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Unit 10
Complete the sentences with going to and the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
3 Complete the sentences with should or
1 You _______ study hard when you’re at school.
2 You _______ stay up all night before an exam.
3 You _______ eat a big meal before swimming.
4 You _______ exercise a little every day.
5 You _______ drive when you’re tired.
6 You _______ drink two litres of water every
1 _________ (you watch) the new series on
television this evening?
2 My friends and I _______ (travel) across
Europe this summer.
3 He _______ (take) a holiday this year because
he has to study for his exams.
4 My parents _______ (buy) me a car this year
because I can’t drive yet.
5 _______ (your brother apply) for the job at the
new restaurant in the High Street?
6 I _______ (stay) out late tonight. I’m tired.
7 Who _______ (you invite) to the party?
4 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1 I’m going to be a _______ because I like to
repair cars.
A mechanic B builder C chef
2 My cousin became a _______ last year and he
works in different churches.
A teacher B scientist C priest
3 I wouldn’t like to be a _______. They have to
make difficult decisions.
A waiter B actor C politician
4 I wanted to be a _______ when I was young
and work with famous film stars.
A hairdresser B farmer C factory worker
5 My mum is a _______ and she helps lots of
people. It’s a good job.
A computer programmer B nurse C artist
2 Complete the sentences with the correct will
form of the verbs in the box.
marry be get be pass win be
1 My dad _______ 45 on his next birthday!
2 I _______ late tomorrow. My mum’s going to
wake me up at 7.30 a.m.
3 He _______ all his exams. He’s very clever.
4 I _______ at home this evening. Come round
at seven.
5 I’m sure that Ben _______ the job, not Sam.
6 She _______ Paul. She doesn’t love him.
7 They _______ the competition. They haven’t
trained this month.
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Solutions Elementary Tests 1
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Unit 10
5 Complete the sentences with the words in the
B The hours are terrible. You have to get up
really early when it’s dark and go to bed early.
You have to go out when it’s cold and rainy and
you get very dirty too. I’m going to get a job
C Oh – can you imagine? There are spiders and
horrible little things all round you, everywhere!
Some of them are really dangerous too and you
have to feed them and touch them and clean out
their boxes! No thank you. I think I’ll work in an
D I’m sure the smell is awful. The food stays
in the bags for days or even weeks and you
have to pick up the bags and carry them. Uggh!
Sometimes the bags break and you have to clean
up all the mess. I think the people who do this
job should earn lots and lots of money.
E I like watching plays and films but you’ll
never see me on a stage. It’s too frightening and
I’m sure it’s very hard to learn all the words.
Everyone’s looking at you and waiting for you
to make a mistake. But I admire people who can
do it.
centre site restaurant salon park
1 A builder works on a building _______.
2 You can get a good summer job in a theme
3 My cousin opened her own hair _______ last
4 Jenny’s a secretary at the sports _______.
5 They’re always looking for people to work in
the fast-food _______.
6 1.10 Listen to the people talking about
what’s important for them in a job. Match the
speakers with the topics in the box.
money hours teamwork holidays
1 Speaker A talks about _______.
2 Speaker B talks about _______.
3 Speaker C talks about _______.
4 Speaker D talks about _______.
5 Speaker E talks about _______.
8 Match the jobs with the descriptions.
1 actor _______
2 high-rise window cleaner _______
3 rubbish collector _______
4 farmer _______
5 insect-house zoo keeper _______
7 Read the text.
9 Imagine you have seen an advertisement for a
baby sitter in a local newspaper. Write a letter to
apply for the job. Include information about:
• your experience
• when you are free
• the names of some people you have worked
for before
The worst job
We asked several young people, ‘What do you
think is the worst job?’ Here are their answers.
Do you agree with them?
A This is probably the worst job in the world! I
feel sick when I think about it! You’re up so high
and there’s air all around you. Then they pull
you up and let you go down. Wow – I’m never
going to do anything like that!
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Solutions Elementary Tests 2
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