6018 Jennifer blouse Instructions.pdf
94 KB
Microsoft Word - 6018fin.doc
1 Front piece 1x
2 Insert 1x
3 Insert / facing 1x
4 Front placket 1x
5 Back piece 1x
6 Back yoke 2x
7 Sleeves 2x
8 Cuff 2x
9 Cuff / facing 2x
10 Opening facing 2x
11 Bias strips (neckline) 1x
12 Loop 1x
To lengthen
, slide the two halves of the pattern piece as far
apart as necessary.
To shorten
, overlap the two halves of the pattern piece as far
as necessary. Blend the side edges.
FOLD (– – – –)
means: here is the center of a pattern piece
but never a cut edge or a seam. The piece should be cut
double, with the fold line forming the centre line. Pattern
pieces that are outlined with a broken line in the cutting
diagrams are to be placed face down on the fabric. The
cutting diagrams on the pattern sheet show how the pattern
pieces should be placed on the fabric.
Fabrics: Cotton and jersey fabrics
Paper cut for ANSI A (German DIN A4) prints:
The patterns are printed out on 30 sheets with a thin frame.
Wait until all sheets are printed out. Arrange the sheets so
that they fit together (see additional page with the overview
of the prints). Fold the single sheets on the upper and right
edge along the thin frame lines. Begin with the left lower
sheet and then tape the frame lines together precisely. Select
your size according to the Burda-dimension table: dresses,
blouses, jackets and coats according to the bust size, trousers
and skirts according to the hip width. If necessary, change the
pattern to fit your measurements if they deviate from the
Burda-size chart.
Cut out the pattern according to your
The cutting diagrams show the placement of the pattern
on the fabric
For a single layer of fabric, the pattern pieces are pinned to
the right side. For double layers of fabric, the right sides are
facing and the pattern pieces are pinned to the wrong side.
The pattern pieces that are shown extending over the fold of
the fabric in the cutting diagram should be cut last from a
single layer of fabric.
are included on
5/8” (1.5 cm) for all edges and stitches. Using BURDA
copying paper transfer the lines and signs of the pattern onto
the wrong fabric side. You will find instructions in the
Our pattern is calculated for a height of 5’ 6” (168 cm). If
you are taller or shorter, you can adjust the pattern pieces
along the lines marked "lengthen or shorten here". In this
way the proper fit is maintained. Always adjust all pattern
pieces along the same line the same degree.
Cut the lining pieces according to the cutting diagram and
press onto the wrong fabric side.
While sewing, the right fabric sides are facing.
Transfer all lines of the pattern onto the right fabric side
using basting stitches.
How to lengthen and shorten pattern pieces:
Cut the pattern pieces along the marked lines.
Back yokes / closure
1 Neaten the facing of the back yokes and fold
inside along the fold line. Pin. Work BUTTON
HOLES into the left yoke. Pin the left yoke on the
right yoke, centers meeting. Pin the bottom edges
together (1a).
2 Pin the back yoke on the back piece, right sides
facing. Baste the seam (seam 1) and stitch. Trim
allowances, neaten them together and press into
the back piece.
3 Fold the back piece along each pleat line,
wrong side inside. Topstitch the FOLD LINES
1/8” (4 mm) wide. Stitch the pleats on the front
piece in the same way.
Position the front piece on the back piece, right
sides facing. Stitch shoulder seams (seam 2).
Neaten the allowances and press apart.
4 Trim the allowance along the neckline
5 Pin the bias strips to the neckline, right sides
facing. Stitch 1/3” (8 mm) wide. Fold the edges
6 Turn the bias strips over the edge to the inside.
Fold the ends on a slant. Pin the bias strips.
Stitch the pleats on the insert continuously with
the same spacing according to the text and
drawing 3, then press downwards.
7 Fold the insert in half at the front center, wrong
side inside. Pin the edges together. Pin the pattern
piece 3 on top, the centers meeting. Cut out the
insert along the pattern edges.
8 Fold the allowances of the side edges of the
placket inside, and press. Trim. Pin the placket to
the insert, centers meeting, then stitch.
9 Pin the placket (piece 3) to the insert, right sides
facing. Stitch the neckline edges together. Trim
allowances, snip in. Turn right side out. Pin the
edges and press. Pin the open raw edges together.
10 Pin the front piece to the insert, centers meeting,
the cross lines meeting the top insert edge. Seam
markings 3 should meet. Stitch continuously along
the strip, topstitching the insert and the strip on the
back piece neckline. Trim the allowances of bias
strip and insert, neaten altogether.
Position the front piece on the back piece, right
sides facing, pin the side seams (seam 4) and stitch.
Neaten allowances and press apart.
11 Turn the hemline inside and press, fold and pin.
Stitch narrowly.
12 To ease the sleeve caps, double-stitch from . to .
using basting stitches.
13 Cut in the sleeve edge at the marking. Pull the
cut edges apart and pin them to the opening facing
according to the drawing, stitch. Press the facing.
14 Turn the facing inside, fold and pin along the
seam, stitch. Fold the opening, right sides facing.
Topstitch the facing at a slant as seen in the drawing
15 Turn the facing along the front opening edge
inside and pin. Press. Fold the sleeves lengthwise,
wrong side out. Pin the
sleeve seams
and stitch.
Neaten allowances and press apart.
Stitch the
of the cuff and insert the same
spacing, press.
16 Fold the strips lengthwise, wrong side out. Stitch
¼” (7 mm) wide. Trim allowances. Use the thread
ends to thread a needle and knot. Push the needle
though the tube (16a). Cut the tube in 6 equally-sized
17 Fold the loops and pin on the marked cross lines on
the facing (piece 9) as seen in the drawing. Turn the
top facing edge inside and press.
18 Pin the facing on the cuff, right sides facing, pin
the side and bottom edges together and stitch. Trim
allowances, cut the corners at a slant. Turn the cuffs
right side out. Pinning the edges, press.
19 Double stitch the bottom sleeve edge using basting
stitches. Pull the bobbin thread to create the gathers.
Knot threads. Distributing the width equally.
20 Pin the cuff to the lower sleeve edge, right sides
facing (seam 7). The underlap overlaps along the back
opening edge. Stitch. Secure seam ends. Trim
allowances and press inside the cuff. Pin the facing on
the seam line and stitch.
To ease the sleeve cap, pull the basting threads of the
seam line slightly.
21 Pin the sleeve on the armhole, right sides facing.
When attaching the sleeve, 4 points are important for
the right fit:
The cross lines of sleeve and front piece have to meet.
Sleeve and side seams have to meet. The cross line of
the sleeve cap has to meet the shoulder seam. The
eased width has to be distributed without puckering or
creating pleats. When attaching the sleeve first pin,
then stitch from the sleeve side
Trim allowances, neaten them and press inside the
Handsew 6 buttons onto the front placket, spacing
them equally approximately 1 ¼” (3 cm) from the
edge. Sew the buttons on the back yoke fitting the
button holes, sew the buttons on the cuff fitting the
loops. Additionally, sew 3 buttons onto the right
shoulder seam as seen in the drawing.
Plik z chomika:
Inne pliki z tego folderu:
burda summer dress pattern+instructions.pdf
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Ellinor top pattern(1).pdf
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Marisa dress pattern.pdf
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Marisa dress instructions.pdf
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zoe dress pattern.pdf
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Inne foldery tego chomika:
Animacja Tomasz Bagiński
Animacja Władysław Starewicz
Antologia polskiej animacji
Antologia polskiej animacji dla dzieci
Antologia polskiej animacji(1)
Zgłoś jeśli
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