lies P fertile os.&. Here the feathered serpents gathet
and breed. And here the PCs mccf and fight a fierce tribe of
manrcorpions,which are hating the serpents' cou~tls
plot element
mystedous purposes. Do the PCs
lfoul of the Spell of
vital to this adventure.
Chapter 9, Nightage Foundry In the heart of a river of
lava, the PO &ova how Koresh Teyd makes the and-magiql
armor. With the help of clemends, he forges it from ore of
the planetw World-Shield,ftom scavenged ore that the
Annelids mine. But how dwhe enlist the clemmds' caaper-
Chapter 10, The Wl to Korcsh Tep! Beneath the
Nightnge foundry, the POconfront Koresh Tcyd (they think).
Can the hemes frec the captive clement& and xrpenrs?
Chapter 11. Ashnorain: On this floating continent the heraes
discoscr the mast secm lair of the feathered scrpenrs, the
hatching chambers; znd they meet the wingQucen Moth?
of the spcucs-as well as the real Korcsh Teyd. Here the PO
may em gain the powcr to komc serpents thnasclvcs! With
this powcr, they have the chance w rescue the rcsidcnts of the
omis before the lava dcsnoys them.
the Gwr Annelid's tunnel. You and they both dimbed
down about a mik. and then dimhed the gme disnncc
back up again; so you fwd pu mulddt be far from
where you stwted.
But you cmaged in the Hollow World: a huge spherical
cavern in the core of your world, rhoumnds of miles maw,
with a brilliant red sun floating at its cmter. You stood on
the inside of this sphere, Idkgout at a hodEon that
bends upwvdat huge islands flmdng by in the sk-at
dismt Oceans and mntinents. homes to
what? Suddeaty you had to go back aud rethink eve-
you k& before.
But when you tried to Isk thc elves about this ph. thq
lookcd s confused ss you. From their panic, you gathered
that the earth elcmcnd had dcpmited you all somewhcrc
in thc Hollow World that the dves hadn't asked for or
If you ue playing this madule alonc, or u the fmt in the
series, read thc following scnion aloud to the players w bcgin'
the game. If you are not using the Known World campaign
scuing, make appropriate s~bsti~tio~~~
DM Note The lnrtodumon to rhr pomr pznllcls the
opening of HWAI. Nighmu' The follovnng conclusion ddfr
ftom HWAl The change crpcdrrcr the vuon and dsposcs 01
for Ghtri (a powerful
confederacy) and the Broken Lands (a savage territory on its
borders). It you have .lrradg phyed Nigh&,
ends thls module don not rrpolsc
skip this
section and go to &pm
Your Schattenalfen cyom blamed you for the stupme.
Even though you daimed innocence, they started to a&.
But thcu the ground msc around thek feet! The elves
nuwd by their patron, Auantcod, as pillars of dirt gm ro
cover them. like giant anthills. The ht sounds you heard
from them were smdcred suewns.
A mouth opened in the ground not far from you. The
earth clcmental spokc, in 2 voice like wind through dccp
caverns: "I 1pn Gabbro, a holy one of my folk. We of thc
sod, and those ofthe flamc. are trapped, by thm Wre the
ones I just rook. I seck your help.
"I cm not take you the-I cmtgo near. or I risk the
trap that once held me. PI-. Go to that place: the pit
with rodr that flows. Thepeak that smokes. The ool in
the sand. In thc rich earth, evil gmws. The Workf-Shicld 4
weak. The worms gnaw. Help us."
Your whole idea ofthe world has dungcd-expmded. Ihc
solid ground you've walkcd all you lives has wed out no
more solid than a nutrhcll. The world is hollow.
The quest started routinely enough. The Principditiesof
Ghuihired you to fmd 2 cmvan that had gone missing.
You were also looking for the caravan's leaders: two goblin
princes, Udm and Kano, and a Ghtrian mhr. a
human named Ma Kazc.
The mision grew "ngc a fw days along thc trail,
when one morning the cledcs discovctcd they had not bccn
granted powcdul spells. You had no idea whx nor whether
this was specific to you party alone or more widespread.
While you were puzzling ma this, you followed the cam-
van's trail to the ins of Barleycorn Monastcq, in the
Broken hds.
The whole pke was a me&. You found that the minis-
ter and the goblins had been looking for something bc-
neath the monasurg-and they set it frec. Whatem it was,
it possessed thcm, shrink the caravan, and fled with it
In z cavcrn under the momstcry you saw the dead re-
& of= 20-foot-long worn-aeature that must have
eaten away the ~UMCI to the monuterg. Then you mer an
matt patty of strange folk-elves, appaxmtly, but they
were short, with pure white skin and hair.
They called themselves "schattenalfen:' and claimed
they were Eent here by a drcam vision from their patron
mtity, Atzanteod, to SCN~ the possessed princes, whom
they ded the "Blood Brethren:' They called thc worm-
aeature a "Great Annelid."
The Brehn had told these Schittenalfen to wait for
&s who would bc showing up, and the ekes &took you
for those allies. You wisely said nothing to contradict that.
For the elemental's game statistics, dt
the Monster
Summvy Tahk on the reference SUPCII.
Talking with the elemend: Gabh, a native of the Elcmn
d Phe of Earth, hows little ofthis p!am and Idsthe
vocabulary to tell important faro w the PO. Hc is describing
matters as well as hc can.
"Thc peak that smokes" lies in thc mountains near 'kth
(see Chapter 9). "The pool in the sand" is the feathered
serpents' ovis (Chapter 8). "The pit with rock that flows" is
the volcanic forge bene& the mountain vent. where Komh
Teyd mm the Nigh- foundry devoted ro proceskg thc
World-Shield ore. "The worms gnaw,'' of coursc, refers to thc
Gmt Annelids' NMdS through rhc wotld's mt.
Gabbto can anm qumions, kgh his answer? offer little
help. (For the substance of his mea, eodt Ieter chapters.
especially Chapter 9.) He condudes with, "You must go far.
Craw the wtcr. Talk is hard: I say no more." The mouth in d
earth Mnishcs, lciving the ground uomarked.
The PCs should now follow the tmil thmugh the mountain
to the potr of &ha. Go to Chap= 1.
Gabbro 1s guide: If the PCs are ming in the wrong direc
rim or have uouhle getting started, Gabbro can lurk invkihly
underground as i guide. To prompt &em, he can nudge the
bottoms of their boors. If you wish, he can even bring thcm
freshly-kiUed (but nthcr diq) nbhb and ground squinrls, m
reduce thek hunting time and sped them along. Play Gahbro
as an exotic sometime companion; he even dcn pmibilirics
as comic relief.
When the PCs mch colima, Wbm vanishes. However,
the herocs meet him again, and reme him, hter in the advo
Lm the players ask qnestions, get physical descriptiom, and
so on. For descriptions, scc thc baed set's Schattenllfen
section and this module's zppcndix. For other questions,
improvise answers according to your campaign; ah, the cha-
rm that follow rrpllin much of the mystcrg.
Mmy Tongues," which let you understand their language.
Then the clvcs uscd a device to summon an earth
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