Advanced Speed Seduction Seminar.DOC

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Ross:  To my Super Speed Seduction Weekend.  I know you guys are going to

be blown out of the water.  I have been working on this material to the

extent you would not believe.  Before we get you into the meat of this

I would just like to ask, how many people here have been to a previous

seminar, raise your hand.  Ok.  How many people have listened to the home

study course or read the home study course book or work book.  Ok.  How

many people here have absolutely no exposure to any of my material at any

time.  Ok.  That's fine.  That'll work.  That's fine.  So you've all

had some exposure.  A couple of administrative points and then we'll get

on to the meat of this.  We'll going to be here from 5:00 to 10:00, we'll

probably take a pizza break, we'll have pizza brought in around 7:00, 7:30

so you will be fed.  Tomorrow we go from 9:30 to 6:00 and Sunday we go from

9:30 to 6:00.  Tonight what we'll be covering are some basic principles.

We're going to be reviewing the basic principles. hold your question,

we'll be reviewing the basic principles to make this work and the basic

tools.  I might give you a new pattern, I might not.  Saturday, we're

going to be going through patterns, some new patterns I've done and

some stuff that's also in the home study course and Sunday we're going

to be doing hot seats.  Ok.  I forgot to bring the hot seat form to fill

out if you want to do hot seats.  I will have them tomorrow.  So if you

want to do hot seats make sure you see Yates and, what the hot seats are

about is if you have some specific challenge, there's one particular

woman that you've always been after or something like that, you get up

here and we work with you and we carve out an exact strategy for you

to follow.  And some of my top students will be here, some of them are

already in the room tonight.  They are here to help you.  One point I

want to make.  This seminar is not about competition.  I know as men

we are very competitive, this seminar is about cooperating.  I want

everyone here to have the attitude of helping each other.  When I break

you up in groups to do exercises, I want you to do the exercises.  Is

that clear?



Audience:  Yeah



Ross:  Ok, good, you're giving me the verbal feedback.  It's yes or no.

The next point I want to make is, we will be taking breaks fairly

frequently, so don't worry about that.  There's no name tags, you don't

have to ask permission to go to the bathroom or any of the other bullshit.

I am vulgar in my language so if you are offended by vulgar language,

get the fuck out now.  Ok.  Because I'm teaching very sophisticated

concepts and the only way I can keep my own mind fresh is by descending

into the gutter on frequest occasions.  So, we will have women in the

room, they are here as my demonstration subjects, don't worry about

them, you're presence here is confidential, that's no problem.  If you

want to try patterns on them, feel free, but not inside the room.  If

you want to mess with them out there and try some of this stuff, feel

free.  Ok.  In this room, unless I'm assigning you to work with them, leave

them alone.  Ok.  And, this is Jackie, she was at one of my seminars

I taught her one day from the learning annex, she's one of our

subjects here so, hello Jackie.  The other thing I'll tell you about,

I promise to, all demonstration subjects, male or female, that I will

not embarrass or humiliate you, in an unhealthful fashion.




Audience:  Laughs

Ross:  So, I think that about covers all of the administrative stuff.

One final point, if you have a question, I insist that you ask it.  My

dedication is to make sure you get this material.  I have seen in my

own life the difference it has made in the fun I have as a result of

learning these skills.  I've seen what some of my better students

has been able to do with this.  There is no greater joy for me than to

have my student call me up and go Ross, you wouldn't believe it,

this chick is madly in love with me, I can't believe it, blah, blah,

I love hearing that.  When I hear that someome is getting results

it's just blowing their mind, it blows my mind, I love it.  So, if

you have a question, ask it.  Will everyone agree to that, will you

ask a question if you've got it.



Audience:  Yes



Ross:  The only exception is, do not ask me questions during the break.

For two reasons:  (1)  I need the breaks, and (2)  the other people

in the room don't get to hear the benefit of the answer.  Is that fair?



Audience:  Yes



Ross:  Alright, so let's get started tonight.  Huh, what is this

really all about?  There is varying degrees in this room right now

of understanding of my material, and I realize that.  I realize some

people get it at a great degree and some people get it to a lesser

degree.  The real major point, the real basic principles that this is

all about.  There's basically there's two full principles.  First it's about

creating a state for yourself, learning to create and control your

own state so that when you go into a situation, you have a state that's

powerful and fun and you feel totally confident that you're going to

get the result.  You see, I can give you the best possible tools in

the world, but if you're not in the right state when it becomes time

to use those tools, it's going to be worthless, you're not going to be

able to do anything with it.  And that's why in my home study course,

raise your hand if you got the home study course, so we all know

about the unstoppable confidence tapes, do we all have those?



Audience:  Yes



Ross:  Does anyone listen to those.



Audience:  Yes



Ross:  Alright, the point of those exercises, sit towards the front if

you can, if you can find a seat towards the front do so, there's one

next to this gentleman, so sit there if you can or Yates make sure

they're properly ushered in.  The point of those unstoppable confidence

tapes was not to passively listen, the point was to use them to build

the state for yourself where you're very powerful and you're able to do

what you need to do.  I mean, how many people have ever been in a

situation when you meet, where you see a woman that you would like to

meet and you think of the exact right thing to say to her, an hour

later after she's walked out of your life forever, has it ever happened?

Audience:  Yes, Oh yeah



Ross:  So what I propose, I'm proposing some things that are fairly

preposterous.  One of the things I'm proposing is you can learn to

control your states.  Now we live in a society that teaches

that emotions are out of our control.  I tend to propose two things:

(1)  That you can control your own states; and (2)  You can learn to

control and direct the states of the women that you want to control

and direct.  Now traditional psychological thinking will tell you

that's impossible.  I hope that you already know that they're are

wrong and I'm right and by the end of the evening, by the end of the

weekend, I'm sure you'll be convinced that I'm right.  In fact, if

you were to find yourself being totally convinced by every word

I say, won't it be great after you've enjoyed a weekend filled with

being in that state of absolute suggestibility.  Have you ever

experienced absolute suggestibility?  As you find yourself reentering

that state, and allow my words to deepen and just intensify that state,

I feel great knowing that I'm helping you to learn.  And so I think we should

start by giving me a big round of applause, huh?



Audience:  Claps



Ross:  There you go, there you go. Thank you.  See, thank you and by the

way I just demonstrated some things, did anyone hear the embedded

commands and the other thing.  Did anyone hear the weasel phrases

and other things.  So, they're really just a couple of basics.  Well,

that's basic (1) learning to control your own state and due to feedback

from my students in previous seminars, I will be taking you through

some exercises to help build that confidence and so when you walk out

with the unstoppable confidence tapes, you'll know how to work with

and better yourselves.  Fair enough?



Audience:  Yeah.



Ross:  Ok.  The other aspect of all this is that you can learn to

control and direct the states of the women, not just women, but in

any area of your life, I mean, my student, Mark, I'm very proud of

Mark.  This is Mark xxxxxxx.  Mark, stand up and take a bow, just

for a second.  Mark has been using these skills, not just romantically

but in, shall we say, other areas.



Mark:  Other areas.



Ross:  So these skills are useful for persuading anyone.  And let's talk

about the basics about that.  What are the basics of using these skills

to persuade others?  Let's look at some basic principles.  And these

are in your notes.  You should all have a set of notes.  Basic

principles.  Basic principles.  This is what this is all about.  Let's

set your notes down.  What this is really about is creating a conversational

framework, a conversational framework that allows you to direct the

prophesis and emotional states of the woman that you want to seduce.

And what we do is we set up a framework where we do whatever we need to

to get these results.  And it seems like normal conversation.  Now,

there are two different styles of doing this.  You can be conversational

and covert, that's where you just sneak things into your conversation,

or you can be very blatant and directive.  Guess what?  They both work.

How many people here have a fear of being caught using this stuff?  Be

honest.  You don't need to be afraid.  Because I'm telling you when you

do this right, it doesn't matter.  They will say things like, I know

you're doing this and it's still working.  I know you're doing

something but it doesn't matter, this is working.  I go that's right.

Let me give you an illustrated example of this.  I like, personally

if I have my choice, I'd do this.  I enjoy being blatant, I enjoy

telling people what to do and by the way for alot of women, it's a

turn on.  When you're blatant and you're powerful about it, alot of

them, not all,  are turned on by that, they think hey this guy is

really powerful.  It's a skill to learn which one you're dealing with.

And sometimes you have to do a little trial and error to find out.  If

I start out being blatant and I don't like the response that I'm getting,

I'll back off and be more conversational and covert.  One of the skills

that you need to learn to really master this material at a powerful

level is the ability to back off if what you're doing isn't working.

And take a different approach.  Ok.  How many of you here has tried

some of this and when you tried it she wasn't responsing well, so you

just shut down and quit.  Raise your hand if that's happened.  Keep

your hands up.  What's your name?



Eric:  Eric



Ross:  Eric, what was your experience?  Tell your experience in trying

it and didn't get a good result so you backed off.



Eric:  Well, there was a, this was a couple of months ago or actually three

weeks ago, I was talking to the receptionist at the doctor's office

and I figured, you know, I was just getting into the material, and I figured

ok, what the hell.  We'll try something and I forget exactly what I

said to her, but I got a funny look, and so I just said, well ok, I'll just

you know, give her the credit card, get out.



Ross:  Right, that is a mistake.  Just because you get a funny look,

it doesn't mean that you can't try something else.  Look guys, I'm not

just giving you nuclear weapons.  I'm giving you neutron bombs,

full time torpedoes, xxxxxx   tractor beams, xxxxxx.  You know if

one thing doesn't work, you've got plenty tricks in the bag.  Just back

up and do something else.  Yes, your name?



Audience:  Rick



Ross:  Yeh



XXXX:  That's funny, because I've noticed that they'll get that certain

look but that's right before they start going into trance.



Ross:  That's right.  Sometimes that look doesn't mean they're disagreeing,

it just means they're about to go into a deep trance.  So you can't always

tell what those looks mean.  The basic thing I want to give you guys is

a basic attitude that's going to help you.  And that basic attitude

is the attitude that everything you do is an experiment.  If you go in

there with the attitude of, oh, this is got to work, if it doesn't

work, I'm a pencil dick impenitent fool and all that, forget that, let that go.

The attitude that you want to get is hey, this is an experiment, if

it doesn't work, I've learned something and I can try something else.

Take the pressure off yourself.  Take the pressure off yourself, it's

very important.  So what we're doing is creating a conversational

framework and if something doesn't work, I step away from it.  Let me

give you an example of this.  Now let me give you an example of just how

blatant you can be.  Last week I was at a taping, my friend Shawn,

who'll be here tomorrow probably, was taping a TV show.  And after the

show I was backstage fooling around with one of the producers and I'll

show you how blatant I am.  I said to her, I said you know, I said,

first of all, I was hitting on the other producer and she turned out

to have a boyfriend so I switched right over to this one, and it was

a serious boyfriend and I didn't want to bother with the boyfriend

destroyer which we'll get into later and I said I have an intuition

about you, and she said what's that, I said I have an intuition

that you're very visual, you make pictures in your head very well,

I said in fact, you have a talent.  You're talent is you can look right

at someome and they think you're listening, but you can be making

movies in your mind of something that you'd rather be doing.  And she

said, oh my God, that's right, how did you know that?  I said I'll tell

you something else that I know about you.  I said you motivate yourself,

stop and think of something that really motivates you, something you

just can't wait to do and I saw this, her pupils dialated.  When you

see this, when they don't have to look up to visualize, when they do

this, that means they're really visual.  If you start out talking

about feelings with these women, they're not going to get it, because

they're processing pictures, ok.  So she went, yeah, you got it, I

said do you have that thing, she said yeah, I said it's a big picture

in front of your face isn't it?  She said yeah.  I said and notice as you

take the picture and pull it away and make it smaller, doesn't it seem

less motivating?  And she went oh my God, yes it does.  I said, but

then, there's like a blank spot there that wants to be filled in.



Audience:  Laughs




Ross:  Now you guys know where I'm going with this.  I said so notice


what it's like as an image of you and I laughing over a cup of


coffee, just sneaks itself and locks itself right in there.  Doesn't it


make it seem like it's something you want to do and she starts


laughing, she said, my God, I know you just shoved it in there but


it's working anyway.  I said absolutely right.  I said you know after


we've gone for coffee and you've fallen for me completely I wonder


if you'll be willing to share with me just exactly what it was about


me that caused you to come to that conclusion. because alot of women thinks


it's my sense of humor.  I do make you laugh, don't I?  And she


laughed, you know which of course is proof that I hold things until they take


place.  So of course, it all works, you see.  That's how blatant


I am.  You can be that blatant.  Now, when we went for coffee, I did


one thing that she didn't like.  And she said, you know, I don't



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