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Practice Test 2 79
more tolerant view of many types of risk-taking than psy-
chologists did then.
Sure, some people are natural risk-takers. And others are
risk-averse. But I can’t go along with this article when it
says there’s a . . . a “universal risk-taking personality.” Some
people take risks in one part of their lives but not in others.
An investment banker might always buy safe stocks, but
then he might race motorcycles on weekends.
The article discusses the connection between risk-taking
and suicidal tendencies. Well, I’d argue that most risk-
takers tend to be pretty confident that nothing bad will
happen to them. They recognize that their activities are
dangerous, sure, but because of their skill, their . . . their
positive attitude . . . their experience, they will succeed.
Motorcycle racers don’t think they will have accidents, no
matter how fast they drive.
The article suggests that there’s no reward for people
who take unnecessary risks. Actually, there are rewards. For
one thing, there’s a physical reward, a chemical reward.
What I mean is, when people take risks, when skydivers, say,
jump from airplanes, their bodies pump chemicals like
adrenaline into their bloodstreams. For some people, this is
pleasurable, something to repeat over and over. There are
also psychological benefits. Studies have shown that risk-
takers have higher self-esteem, higher levels of confidence,
more, uh, social and financial success than those who don’t.
Now, I don’t want to make any blanket statements about
taking risks. There are some risks that people shouldn’t
take. Smoking is a health risk, one that’s just foolish to take.
But we psychologists have changed our opinion since this
article was written. We realize that sometimes it’s impor-
tant to take risks, and that risk-takers aren’t mentally ill.
Narrator: Now get ready to answer the question.
Remember, you may turn the page and look back at the
reading passage. You may also use your notes to help you.
You have twenty minutes to prepare and write your
Question: Summarize the main points made in the lec-
ture that you just heard, discussing how they cast doubt on
the main points of the reading. You can refer to the reading
passage as you write.
Narrator: Listen to a conversation between two students.
Student A: Hey, Allen, have you decided who you’re going to
vote for tomorrow? In the student government election?
Student B: Oh, that’s tomorrow?
Student A: Yeah, haven’t you seen the posters all over
Student B: Tell you the truth, there’re always a lot of posters
around campus, and I never pay much attention to any of
them. So are you running for office again, Janet?
Student A: As a matter of fact, yeah, I am, I’m running for
re-election for the seat on the Student Council that belongs
to the School of Business. But you can’t vote for me,
because you’re in the School of Engineering.
Student B: Oh, that’s how it works? You can only vote for
someone from your own school?
Student A: Right. Each of the ten schools on campus—the
Engineering School, the Law School, the School of Arts and
Sciences, the Business School, all ten of them—has one
representative on the Student Council, and you can only
vote for someone from your own school. Except for the
Student Council President and Vice President. All the stu-
dents at the university get to vote for those two offices. So
you’ll be voting for council member, president, and V.P.
Student B: Oh, I thought I read somewhere that first the
council was elected and that then they voted for president
and vice president.
Student A: Uh, well, you’re right, it used to be that way. But
last year the Student Council voted to change the student
government charter. We decided it was more . . . well, more
democratic if all the students could directly elect the presi-
dent and vice president.
Student B: Why didn’t you run for president then? Almost
everyone on campus knows you, and . . .
Student A: I want to serve one more year on the council . . .
and then, well, I’m thinking that next year, I’ll try to get
elected president.
Student B: Well, if I can’t vote for you tomorrow, Janet, I
don’t think there’s much point in voting. I don’t know any-
thing about any of the other candidates.
Student A: You should vote anyway, Allen. You may not
think so, but student government’s important.
Student B: Why? Why should it matter to me who’s on the
Student Council?
Student A: Well, the most important thing is—the Council
gets to decide how to spend your money. Fifteen dollars
from each student’s fees goes into the Student Council’s
general fund. That’s a budget of, like, a hundred and fifty
thousand dollars. The Council decides how much each
campus organization can spend, it decides what concerts
we’re going to have.
Student B: Tell you the truth, Janet, I’m too busy to join any
organizations or go to any concerts—most engineering stu-
dents are. Besides, everyone knows that student govern-
ment doesn’t have any real power. Real power on this
campus belongs to the Board of Trustees.
Student A: Yeah, but the president of the Student Council
goes to the Trustees’ Meetings. Now it’s true, he or she
doesn’t get to vote, but that doesn’t mean that the Trustees
don’t listen to the Council President’s concerns sometimes.
Just last year . . .
Student B: Well, I have my doubts—I think the Trustees do
what they want to do. But I’ll tell you what, Janet—since
you asked me, I’ll vote in the election tomorrow.
Student A: Great! Then you should also go to the debate
tonight, to figure out who’s the best candidate for you to
vote for.
Narrator: This is the end of the Integrated Skills Writing
Section and of the Audio Program for Practice Test 1.
[CD 13 Track 1]
Practice Test 2
Listening Section
Narrator: Directions: This section tests your understanding
of conversations and lectures. You will hear each conversa-
tion or lecture only once. Your answers should be based on
what is stated or implied in the conversations and lectures.
You are allowed to take notes as you listen, and you can use
these notes to help you answer the questions. In some ques-
tions, you will see a headphones icon. This icon tells you
that you will hear, but not read, part of the lecture again.
Then you will answer a question about the part of the lecture
that you heard. Some questions have special directions that
are highlighted. During an actual listening test, you will not
be able to skip items and come back to them later, so try to
answer every question that you hear on this practice test.
This test includes two conversations and four lectures. Most
questions are separated by a ten-second pause.
80 Practice Test 2
Student B: Don’t push your luck! I have a quiz tomorrow
that I have to study for.
Narrator: Now get ready to answer some questions about
the conversation. You may use your notes to help you.
Narrator: Question 1: Why can’t Allen vote for Janet?
Narrator: Question 2: How many members of the council is
each student allowed to vote for?
Narrator: Question 3: What is learned about Janet from this
Narrator: Question 4: According to Janet, what is the most
important responsibility of the Student Council?
Narrator: Listen again to part of the conversation.
Student B: Well, I have my doubts—I think the Trustees do
what they want to do. But I’ll tell you what, Janet—since
you asked me, I’ll vote in the election tomorrow.
Student A: Great! Then you should also go to the debate
tonight, to figure out who’s the best candidate for you to
vote for.
Student B: Don’t push your luck! I have a quiz tomorrow
that I have to study for.
Narrator: Question 5: What does Allen imply when he
says this?
Student B: Don’t push your luck!
ferent ending. The focus group watches them all and then
says which one they like best.
Student B: So, what product will the groups in your class be
Student A: Well, different teams will have different prod-
ucts. My team, the three students I’m working with, we’re
. . . uh, pretending that a client company, an imaginary
food company came to our marketing agency and said,
“We’re thinking about adding a new flavor of ice cream to
our product mix, and we’ve come up with a half-dozen
recipes for this ice cream flavor, and we want you to help us
figure out which of these we should market.”
Student B: Ice cream, huh. So where are you getting the ice
Student A: We’re just gonna buy different brands of the
same flavor of ice cream at the supermarket.
Student B: So, you get a grade for this project?
Student A: Yeah, and it’s actually a fairly important part of
our total grade. Professor Marquez says that . . . that the
chemistry, the uh, interaction between the moderator and
the focus group, is key in making sure a focus group goes
well. You have to be sure that the people in the group feel
free to give their opinions, but you have to keep them on
topic. And you want to help the group develop a . . . a
group identity, a group spirit, you know? But at the same
time you don’t want them to fall into the “group think” trap,
where the members say things just to be going along with
the group . . . being a moderator’s not all that easy, I guess.
Student B: Well, I’m pretty sure I’m free tomorrow after-
noon. Oh, and . . . uh, what flavor ice cream are we going to
be tasting?
Student A: Umm, mint chocolate chip.
Student B: Okay, that settles it . . . I’m in!
Narrator: Now get ready to answer some questions about
the conversation. You may use your notes to help you.
Narrator: Question 6: What subject does Professor Marquez
probably teach?
Narrator: Question 7: What will Professor Marquez give the
man if he comes to her class the next day?
Narrator: Question 8: What does the woman imply about
focus groups that test Hollywood films?
Narrator: Question 9: What will Professor Marquez proba-
bly pay most attention to during the focus group activity?
Narrator: Listen again to part of the conversation.
Student B: Well, I’m pretty sure I’m free tomorrow after-
noon. Oh, and . . . uh, what flavor ice cream are we going to
be tasting?
Student A: Umm, mint chocolate chip.
Student B: Okay, that settles it . . . I’m in!
Narrator: Question 10: What does Tony imply when he
says this?
Student B: Okay, that settles it . . . I’m in!
Narrator: Listen to a lecture in an American Literature
Professor: Today I’d like to continue our discussion of
nineteenth-century literature by talking about the novelist
Harriet Beecher Stowe. She was born Harriet Beecher in
Connecticut in 1811. When she was 21, she moved to
Cincinnati, Ohio. Now, Cincinnati’s on the border between
the Northern states and the Southern states. In those days,
before the Civil War, Ohio was one of the free states—slav-
ery wasn’t permitted there—but right across the river is
Kentucky, where slavery was permitted. Stowe said that
when she lived in Cincinnati, she met people who gave her
ideas and she heard stories that she used in her book.
However, she never really lived in the South, and that’s one
Narrator: Listen to a conversation between two students.
Student A: Hi, Tony. Hey . . . I wonder if you could . . . uh, do
me a little favor tomorrow afternoon?
Student B: Oh, hi, Alison. Well . . . depends on what the
favor is.
Student A: Okay, you know that class I’m taking with
Professor Marquez? Well, she’s asked us to try to find some
volunteers to . . . uh, well, to take part in a role play . . .
Student B: And so what sort of a role would I have to play?
Student A: Well, you won’t find out until tomorrow. See,
we’re learning about focus groups and how they work and
how to be a moderator of a focus group. You and the other
volunteers from outside our class will be members of the
focus groups. The students in my class will take turns being
moderators. In real life, there’s only one moderator for each
focus group, usually, but Professor Marquez wants every-
one to have a chance to play the role of moderator. Now,
since a good focus group has people from different back-
grounds, uh, when you come in the classroom tomorrow,
Professor Marquez will give you a little card that tells you
your vital information: your age, your occupation, how
much education you have, that sort of thing . . . and that’s
the role you play when you’re pretending to be in this focus
Student B: Tell me a little about focus groups. I mean, I’ve
heard of them, but . . .
Student A: All right. Well, according to Professor Marquez,
there are two basic types. There’s . . . uh, the exploratory
group . . . the moderator asks the focus group if a company
should market a new product at all, if there would be any
demand for it. Then there’s the experiential group—you’ll
be in an experiential group tomorrow. Experiential groups,
they try out several versions of a product. People in the
group tell the moderator which version of the product they
like better. This helps the company decide which one of
these versions of the product to market.
Student B: Don’t they use focus groups a lot in Hollywood?
To make movies?
Student A: Yeah, they do. I mean, a movie’s a product, too,
and film companies want to know which version of a movie
to market. So a lot of times, a director will make several dif-
ferent versions of a movie. Usually each version has a dif-
Practice Test 2 81
of the criticisms that Southerners directed at her—that she
had no firsthand knowledge of slavery, of life in the South,
because she’d never spent time there.
Okay, Harriet Beecher was what we call an Abolitionist—
a person who was utterly opposed to slavery . . . uh, to the
whole idea of owning slaves. In Cincinnati, she met another
Abolitionist, a man named Calvin Stowe. They got married,
and she became Harriet Beecher Stowe. After a while,
Stowe and her husband moved back to New England, to
Brunswick, Maine. He encouraged her to write a book that
showed the evils of slavery. So, Stowe wrote Uncle Tom’s
Cabin, by far her most famous work. This novel was first
published in an Abolitionist newspaper, the National Era,
in 1851. It didn’t attract a lot of attention at first. Then in
1852, Uncle Tom’s Cabin was published in book form. It
became extremely popular in the United States—at least in
the Northern half of the United States—and also in Britain.
Harriet Stowe became a celebrity and gave readings all over
the North. If she were writing today, no doubt we’d see her
all the time as a guest on television talk shows.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin’s true historical impact has been
debated. Southerners hated it and said it presented an
unfair, overly negative view of slavery. On the other hand,
some Northern Abolitionists thought that it didn’t go far
enough, that it painted too soft a picture of slavery. But
there’s no doubt that it, uh, stirred up lots of opposition to
slavery and played a role in causing the Civil War.
Supposedly, when Abraham Lincoln met Stowe during the
Civil War, he said to her, “So you’re the little lady whose
book started this great war.”
Basically, Uncle Tom’s Cabin is the story of a group of
slaves. When the book opens, they’re owned by a fairly
humane, kind farmer, but for business reasons, he has to
sell them to new masters. Some—like the character Eliza—
escape and, even though they are chased by hired slave
hunters, they make their way with the help of Abolitionists
to Canada, where they’re safe. Other slaves from this
group—including kindly old Uncle Tom, whom the book is
named for—are taken to the Deep South and are treated
miserably, horribly, and come to tragic endings.
One strange thing about Uncle Tom’s Cabin is that some
of the most famous scenes aren’t in the original book. Soon
after the book was published, it began to inspire theatrical
versions, little dramatic plays called “Tom Shows.” These
were mostly of pretty bad quality and didn’t follow the plot
of the book very carefully. Anyway, one of most famous of
these Tom Shows was directed by George Aiken. It featured
a scene where the slave Eliza is chased by men with dogs,
with bloodhounds, across the ice of a frozen river. This
scene was also featured in the movie Uncle Tom’s Cabin,
which was made later, in, like 1927. That’s probably why
this scene sticks in people’s minds, but it wasn’t in the
book at all.
Now, uh, the novel has come in for its share of criticism
since it was written. I’ve already mentioned a few of these
criticisms. Another criticism is that Stowe’s treatment of her
characters is overly sentimental, overly emotional. But
remember, Stowe lived in a sentimental age. Even some
great writers of the time, like the British author Charles
Dickens, treated his characters sentimentally—think about
Little Nell in his book The Old Curiosity Shop.
Anyway, sentimental or not, Uncle Tom’s Cabin is still
an important book. I don’t think you can understand the
pre–Civil War era in the U.S. without reading it. Now, our
textbook has some short selections from the novel, but I
really suggest you go to the library and get a copy and read
it cover to cover.
Narrator: Now get ready to answer some questions about
the lecture. You may use your notes to help you.
Narrator: Question 11: Where did Harriet Stowe live when
she wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
Narrator: Question 12: The professor mentions a number of
versions of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. List these in the order in
which they were produced, beginning with the earliest.
Narrator: Question 13: Why does the professor mention
Charles Dickens?
Narrator: Question 14: What does the professor say about
the scene in which Eliza is chased across the icy river by
men with dogs?
Narrator: Question 15: In this lecture, the professor men-
tions a number of criticisms of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s
novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Indicate whether each of the fol-
lowing is a criticism that was mentioned in the lecture.
Narrator: Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer
the question.
Professor: Anyway, sentimental or not, Uncle Tom’s Cabin is
still an important book. I don’t think you can understand
the pre–Civil War era in the U.S. without reading it. Now,
our textbook has some short selections from the novel, but
I really suggest you go to the library and get a copy and
read it cover to cover.
Narrator: Question 16: What does the professor suggest to
the students when she says this?
Professor: But, I really suggest you go to the library and get
a copy and read it cover to cover.
Narrator: Listen to a lecture in a geology class.
Professor: Morning, everyone. Everyone have a good week-
end? As I said on Friday, I want to talk some about glaciers
today. Now, glaciers just start with ordinary snow, but in
some parts of the world—in . . . uh, polar and mountainous
regions—snow builds up, it accumulates faster than it is
removed by melting in the summer. Now, ordinary snow is
about 80% air and about 20% solids. This snow melts and
refreezes several times, and becomes a dense, more com-
pact form of snow. There’s less air and more solids. It’s then
called névé. Now, um, when névé doesn’t melt for a whole
year, when it goes all summer without melting, it becomes
what’s called firn. Firn is a type of ice, a granular ice that
looks a lot like wet sugar. It’s even more compressed, even
denser than névé. Then, every year, more and more snow
falls, and the most deeply buried firn becomes even more
tightly compressed, it becomes about 90% solid. This type
of ice is called glacial ice. As the weight of accumulated
snow and ice builds, the ice on the underside becomes pli-
able, it becomes elastic enough to flow, and a glacier is
born. The glacier flows just like a river, but a glacier moves
only about three centimeters a day.
There are two main types of glaciers, the valley glacier
and the continental glacier, plus a couple of minor types.
Valley glaciers usually form near the top of a mountain.
They flow down the mountainside. Valley glaciers follow a
V-shaped valley carved by an old stream of water or else
they, um, well, they cut their own path. The glacier is
gonna pick up rocks as it moves downhill, and carry them
along with it. These rocks that the glacier drags along
round out the bottom of the valley, and the V-shaped
stream bed becomes U-shaped. Because they’re rigid, gla-
ciers don’t take sharp corners very well, so their downhill
paths are generally gonna be a series of gentle curves. In
some cases, valley glaciers are fed by little glaciers, called
82 Practice Test 2
tributary glaciers, that form in smaller valleys that lead
into the main valley. And sometimes, you get one or more
valley glaciers that flow together, forming what are called
piedmont glaciers.
Now, uh, the second major type of glacier is called the
continental glacier. It’s a lot larger than a valley glacier. The
average continental glacier is about the size of the state of
West Virginia. Today, continental glaciers are found only on
the island of Greenland and on the continent of Antarctica,
but still, they cover almost 10% of the world’s land area.
During the Ice Ages—and remember, we said the last
one of those was only about eleven thousand years ago—
an additional 20% of the world was buried under these
giant continental glaciers. Most of North America—most of
the northern hemisphere, for that matter—was covered by
continental glaciers.
Now, a continental glacier moves, too, but not down a
slope the way a valley glacier does. In fact, most continen-
tal glaciers were on relatively flat land. Still, they move at a
. . . uh—well, you can measure their movement. As ice piles
up to a greater and greater thickness—it can be 1,000
meters deep or more—you get a tremendous amount of
pressure inside the ice sheet. This force is so powerful that
it causes the interior ice to practically liquefy, and so a con-
tinental glacier moves out in all directions from the glac-
ier’s central point.
At some point, glaciers, all types of glaciers, become sta-
tionary. In other words, they appear to stop growing. That’s
because they’re melting at the same rate at which new ice
is being added. Then they begin to recede. When they
recede, valley glaciers seem to be moving uphill.
Continental glaciers seem to be retreating towards their
central point. What’s really happening is that they are melt-
ing faster than they are adding new materials.
A lot of glaciers around the world these days are
receding—the glaciers in the high mountains of Africa,
Mt. Kenya, Mt. Kilimanjaro, for example, are noticeably
smaller every year. A lot of scientists are afraid that the
reason behind this is global warming. If glaciers melt—
especially the continental glaciers in Greenland and
Antarctica—the level of the sea will rise. A lot of great
beaches around the world will disappear, some cities will
be underwater—some low-lying island nations like those in
the Indian Ocean may completely disappear.
Now, I’m gonna talk about the effects of glaciers on the
landscape, about some of the geological features that are a
result of glaciers, but first, questions or comments, anyone?
Narrator: Now get ready to answer some questions about
the lecture. You may use your notes to help you.
Narrator: Question 17: The professor discusses four types of
materials involved in the formation of a glacier. Give the
order in which these materials appear.
Narrator: Question 18: Where can continental glaciers be
found today?
Narrator: Question 19: Which of the following describe a
valley formed by a valley glacier?
Narrator: Question 20: It can be inferred from the lecture
that which of the following is the smallest type of glacier?
Narrator: Question 21: In this lecture, the professor gives a
number of characteristics of valley glaciers and continental
glaciers. Indicate which type of glacier each of the following
is typical of.
Narrator: Question 22: What danger does the professor
Narrator: Listen to a discussion in an economics class.
Student A: Professor Martin, you said that there would be
an essay question on the mid-term exam about the busi-
ness cycle. I wonder if we can go over the . . . ah, well, the
whole concept of the business cycle again . . .
Professor: Umm, well, Donald, we only have a few minutes
left, but we can do a quick review, sure. Let’s see what you
remember from that lecture. Who knows what the names of
the four stages of the business cycle are?
Student B: Umm, let’s see . . . I think it’s . . . expansion,
downturn, contraction, upturn, right?
Professor: Yes, those are the most common names for the
four stages these days. And the highest point of the expan-
sion is . . .
Student A: The peak. And, uh, the lowest part, the lowest
point of the, uh, contraction is called the trough, I believe.
Professor: Yes, you’re right. And as I said, we measure a
cycle from the peak of one cycle to the peak of the next.
Now, what’s going on during the expansion phase of the
business cycle?
Student B: Uh, that’s when things are going pretty good,
when the economy is just humming along.
Professor: Exactly. Business profits are up . . . wages are
high . . . economic output is growing . . . then what
Student A: Well, you have a downturn . . . there are eco-
nomic problems . . . uh, the economy stops growing.
Professor: Right, and eventually the economy enters a con-
traction. Usually, during a contraction, you have a reces-
sion. Demand for goods is down, and . . . well, you know
what a recession is like. Businesses close, people are laid
off. It’s a painful period for many people. After a while,
though, things start to improve. Sometimes the govern-
ment steps in. Or sometimes this just happens on its own.
Demand picks up again, and businesses’ inventories
shrink, so manufacturers have to hire people to produce
more goods . . .
Student A: Professor? What can a government do to stop a
Professor: Well, there may not be anything a government
can do to completely prevent recessions. What they usually
do is, the government . . . the Central Bank, really . . .
manipulates the money supply. This doesn’t really stop
recessions from occurring, but it may make these dips in
business activity less severe. Anyway, as I said, after a while,
the economy starts to improve. The recovery is usually slow
at first, then it picks up speed, it improves, and you have an
upturn. Pretty soon the economy is back in the expansion
phase and the cycle starts all over.
Student B: Professor, what I’d like to know is . . . is this over-
simplified? I mean, is the business cycle really this regular?
Professor: That’s a good question. It’s a useful model, but
you’re right, no business cycle is exactly the same. They
vary in length, for example. In fact, they are so irregular in
length that some economists prefer to talk about business
fluctuations rather than a business cycle.
Student A: So how long does the typical cycle last?
Professor: Well, since the end of World War II, there’ve been
ten cycles. That averages out to six years a cycle. But some
were quite a bit longer than others. For example, the U.S.
economy was in an expansion phase throughout most of
the 1990’s. Some economists even said that, because of
globalization, recessions were a thing of the past. Then,
sadly, along came the recession of 2001 to prove them
Practice Test 2 83
Student A: Don’t they also vary by . . . uh, how bad they are?
How bad the recession is?
Professor: That’s right, they do vary in intensity. For exam-
ple, the downturn in the early 90’s was quite mild, but some
recessions have been so serious that they were called
depressions. We haven’t had a depression recently, though.
The last one was in the 1930’s—that one was so bad we call
it the Great Depression. There was another one in the 1870’s.
Student B: Professor Martin, I never really understood—
what causes business cycles anyway?
Professor: Well, if I could answer that, I’d probably win a
Nobel Prize in economics. There are a lot of theories—there
are several in your book. I always thought one of the most
interesting theories was the one that the economist William
Jevons came up with back in the nineteenth century. The
way he explained it, business cycles were caused by
Student B: Sunspots? How could something happening on
the sun cause business cycles?
Professor: Well, he thought that sunspots affected the cli-
mate. A lot of sunspots cause the weather to be cooler, and
this affects both the quality and the quantity of agricultural
production, and this in turn causes a drop in economic
Student A: And this theory . . . a lot of people believed it?
Professor: Yeah, at the time, it was widely accepted. And as
a matter of fact, there were a lot of statistics that seemed to
back it up. Today, though, it’s no longer considered a valid
theory. Still, you have to admit, it’s an interesting one!
Narrator: Now get ready to answer some questions about
the discussion. You may use your notes to help you.
Narrator: Question 23: What is the main topic of this
Narrator: Listen again to part of the discussion.
Professor: Who knows what the names of the four stages of
the business cycle are?
Student B: Umm, let’s see . . . I think it’s . . . expansion,
downturn, contraction, upturn, right?
Professor: Yes, those are the most common names for the
four stages these days.
Narrator: Question 24: What does Professor Martin imply
when he says this?
Professor: Yes, those are the most common names for the
four stages these days.
Narrator: Question 25: In this lecture, the professor
describes the business cycle. Indicate whether each of the
following is a characteristic of the cycle mentioned by the
Narrator: Question 26: In which of these decades did eco-
nomic depressions occur?
Narrator: Question 27: In what ways do governments usu-
ally try to affect business cycles?
Narrator: Question 28: Which of the following statements
about William Jevons’s theory would Professor Martin
probably agree with?
about robots. They’re often set in the future—sometimes
the far future, sometime the near future, but sometimes
they’re set in the present and sometimes even in the distant
past—like the Star Wars films.
Now, most people think of sci-fi as being a fairly recent
phenomenon, a contemporary kind of film, but . . . uh, in
fact, some of the very first movies ever made were science
fiction films. The very first one was probably Voyage to the
Moon, made way back in 1902 by the pioneering French
director Georges Méliès—who, by the way, was also a magi-
cian. It’s . . . uh, it’s loosely based on a novel by the French
science fiction novelist Jules Verne, and given that it was
made over a hundred years ago, it has some pretty amazing
special effects. There . . . uh, there’s this bullet-shaped
rocket that’s shot to the moon by a giant cannon. In fact, it
hits the Man in the Moon right in the eye!
Probably the first really great science fiction film was the
1926 film Metropolis. It involves a sinister, industrialized
city of the future—it was set a hundred years in the future,
in the year 2026. It features a beautiful but evil robot
named Maria—the first robot to ever appear in a movie. It
has these wonderful futuristic sets. The themes this movie
explores—well, they seem as up-to-date now as they did
then. In fact—this is kinda interesting—it was re-released
in 1984 with a rock-and-roll music soundtrack.
The 1950’s—that’s the . . . the so-called Golden Age of
sci-fi movies. Hundreds, maybe thousands of sci-fi movies
were made then. Most of them, frankly, were pretty awful.
About the only reason to watch them today is that they can
be unintentionally funny because of their terrible dialogue,
bad acting, and really low-budget special effects. Now, the
1950’s was the height of the Cold War between the Soviet
Union and the United States. It was a really anxious time,
there was the danger of nuclear war, and both the U.S. and
the Soviet Union were testing nuclear weapons. So, uh,
Hollywood responded to this fear of atomic energy by mak-
ing a lot of movies about the, about . . . ummm, about the
mutations atomic energy could cause. One of the first of
these was the movie Them!, which was about ordinary ants
that are exposed to atomic radiation during a test in the
desert. These ants grow into giant ants and they attack the
city of Los Angeles. There were movies about lots of big
bugs—about giant scorpions, about huge spiders, crabs,
grasshoppers. The famous Japanese movie Godzilla was
about a bad-tempered, prehistoric lizard who’s brought
back to life by an atom bomb test.
Of course, there were a few good sci-fi movies made dur-
ing the Golden Age. My favorite science fiction movie of all
time is Forbidden Planet, which is, interestingly enough,
based on William Shakespeare’s play The Tempest. It also
makes use of ideas from the theories of the famous psy-
chologist Sigmund Freud.
Now, most sci-fi movies of the 50’s were seen by small
audiences and were either ignored or attacked by critics.
The first science fiction movie that was a hit with both the
public and with critics came along in 1969. It was the bril-
liant movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. Then, in 1977, came the
most popular science fiction movie of all time, the first Star
Wars movie—eventually there would be a series of six of
these. The director got his ideas for this film from . . . from
everywhere: from western movies, Japanese samurai
movies, 1930’s serials, Greek mythology, you name it. This
first Star Wars movie had awesome special effects, and peo-
ple fell in love with the characters, like Luke Skywalker, the
evil Darth Vader . . . and especially those robots.
Narrator: Listen to a lecture in a film studies class.
Professor: OK, settle down, everyone, let’s get started, lots
to do today. If you remember, in our last class, we were dis-
cussing movies about the American West, and we saw some
scenes from some classic westerns. Today we’re going to
shift our attention to another genre of film, science fiction,
or “sci-fi” as a lot of people call it. Sci-fi movies are about
aliens from outer space, they’re about people from Earth
traveling to other planets, they can be about time travel,
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