Stephen Jones (ed) - The Mammoth Book of Monsters.rtf

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1 - Da­vid J. Schow - Vi­si­ta­ti­on

2 - Ram­sey Camp­bell - Down The­re

3 - Scott Edel­man - The Man He Had Be­en Be­fo­re

4 - Den­nis Etc­hi­son - Cal­ling All Mon­s­ters

5 - R. Chetwynd-ha­yes - The Shad­mock

6 - Chris­top­her Fow­ler - The Spi­der Kiss

7 - Nancy Hol­der - Ca­fe End­less: Spring Ra­in

8 - Tho­mas Li­got­ti - The Me­du­sa

9 - Gem­ma Fi­les - In The Po­or Girl Ta­ken By Sur­p­ri­se

10 - Sydney J. Bo­unds - Dow­n­mar­ket

11 - Ro­bert E. Ho­ward - The Hor­ror From The Mo­und

12 - Jay La­ke - Fat Man

13 - Bri­an Lum­ley - The Thin Pe­op­le

14 - Ta­nith Lee - The Hill

15 - Joe R. Lans­da­le - God­zil­la's Twel­ve Step Prog­ram

16 - Karl Ed­ward Wag­ner - .220 Swift

17 - Ro­bert Sil­ver­berg - Our Lady Of The Sa­uro­pods

18 - Ba­sil Cop­per - The Flabby Men

19 - Ro­bert Holds­tock - The Sil­ve­ring

20 - Mic­ha­el Mars­hall Smith - So­me­one El­se's Prob­lem

21 - Cli­ve Bar­ker - Raw­he­ad Rex

22 - Kim New­man - The Chill Clutch Of The Un­se­en





How to Make a Monster


    SO WHAT, EXACTLY, cons­ti­tu­tes a "mons­ter"? That's the qu­es­ti­on I had to ask myself be­fo­re I star­ted com­pi­ling this la­test "Mam­moth" ant­ho­logy.

    Having pre­vi­o­usly edi­ted such tit­les as The Mam­moth Bo­ok of Vam­pi­res, The Mam­moth Bo­ok of Zom­bi­es, The Mam­moth Bo­ok of We­re­wol­ves, The Mam­moth Bo­ok of Fran­kens­te­in and The Mam­moth Bo­ok of Dra­cu­la, to na­me just a few, my pub­lis­hers ini­ti­al­ly sug­ges­ted that I put to­get­her an om­ni­bus vo­lu­me con­ta­ining so­me of the best sto­ri­es in tho­se bo­oks.

    That's so­met­hing that may hap­pen in the fu­tu­re. Ho­we­ver, I felt that be­ca­use tho­se bo­oks had al­re­ady ap­pe­ared in va­ri­o­us edi­ti­ons and nu­me­ro­us prin­tings aro­und the world, it wo­uld be mo­re fun to as­semb­le an en­ti­rely new se­lec­ti­on of ta­les, whi­le at the sa­me ti­me int­ro­du­cing re­aders to so­me uni­que and unu­su­al monst­ro­si­ti­es.

    After ca­re­ful con­...

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