Honey and Clover Live Action.txt

(41 KB) Pobierz
{427}{580}"To make a prairie|it takes a clover and one bee"
{584}{669}- Emily Dickinson
{837}{890}I love cherry blossoms
{930}{1054}But for some reason,|I feel relieved when they've fallen
{1251}{1310}Just joking...
{1602}{1694}Takemoto's strange, isn't he?
{1698}{1731}Like his shorts?
{1735}{1783}He's like, too healthy
{1787}{1904}He's not unhealthy enough|Hardly the art school type
{1910}{1972}He's got zero fashion sense
{1976}{2012}This enough chives?
{2016}{2115}Sure, but that also|makes him appealing
{2119}{2162}Not as a boyfriend
{2166}{2209}Bet he's nice to girlfriends
{2213}{2242}Bet he's single
{2246}{2290}Maybe a good husband
{2409}{2456}- No girlfriend|- Nope
{2497}{2561}Don't put milk in there!
{2870}{3018}I dreamed about a "Kazemachi Dori"|rice omelet last night-From Morita
{3088}{3112}Morita san?
{3116}{3170}Yeah, he's getting back soon
{3237}{3317}What's his deal, anyway?
{3321}{3421}To me, he's just|an annoying 8th year student
{3635}{3670}Excuse me
{3814}{3885}No, you're good
{3897}{3980}I'll start the grill!
{4135}{4278}It's time for the Hanamoto Lab|Junior Group Retreat,
{4296}{4381}meaning, a gathering|of Dr. Hanamoto's fans,
{4393}{4458}to begin!
{4525}{4648}Does everybody have enough beer?
{4657}{4723}Sorry, we need more here
{4749}{4894}Beer? There's another dozen|in the studio refrigerator
{4909}{4949}I'll get them
{5004}{5044}I'll go with you
{5077}{5170}The second floor's such a mess,|it's hard to find anything
{6372}{6500}For the first time,|I saw someone fall in love
{6614}{6720}Thing is, there's|some girl in the studio
{6744}{6858}Oh, right|I totally forgot
{7240}{7390}Um... that's my cousin's daughter,
{7395}{7514}Hanamoto Hagumi,|who joined my oil painting class
{7528}{7631}She's also staying here|Look after her
{7655}{7726}I know you hardly sawher
{7747}{7809}Yamada, your spine's crooked
{8376}{8428}I'II never forget...
{8442}{8575}this day, and everything this day|put into motion
{11193}{11288}I understand, see you later
{11292}{11402}I'm glad you came by, Takemoto|I've got to go see Dr. Koda
{11408}{11556}This is Hanamoto Hagu,|my cousin's daughter, you know
{11594}{11632}How much do I owe?
{11636}{11729}She can't eat out alone
{11733}{11845}So will you take my place?|I know it's a weird request
{11855}{11905}And this is Takemoto
{11912}{11990}Takemoto's amazing
{11994}{12108}He's the least arty student|at our school, a real find...
{12112}{12134}Thank you
{12138}{12212}All you have to do is just sit there|Please
{12230}{12273}She's in your hands
{13667}{13701}Hanamoto Lab
{13701}{13797}Hanamoto Lab|This whole warehouse, alone?
{13797}{13807}Hanamoto Lab
{14773}{14880}Hey, did you paint this?
{14891}{14910}Morita san
{14914}{14944}Did you paint this?
{14949}{14995}I just got totally ignored
{15000}{15139}This is good, really good!|What's your name?
{15173}{15231}Hey, your name?
{15286}{15327}Your name?
{15354}{15395}What's that about?
{15643}{15692}Your name's Hagu?
{15732}{15806}Hagu's a really weird name
{15896}{15916}Hey, Hagu!
{15930}{15996}Your painting's good, really good
{16045}{16075}Almost as good as me
{16643}{16724}Um, Morita san
{16810}{16879}What's your name?
{16915}{17018}I'm Takemoto,|your dorm neighbor
{17201}{17290}Morita san, when did you get back?
{17310}{17402}What? I thought you already|graduated, Morita san
{17412}{17523}What! I thought you'd died,|Morita san...
{17544}{17633}I heard you disappeared|on Mt. Chomolungma
{18064}{18165}I never heard you praise|anyone's work before
{18169}{18221}That's not true
{18225}{18321}Yes it is, that was a first
{18373}{18483}I think Picasso and Basquiat|aren't half bad
{18512}{18580}I have this sick feeling|you're serious
{18584}{18723}Of course I'm serious|I believe in recognizing talent
{18910}{19037}All right, ready?|It can be a smell or a voice
{19041}{19184}Not just your friend's face,|sitting next to you
{19188}{19291}Close your eyes, move closer
{19295}{19362}and make a picture of what you feel
{19937}{20017}How do you write your name?
{20104}{20140}Like it sounds
{20939}{20989}Thanks for this
{21060}{21131}What's your name, again?
{21182}{21309}I'm Takemoto,|I live next door
{21627}{21730}Wow, it's like,
{21751}{21807}it's like bursting with energy
{21888}{21970}And is this right side up?
{22150}{22261}You're so easy to talk to
{22390}{22460}No one's ever saidthat
{22996}{23026}Want one?
{23213}{23277}Kids are so cool
{23297}{23416}If theywant to, they can draw|smells and voices
{23441}{23543}We'll never be able to recapture|such invisible...
{23832}{23902}Maybe some rare people can
{23993}{24023}Just joking...
{24274}{24411}Draw crazier paintings,|crazier than hers!
{26092}{26189}He really is amazing
{26193}{26260}I'm not amazing
{26349}{26406}What's amazing is the world
{26430}{26521}Flesh, blood, bone,
{26554}{26625}earth and insects,
{26639}{26733}they're all the real thing|You know?
{26795}{26825}You do?
{26858}{26941}When I don't know|what I'm talking about
{27110}{27146}Oh, I know
{27598}{27644}Just a leftover
{27671}{27723}It's so sweet
{27771}{27890}That's the crap that sells,|all over the world
{27904}{28012}Such an impure heart|making something so sweet
{28016}{28189}But I made it, so in 10 years|it'll be worth a lot
{28223}{28336}Use it to send your kids|to private school
{28427}{28529}Ten years from now...
{28542}{28606}I wonder what I'll be doing?
{28628}{28716}If he's going|to paint all his life...
{28897}{29042}What's this? Doraemon's|voice-over actress changed?
{29046}{29199}What are you talking about?|That actress changed before you left
{29231}{29264}Oh, yeah?
{29396}{29467}It's Morita san
{29510}{29557}Hey, Mayama!
{29599}{29663}Hey, what's this?
{29679}{29798}Aren't you going to ask,|"You were alive? Where were you?"
{29809}{29868}Be more interested in me
{29873}{29947}No souvenirs for you!
{30876}{30977}It's against the law|to stalk people, you know
{30981}{31037}That's not what this is
{31053}{31200}You may want her, but love means|she has to want you back
{31210}{31249}That's not what this is
{31253}{31382}I told a female cop she was cute
{31386}{31488}and got charged with|sexual harassment, get it?
{31515}{31554}I do
{31616}{31657}Why's that all you get!?
{31733}{31844}How old is that lady?|A lot older than you
{31883}{31950}Have a normal, fun love-life
{32015}{32059}Oh, no, no, no
{32091}{32186}If I keep this up,|I really will get arrested
{32234}{32294}"Rika san's Lip cream"
{32299}{32359}"Rika san's favorite perfume"
{32364}{32424}"Notepaper Rika san used"
{32429}{32491}"A straw Rika san used"
{32733}{32804}Thank you!|All you bumpkins!
{32810}{32854}Thank you, thank you
{32864}{32964}I'm grateful to be welcomed|home from my long travels
{32972}{33047}with such a modest party
{33052}{33177}I really am grateful, but...|Who are you?
{33602}{33633}Good morning
{33676}{33708}Good morning
{33731}{33798}Um, the thing is...
{33802}{33948}If you don't have anyone|to eat lunch with,
{33952}{34053}that is, if Dr. Hanamoto can't|make it to lunch,
{34061}{34168}would you consider|having lunch with me?
{34323}{34433}Really? See you at lunch|in the cafeteria
{34437}{34535}I'll save usseats|See you!
{34646}{34719}What, what, what?|You don't want to?
{34798}{34835}Thank you
{35090}{35134}Thank you
{35858}{35904}See the bulletin board?
{35909}{36035}It says, "Mayama, a senior|in Architecture City Design
{36039}{36110}"is late submitting|his senior thesis"
{36126}{36263}Exactly, I just can't decide
{36325}{36402}Having to condense|4 years of education...
{36429}{36553}Why not postpone|graduating a year?
{36606}{36653}Hey, that's great
{36683}{36742}Postpone it a year
{36964}{37049}Wow, I'm hungry|Want to get a bite to eat?
{37194}{37245}What? Eat something?
{37349}{37386}You and me?
{37453}{37541}Well, yeah, sure
{37573}{37685}It's a bit of a walk but|how about Mediterranean?
{37689}{37786}It's 11AM, they're probably|open for lunch
{37790}{37875}Or someplace closer by...
{37879}{37922}Oh, sorry
{37932}{38035}Hello, yes
{38097}{38207}Right now?|Sure, within the hour
{38229}{38303}I'll be right there|Sorry, gotta work
{38365}{38451}I need more work|if I'm staying behind a year
{38588}{38736}That's not good|More work is not good
{39189}{39280}After finishing working at|the Harada Design Office,
{39285}{39418}I begin my surveillance at 1PM|at the park
{39705}{39789}Fifteen minutes later,|I start tailing
{39934}{40016}And I follow Mayama
{41645}{41761}What a coincidence, totally|Mayama
{42115}{42233}Rika san?|What a coincidence
{42397}{42483}Let me introduce you two
{42540}{42659}This is Harada Rika, from|the design office where I work
{42722}{42870}This is Yamada,|a year behind me in art school
{42898}{42966}From Hanamoto's Lab?
{42981}{43071}No, Yamada san's in ceramics,|so not the Lab
{43098}{43200}Um, she's just...
{43229}{43311}an acquaintance from|the Hanamoto group
{43347}{43440}Lately, we all get together|and drink
{43453}{43526}at Dr. Hanamoto's,|once in a while
{43542}{43584}That's where...
{43597}{43682}And Rika, I mean, Harada san...
{43725}{43810}Studied architecture|with Hanamoto san
{43815}{43965}He introduces me to gifted students|who work part-time for me
{44007}{44123}I'm not gifted, not at all
{44128}{44170}Mayama's in love
{44174}{44250}I hardly feel I'm worth paying...
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