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¨ Copyright 2002-2005 Kathy Browning. All rights reserved
Thank you for your purchase. I hope that you find this book helpful during your journey
toward abundant living.
This e-book is distributed as is without any warranty of any kind either expressed or implied.
All links contained within are valid and operational at their creation. Things change rapidly at
websites and pages and websites often disappear. Every effort has been made to ensure the
accuracy of the information contained within.
The contents herein are meant for educational and information purposes only. These
writings were produced for the readerÔs consideration. The author assumes no liability or
damage claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book.
Kathy Browning
Published by Kathy Browning
Copyright 2005 ¨ Kathy Browning. All rights reserved.
www.FengShuiForAbundantLiving.com and www.HealthyDivas.com
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Table of Contents
Foreword by Nikkea B. Devida
hat is Feng Shui
Understanding the Principles of Feng Shui
Before You Begin Applying Feng Shui
he First Step
Releasing the Past and Preparing for the Future
orking ith the Bagua
Individual ua's
Understanding the Five Elements
he hree Sources of Poer
Three Secret Enforcements
Feng Shui of a HomeÔs Exterior
Feng Shui of a HomeÔs Interior
Feng Shui in the Bedroom
Feng Shui in the Kitchen
Feng Shui in the Bathroom
Feng Shui in the Living Room
Enhancing Wealth and Creating a Wealth Vase
nhancing ealth
Enhancing Your Career
Enhancing Helpful People and Travel
Enhancing Creativity and Children
Enhancing Love and Relationships
Enhancing Reputation and Fame
nhancing Faily
Enhancing Knowledge
Feng Shui Balancing Tools
21 Feng Shui Tips
Feng Shui Resource Center
rder Info
Copyright 2005 ¨ Kathy Browning. All rights reserved.
www.FengShuiForAbundantLiving.com and www.HealthyDivas.com
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Feng Shui is a powerful and ancient practice, which connects you to the flow of energy (also
known as ÓchÔ,) in your home, office and other surroundings. It is extremely important that
you take the time to understand the philosophy and the basics of Feng Shui before
embarking on the mission of a Feng Shui make-over.
I have personally experienced countless blessings by incorporating the practice of Feng Shui
into my life. You can begin to invite these blessings into your daily life by the time you finish
reading this e-book.
The information contained within this book comes from nearly a decade of personal
experience and 1200 hours of research. I am not a certified Feng Shui consultant, however, I
do possess the knowledge of how to get you started and can guide you to resources that will
take you as far as you would like to go.
Many people dabble in Feng Shui and that is perfectly fine. Others become so intrigued that
they go on to become a master. Feng Shui is fun and magical. It produces miracles. Reading
this book will help you begin creating miracles in your life too!
Live Well and Dream Huge!
Kathy Browning
CAUTION : This book was written under the influence of Organic Planet Coffee and
Chocolate, as well as an occasional cup of Green Jasmine Tea. Organic Planet products are
the perfect accompaniment to Feng Shui. Stop by www.OrganicCoffeeandTea.net , for the
worldÔs finest coffee, tea and chocolate. YouÔll be glad you did!
Copyright 2005 ¨ Kathy Browning. All rights reserved.
www.FengShuiForAbundantLiving.com and www.HealthyDivas.com
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by Nikkea B. Devida
Feng Shui has been an important part of my life since May of 1995. My first introduction to
Feng Shui was an auspicious encounter with Denise LinÔs Ñ Sacred Space Ò book. One night
while visiting a friend, I couldnÔt sleep and picked up her book and began to read it. Within
five minutes of reading it, I felt a calling and a knowing that I was meant to do this work
called Feng Shui. The next morning I set out to find someone in my local area to help me
study this fascinating art and science of placement.
This journey led me to learn and study with many teachers over the course of several years; a
journey which continues today. It is only right to honor the source and lineage from which
this information comes. My earliest teachers were Bill Land, Seann Xenja, and David Daniel
Kennedy; not to mention the countless books by many others, especially Sarah Rossbach.
These people and these books led me to study directly with His Holiness Thomas Lin Yun
in Berkley, CA. H.H. Lin Yun established the Feng Shui school of study from the
perspective of Black Set Tantric Buddhism (BTB), otherwise known as Black Hat Feng Shui.
I honor and respect the source from which all of this information originated. No book on
Black Hat Feng Shui would be possible without the guidance and knowledge from H.H. Lin
Black Sect Tantric Buddhism (BTB) is an outgrowth of various religious disciplines. It
evolved out of a long journey of Buddhism from Tibet through India and into China. In
Tibet it incorporated the mystical chants and charms of Bon, the native religion, which was
more mystical and shamanistic. From India it brought an organized church and teachings of
Hindu, with tenets of karma and reincarnation, yoga, chants, compassion; also with
practicing mystics and magicians. In China it absorbed the I Ching and Confucian, Taoist,
and folk religions and customs such as traditional Feng Shui, palmistry, face reading, faith
healing and the theory of ch.
The synthesis is a very practical and sensitive approach to surroundings, suffused and
supported by a repertoire of mystical chants and charms, prayers, and meditation. H.H. Lin
Yun came out of this rich tradition. Lin YunÔs ancestral home is in Taichung, Taiwan, but he
was born in Peking in 1932. He began his training with monks when he was only six years
old. Lin Yun honors and respects all forms of Feng Shui and admonished his students and
disciples to do the same. At the same time, H.H. Lin Yun established the Ñ Theory of Multiple
Cause and Effec tÒ and the Ñ Theory of Ling Particles and ChÔI Ò, with an emphasis on relative
position. This is different from the traditional theory in which Feng Shui is characterized by
the combination of Ñastrological signÒ and Ñabsolute direction.Ò
Copyright 2005 ¨ Kathy Browning. All rights reserved.
www.FengShuiForAbundantLiving.com and www.HealthyDivas.com
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