Vienna in your Pocket.pdf

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Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps
A cheeky, well-
written series of guidebooks.”
written series of guidebooks.”
The New York Times
The New York Times
December 2010 - February 2011
Explore the 7th
Vienna's creative
Freezing fun
Skiing, ice skating &
Christmas markets
N°2 - €1.75
“In Your Pocket:
“In Your Pocket: A cheeky, well-
single admission to all included attractions
Schönbrunn Palace (Tour of the Palace) · Zoo
Desert Experience House · Palm House · Imperial Carriage Museum
25,- · children (6-18)
"Visit Sisi at the Vienna Hofburg"
10 January to 15 April 2011 (Monday to Friday)
Imperial Apartments, Sisi Museum and Imperial Silver Collection
& a delicious snack in the Hofburg Café
Groups: reservations are necessary for groups of seven pax and up; max group size: 35 pax
Reservations: Hofburg - Michaelerkuppel, A-1010 Vienna, Tel.: (01) 533 75 70-15, Fax: (01) 533 75 70-33
Opening hours: Museum 9.00 am to 5.30 pm (last entry at 4.30 pm), Café 10.00 am to 6.00 pm
can be purchased until March 31
valid for one month from date of issue
Price: adults
Special offer for the over 60s
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Getting your bearings on S, U and tram
Vienna Districts
Getting streetwise
Slippery slopes near Vienna
Christmas & New Year's Eve
The lights, the gifts, the Glühwein
Culture & Events
Kaiserin Elisabeth
Open air festivals & wine tasting
City of Music
Bars, clubs and other dark rooms
Family Fun
Vienna sounds good
Where to stay
It's a child's world
From park bench to Park Grand
From imperial to contemporary
Wellness & Beauty
Coffee, cake & culture
Spas and more pampering
Getting Around
From Wiener Schnitzel to BBQ
Heurigen & Wine bars
Plains, trains, automobiles
Wine, wine and Wien
Neubau – the 7 th District
Vienna's trendiest shops
Whatever you want
Wien Products
Viennese quality
Maps & Index
Centre map
Street register
Public transport map
Venue index
December 2010 - February 2011
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In December, Vienna undoubtedly looks at its best.
The 'city of dreams' nickname comes to life when the
Christmas decorations are in place and thousands of
lights brighten up the city streets. The city spent over
€3 million on Christmas decorations last year, and in
addition to traditional crystal chandeliers on Graben and
large Asian-style red lanterns on Rotenturmstrasse,
new lights sparkled all over town. This year Vienna
promises to be even more beautiful. Wander around
the streets and visit the Christmas markets (p.10),
the largest of them on Rathausplatz with their gifts,
souvenirs, sweets and delicious Glühwein .
In this issue of Vienna In Your Pocket, we're on a mission
to drag you away from the highstreet and to get you
to shop for cool local products. The city's funky 7th
district is a hive of creativity and partying, and on p.50
we've highlighted some special places here. Then, we're
added some content about the Wien Products that
allow you to “take Vienna home” with you.
Bored husbands and Santaphobes can easily escape
the retail onslaught and head out for some healthy fun in
the snow – Vienna is close to two great ski resorts, within
daytrip distance; see p.9 for details. If that's too fast for
you, try the ice skating in front of the Rathaus (p.39).
No matter what you do this winter, hang on to a copy of
Vienna In Your Pocket to be your guide to this wonderful
city. We're always happy to hear from readers, so do
add your own comments about individual venues to our
website reviews, or send your suggestions to vienna@ Enjoy Vienna.
Greeting from the mayor
Vienna is a city of dreams.
A city full of life, economic
vitality, efficient transportation,
numerous modern buildings and
architectural gems. A city that
offers people work and the youth
a wide range of opportunities.
Vienna is also the city of green
parks, calm, dreamy alleys, art
and music. This city attracts
people. Vienna is growing; life
can be felt on every corner and
in every street.
Vienna is rightly deemed a city
worth living in, a model of providing medical and social
benefits. Hardly any other city in the world is as closely tied
to both medical tradition and medical advances as Vienna.
As the headquarters of international agencies such
as OPEC, the UN and the International Atomic Energy
Agency, Vienna is also a cosmopolitan city of culture and
gastronomy - just as the “Vienna School of Medicine”
became an international term, so too has Viennese
cuisine gained an international reputation.
Simply put, Vienna is the perfect mix: street art and the
State Opera are just as much a Viennese pair as the
Heuriger and first class cuisine. Internationally acclaimed
exhibitions in the Albertina or the Museumsquartier are
just as much a part of us as an improvised stage in
the outer districts or the film festival at Rathausplatz,
Europe’s biggest open air cinema.
The rich spectrum of cultural offerings makes Vienna
a leading cultural metropolis; one often hears the term
“international capital of music” connected with it. On the
one hand, there are the many composers and musicians
who have lived and worked in Vienna over the past few
centuries. On the other, there are the Viennese music
institutions with their grand tradition, which constantly
keep this reputation fresh and carry it forth into the world.
In the best tradition of the many Viennese markets, I can
only say: have a look around!
Welcome to Vienna!
© Stadt Wien/PID,
Photo: Hubert Dimko
Cover story
Vienna's magnificent Schönbrunn Palace is one of
the top sights in town, attracting 2,5 million visitors in
2009. The former imperial summer residence was the
Habsburg's Versailles, and the palace and its enormous
gardens illustrate the taste and aspirations of that era.
The park also hosts the oldest zoo in the world, a great
experience for the whole family. Visit the palace and
gard ens, warm up wi th a c o f fe e i n th e won d er full y- na m e d
Gloriette belvedere at the top of the gardens, and enjoy
the glorious views over the palace, the park and the city.
Dr. Michael Häupl
In Your Pocket GmbH
Axel-Springer-Str. 39, 10969 Berlin
Tel: (+49)(0)30 27 90 79 81
Fax: (+49)(0)30 24 04 73 50
Vienna Office Tel: +43 (0)1 231 04 72
Editor-in-Chief Jeroen van Marle
Paul Nogid, Monika Kierewicz,
Dune Johnson, Gretl Satorius
Research Monika Kierewicz
Layout & Design Tomáš Haman
Photos Evi Bauer, Reinhard Böhm
Maps IYP GmbH
Cover: © Schloss Schönbrunn Kultur-
und Betriebsges.m.b.H.
Copyright notice
Text and photos copyright In Your Pocket
GmbH 2010-2011. All rights reserved. No
part of this publication may be reproduced
in any form, except brief extracts for
the purpose of review, without written
permission from the publisher and
copyright owner. The brand name In Your
Pocket is used under license from UAB
In Your Pocket (Vokieciu 10-15, Vilnius,
Lithuania tel. (+370-5) 212 29 76).
Editor’s note
The editorial content of In Your Pocket
guides is independent from paid-for
advertising. Sponsored listings are
clearly marked as such. We welcome all
readers‘ comments and suggestions.
We have made every effort to ensure
the accuracy of the information at the
time of going to press and assume no
responsibility for changes and errors.
© In Your Pocket GmbH, a company of
UAB In Your Pocket
Vokieciu 10-15, Vilnius, Lithuania
tel. (+370-5) 212 29 76
Sales & Circulation
General Manager Stephan Krämer
Production Manager Philippe Krueger
Accounting Martin Wollenhaupt
Advertising Manager
Stefan Bauer, Mario Böhm
Printed by Manz Crossmedia GmbH
& CoKG
Circulation: 15.000 copies,
4 times per year
Vienna In Your Pocket
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By plane
Vienna’s international airport is located in Schwechat, 18km
southeast of the city centre. After passing customs (for ar-
rivals from outside the Schengen zone) and collecting your
baggage, ATMs, banks and tourist information can be found
in the arrivals hall.
To get to town, there’s a choice of rail or road. The City
Airport Train (CAT, +43 1 252 50, www.cityairporttrain.
com) departs every half hour between 06:05 and 23:35,
arriving at S-Bahn station Wien Mitte. The ride takes 16
minutes and costs €10 for a single trip (€7,50 with the
Vienna Card), €18 for a return trip. It’s cheaper to take a
regular S-Bahn train, departing from the airport to Wien
Mitte station approximately every 30 minutes between
04:34 and 00:18; tickets cost €3,60 and the ride takes
about 25 minutes.
Vienna Airport Lines buses (tel. +43 1 700 73 23 00, www. depart every 30 minutes between
05:00 to 23:00, stopping of f at U-Bahn Schwedenplatz, the
train stations Wien Meidling and Wien Westbahnhof and the
Vienna International Center (VIC), taking about 30 minutes.
A single ride costs €6, a return trip €11, and tickets can be
bought from the driver.
Ta k i n g a taxi to the centre takes about 15 minutes. If you just
hop into a waiting taxi outside, the ride will cost about €45,
including the fee for returning to the airport empty; it costs
€33 if you mention to the driver or dispatcher that you’d like
the set price ( Pauschaltariff ).
By train
The new Wien-Hauptbahnhof (central station) is currently
under construction, so in the meantime trains from Prague,
Warsaw, Venice, Rome, Ljubljana, Zagreb and Graz arrive
at Wien-Meidling station, above the Philadelphiabrücke U-
Bahn station. Trains from Salzburg, Munich, Zurich, Berlin,
Frankfurt and Budapest arrive at Wien-Westbahnhof, which
is conveniently built on top of the Westbahnhof U-Bahn
station. Trains from Bratislava and Burgenland arrive at the
temporary Ostbahnterminal near the new central station,
which is reached on tram D from the Ringstrasse. All these
stations have luggage lockers and ATMs, and a tourist
information desk office.
The City Airport Train departs every half hour from the city
c e n ter (U - Bah n L a n d stras se/S - Bah n Wi en M i t te) to Vi en na
International Airport. The ride takes 16 minutes and costs
€10 for a single trip (€7,50 with the Vienna Card) and €18
for a return trip. The City Air Terminal in the city centre
offers travellers the services of an international airport
terminal. Check in your baggage up to 75 minutes before
departure, get your boarding pass and enjoy the rest of
your journey to the airport comfortably and stress-free.
The City Check-In can only be used with a valid CAT ticket.
The building complex above the train station includes
130,000m² of offices, shops and catering areas as well
as the CAT terminal, and is currently Vienna’s largest in-
ner city project development. Construction was started
in 2007 and is projected to be completed in 2012, with
CAT operating normally the entire time.
City Airport Train , M Landstraße/Wien Mittw,, tel. +43 1 252 50.
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simply the best
By bus
All international buses arrive at the Vienna International
Busterminal (VIB), which has ATMs and luggage lockers.
Right across the street is the Erdberg U-Bahn station, from
where it’s a 10 minute ride to the city centre.
By car
Major highways lead from Vienna west to Munich, south
to Venice, east to Budapest and north to Brno. Driving the
350km from Munich will take approximately four hours, the
250km from Budapest are covered in three hours. When
parking in Vienna, pay attention to the short-term parking
zones in the inner districts of the city; using the well-sign-
posted Park & Ride facilities (€3 per day) in the outer districts
and taking a tram into town is a good idea.
ŚŽŽƐĞĨƌŽŵϯĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚƌŽƵƚĞƐͲ Ring, Danube
and Schönbrunn ͲǁŝƚŚϭϱƐƚĂƟŽŶƐŽƉĞƌĂƚĞĚŝŶ
on the bus or
By ferry
The Danube river is increasingly used for ferry routes to
H u n gar y, Sl ovakia an d G ermany. Ferri es arri ve at Anl e gestell e
Reichsbrücke near U-Bahn station Vorgartenstrasse. Twin
City Liner boats dock at Marienbrücke bridge near the
Schwedenplatz U-Bahn station.
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December 2010 - February 2011
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