The Killing [01x03] El Diablo [ENG].txt

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[426][442]Councilman, councilman,
[442][468]- did you know the murder victim, Rosie Larsen?|- No, I did not.
[468][486]Who was driving the vehicle|she was found in?
[487][506]Rosie Larsen's body was found
[507][530]in the trunk of a car|stolen from this campaign.
[531][550]The police have asked me|not to comment further.
[550][579]Does it remind you of what|happened to your wife, councilman?
[601][618]This has nothing to do with that.
[635][670]A young woman has been killed,|someone's child.
[670][685]This is not political.
[686][706]It's about us doing all we can
[706][742]to help the police solve|a senseless and brutal crime.
[783][806]My heart goes out|to the Larsen family
[807][821]for their terrible loss.
[1748][1789]It was some party they were|having down here.
[1790][1809]Meth, oxy, booze.
[1809][1838]Blood's a match to Rosie's type.
[1839][1859]Larsen girl a user?
[1859][1883]Won't get the tox screen back|for a few days.
[1883][1894]Didn't seem like it.
[1895][1913]But if she was,|could've been an O.D.
[1914][1934]Whoever was with her panicked,|dumped her.
[1935][1952]I need you to work this thing,|Sarah.
[1952][1966]Can't do it.|You know that.
[1966][1981]It's gonna take|some delicate maneuvering.
[1981][1999]He can't do it.
[1999][2015]I'm not staying.
[2015][2032]Just till the end of the week.
[2032][2053]I got City Hall on my ass|on this thing.
[2053][2070]You can't leave this with him.|You know that.
[2070][2081]Not my problem anymore.
[2081][2103]Well, it is your problem,|actually.
[2103][2128]You're on the city's dime|till the end of the week.
[2163][2191]Clear this thing, I'm just|an address on a Christmas card.
[2258][2279]Principal Meyers.
[2299][2334]Oh, my God.
[2453][2464]Damn it!
[2465][2481]You shouldn't have|listened to the cop.
[2481][2493]I told you.
[2493][2513]That dead girl|is gonna lead the 10:00 news
[2514][2538]and be on the front page|of every paper in the state.
[2539][2551]Where is he?
[2551][2570]You lying son of a bitch.|Ruth...
[2571][2587]Why didn't you tell me?
[2587][2603]Because the police|asked me not to.
[2604][2624]The car was stolen.|It had nothing to do with us.
[2624][2635]What?|You think they care?
[2635][2661]This is what|those parasites feed on.
[2661][2689]Chappaquiddick, Chandra Levy|ring any bells?
[2689][2708]Hey, we can control this, Ruth.|Shut up!
[2708][2727]By the time those whores|are finished with you,
[2727][2752]you're gonna be the punch line|of a dirty joke.
[2752][2764]All right, I've had|about enough of this.
[2765][2777]Ruth, we can talk it through.|Okay.
[2777][2799]We can get through this.|"We"? "We"?
[2800][2818]Oh, no.|There's no "we."
[2818][2843]"We" are over.
[2882][2909]We kept sports equipment|down here years ago.
[2910][2925]The kids called it "the cage."
[2925][2940]It hasn't been used in ages.
[2986][3009]Who else has keys to this place?
[3009][3033]Besides me?
[3034][3054]Just our janitor.
[3083][3103]Front-row seat.
[3104][3123]What's his name...|the janitor?
[3124][3152]Lyndon Johnson Rosales.|Why?
[3300][3310]I'm hungry.
[3311][3326]Aunt Terry's|getting Chinese.
[3326][3352]I hate Chinese.
[3353][3376]Okay. Let's see|what else we got here.
[3376][3398]How about tuna fish?
[3398][3424]I hate tuna.
[3477][3505]What do you boys want for dinner?
[3528][3549]Pancakes are for breakfast,|idiot.
[3549][3567]Don't call your brother that.
[3567][3589]We can have pancakes.
[3590][3615]Chocolate-chip pancakes.|All right. Here we go.
[3616][3628]Should we wake up mom?
[3629][3644]No, let mom sleep.|She's tired, Denny.
[3645][3662]We can make dinner ourselves.|Right, boys?
[3663][3677]Do you know|how to make them, dad?
[3678][3697]It's got to be|on the back of the box, right?
[3697][3716]How hard can it be?
[3716][3735]Get me an egg and some milk, Tom.
[3837][3865]Okay. Crack that egg,|right in there, hmm?
[3895][3905]All right.
[3922][3946]You like crunchy ones, huh?
[3947][3966]There we go.
[4031][4053]How did Rosie die?
[4135][4162]It's okay, dad.
[4163][4187]We don't have to talk about it.
[4320][4363]So, how long you staying|this time?
[4363][4388]You like the l.T.'s pet?
[4388][4412]Maybe he just wants|the case cleared.
[4412][4439]M-maybe I didn't just find|the crime scene.
[4440][4459]Assumptions are your enemy,|detective.
[4483][4510]I'm lead on this|for the next few days,
[4511][4536]so stop pressing|everyone we question
[4537][4551]like they're in the box.
[4551][4580]Let go of the idea that you have|some B.S. detector.
[4581][4601]And how do you know|I don't have one of those?
[4601][4618]'Cause you dress|like Justin Bieber
[4618][4633]and eat pork rinds for dinner.
[4633][4667]Ooh! Me and your kid|got the same diet, Linden.
[4964][4989]We're with|the Seattle P.D.
[4989][5016]We're looking for|a Lyndon Johnson Rosales.
[5016][5039]No. No here.
[5040][5063]We'd like to ask you|a few questions.
[5064][5079]Can we come in?
[5130][5147]Is Lyndon your son?
[5147][5193]Does he live here with you?
[5193][5218]No Lyndon here. No.
[5236][5252]He's not here?
[5268][5287]'Cause we could... we could...|we could wait.
[5287][5302]Lady, you go, please.
[5357][5405]Look, uh, uh, we need to|talk to your son.
[5444][5486]Well, if he's not here, you know,|I'm just gonna have a look around.
[5486][5510]Mr. Rosales?
[5855][5872]Holder! He's here!
[5887][5915]Put your weapon down right now!
[5924][5945]Drop your weapon!|Holder, back off!
[5945][5969]Mr. Rosales,|we just want to talk to you.
[5969][5988]Lyndon! Lyndon!
[6060][6087]29-year-old male,|fell from a third-story window,
[6087][6112]l.O.C. on arrival,|depressed skull fracture.
[6112][6130]This man's a suspect|in a murder case.
[6131][6143]When can I talk to him?
[6143][6169]After surgery.
[6184][6201]Councilman, councilman,
[6202][6231]did you know the murder victim,|Rosie Larsen?
[6232][6259]Who was driving|the vehicle she was found in?
[6260][6276]Rosie Larsen's body was found
[6276][6300]in the trunk of a car|stolen from this campaign.
[6300][6321]The police have asked me|not to comment further.
[6321][6344]EKG tech to E.R.
[6387][6409]Dr. Warren to CCU.
[6409][6426]Dr. Warren to CCU.
[6427][6470]So, Rosales likes to|show his junk to teenage girls.
[6494][6518]And he's got|a kid-tiddlin' record
[6519][6536]and a couple of 311s.
[6537][6562]School missed it.|That's why he ran.
[6562][6572]Because of his warrants,
[6572][6586]or because he killed|the Larsen girl?
[6586][6609]No, LBJ's alibied Friday night.
[6610][6635]He got picked up|at 9:30... D.U.I.
[6635][6664]He spent the weekend|in the drunk tank.
[6725][6739]Keep an eye on Rosales for me.
[6739][6754]Call me as soon as he's awake.
[6843][6854]Hey, babe.
[6854][6879]Hi.|What are you doing?
[6879][6896]Watching MMA with Leon.
[6896][6909]That's good.
[6909][6931]As long as there's|someone there to keep you warm,
[6931][6954]I won't feel so guilty about|staying through the weekend.
[6991][7028]So much for "I'm gonna be on the|next flight tomorrow," huh?
[7029][7041]I'm under a lot of pressure.
[7041][7069]Baby, I found the girl.
[7069][7088]Oakes wants me to see it through.
[7121][7139]We'll be there Sunday|for the party.
[7139][7154]I don't care what he does.
[7171][7190]Because we're still|getting married, right?
[7190][7205]Of course.
[7205][7216]And when you get married,
[7217][7233]there's lots of crap|you got to do,
[7233][7251]like the cake, the flowers,|the streamers...
[7251][7267]Crap you said you cared about.
[7267][7283]I do care.|You know I care.
[7305][7331]I'll make this up to you.|I promise.
[7331][7359]Just try to get on the plane next time.|I got to go.
[7359][7370]Leon's getting jealous.
[7370][7383]I love you.
[7767][7790]Some leftover minestrone|on the stove.
[7790][7806]And you don't have to worry|about waking him up.
[7806][7830]Five hours of "Halo"|knocked him on his butt.
[7830][7841]Thanks, Regi.
[7842][7861]How's that|quitting smoking going?
[7861][7877]It's fine.
[7877][7888]He wanted to wait up,
[7889][7915]but I told him|he had to go to school tomorrow.
[7915][7934]He's not happy.
[7934][7956]I could let him smoke cigarettes|all day on the dock,
[7956][7978]but I thought school might be|a little better.
[7979][8001]That's what you were doing|when you were his age.
[8001][8015]A lot more than that.
[8015][8045]Yeah, I know.
[8046][8086]I want a little more for Jack|than that.
[8087][8121]Sonoma will be a fresh start.|He'll love it.
[8122][8135]It'll be great.
[8136][8152]I bet.
[8186][8208]So, what's holding you back?
[8243][8269]I thought work was over.
[8269][8291]So did I.
[8317][8331]I got to get back.
[8331][8358]I'm just gonna take|a little shower.
[8358][8391]Okay.|I got clean towels downstairs.
[8391][8422]Thank you for letting us stay,|Regi.
[8422][8448]I got my two favorite people|in the whole world
[8448][8461]for a couple more days.
[8462][8480]That's not a bad deal.
[9065][9089]Hi.|I'm not here right now,
[9089][9107]and neither is anyone else,|apparently,
[9108][9147]which is weird,|because we usually are here.
[9147][9165]But not today.
[9165][9192]Um...I really don't know|where we are.
[9217][9229]leave a message,
[9230][9248]and I promise that|we will get back to you.
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