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Dare to Love
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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or
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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520
Macon GA 31201
Dare to Love
Copyright © 2008 by Jaci Burton
ISBN: 1-60504-081-9
Edited by Angela James
Cover by Scott Carpenter
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: July 2008
Dare to Love
Jaci Burton
To all the ironworkers, the “cowboys of the sky” who risk their lives to construct the
beautiful buildings rising high above the skyline, you have my admiration and my awe.
And especially to my husband, Charlie, who’s one of them.
Dare to Love
Chapter One
How could a man of the twenty-first century think he could arrange a marriage for
his daughter? Was he insane? Then again, it was her father she was talking about, and
Raymond Fairchild was in a league all his own.
“Certifiable, that’s what he is. My father has completely lost it. Thinking he can
marry me off like this is the freakin’ eighteenth century or something.” Lucy Fairchild
stormed the sidewalk with her relentless pace, kicking at the rocks in her path. She knew
she was talking to herself, but didn’t care. Not that anyone could hear her with all the
noisy construction going on.
She ignored the sounds of jackhammers and maneuvering cranes. Coupled with the
daily mix of trolley cars and traffic forever permeating San Francisco’s financial district,
the sounds were just more white noise in an ever-busy city. Besides, her mind still
whirled from the argument she’d just had with her father. Raymond Fairchild may be the
president of one of the city’s most prestigious law firms, but that didn’t give him the right
to control her life.
Right. Like that had ever stopped him from trying to control and otherwise lead her
around as if she were too stupid to make her own decisions. She’d always gone along
with him before. One, because he was her father and she loved him, and two, sometimes
it was easier to do as he asked so he’d quit hounding her. Typically his machinations
were harmless.
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