The Killing [01x04] A Soundless Echo [ENG].txt

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[48][69]Rosie Larsens' body was|found in the trunk of
[69][84]a car stolen|from this campaign.
[88][105]By now most of you have|heard what happened to Rosie.
[106][125]Grief counselors will be...|Sterling!
[126][143]I did find this from|a few days ago.
[145][161]Leaking Yitanes' endorsement.
[163][190]Don't I even get a chance|to defend myself here?
[192][201]You just did.
[203][215]Screw both of you.
[219][233]He was in the|basement with Rosie?
[234][265]Rosie's teacher|confiscated a phone
[267][282]from a student earlier today.
[284][299]They did it together.
[426][443]Let me out of here, you bitch!
[444][458]Let me out!
[656][680]You can't keep me in here.|I know my rights.
[714][734]I didn't do anything to her!
[869][886]What do you want, huh?|What?
[916][961]I didn't kill her, I swear.
[984][1002]So, Rosie, senior year.
[1003][1032]Where you gonna be|10 years from now?
[1032][1079]Uh...Well, I mean,|who knows what's gonna happen?
[1079][1110]Uh, today is all that matters,
[1110][1155]and, uh, I want...|I don't know...
[1155][1197]um...I want to|see everything,
[1198][1210]see the world.
[1224][1262]I am just so ready|to start living, I guess.
[1303][1323]Was that okay?
[1367][1395]Tell her that.
[1435][1474]Tell her you didn't kill her.
[1490][1507]Look at her.
[1532][1574]Tell her.
[2028][2060]This kid's been here all night.
[2061][2085]He's jonesing...|Ready to break.
[2086][2112]You think?
[2112][2137]Ames is in the waiting room|with his lawyer.
[2138][2150]You're not gonna get much.
[2150][2165]It helps put|the pressure on kris
[2165][2185]knowing his friend|might want to cut a deal.
[2185][2196]You talking to him?
[2196][2221]Yeah. Holder will take|the tweaker.
[2221][2240]Is it okay|if I use your office?
[2264][2295]Ah. That junkie in there|looks better than you do.
[2296][2323]Why don't you clean yourself up|and put on a suit?
[2526][2566]Hey, your date's with me.
[2567][2604]We thought you'd be more|comfortable with your father here,
[2604][2625]but it seems he wasn't|able to make it.
[2626][2652]Mr. ames is currently|out of the country.
[2653][2677]This is just a courtesy visit|on our end.
[2677][2696]You can direct any questions|you have to me.
[2696][2739]A video has come|into our possession
[2740][2763]taken the night|of Rosie Larsen's murder.
[2763][2787]She's in it.|So's your client.
[2788][2808]What video?
[2808][2828]Mr. ames, please.
[2846][2867]Would you like to see it?
[2921][2953]As you can see, we have a wide|selection to choose from.
[2953][2983]This lovely two-toned|brushed-steel model
[2983][3020]boasts a white velvet interior|in a French fold design,
[3020][3067]eternal rest adjustable bed,|and matching pillow and throw.
[3067][3110]And all our caskets fit the|standard 30-inch burial vaults.
[3110][3132]Burial vaults?
[3132][3152]Protection for your loved one
[3153][3179]against the outside|weather elements...
[3179][3204]rain and so forth.
[3226][3273]The list price for these|models begins at $2,000.
[3295][3315]Of course,|there's always cremation...
[3315][3332]considerably less expensive...
[3346][3368]I understand.
[3368][3406]Then you'll want to consider|a flower spray for the casket
[3407][3441]or perhaps wreaths|for the church.
[3493][3521]That's a beautiful choice|for a young girl.
[3585][3635]The list price is $3,800.
[3635][3654]We have reasonable|payment plans,
[3655][3670]if that's your concern.
[3670][3703]No, we're set.
[3703][3728]Then I'll just need a nice dress|for your daughter.
[3728][3758]You would like her|in a nice dress, wouldn't you?
[3803][3840]I wish I had good news,|but I don't.
[3840][3860]You're dropping fast|across the board,
[3861][3887]losing traction with your|key constituencies, even.
[3888][3907]Mayor's now got|an 8-point lead,
[3907][3929]so, frankly, you're screwed.
[3929][3955]The Yitanes endorsement|didn't stop the hemorrhaging?
[3955][3970]No, Adams is choking|the airwaves,
[3971][3986]hammering you|with that dead girl.
[3986][4005]But the car was stolen.|We had nothing to do with it.
[4006][4027]Well, clearly, that message|isn't getting through.
[4027][4058]What you need is a media|blitz... ads, billboards.
[4058][4086]Yeah, we need to remind voters|that you're the anti-crime guy
[4086][4106]and that Adams never|gave a damn till now.
[4106][4125]Better hurry before he grabs up|the airtime that's left.
[4125][4146]Well, then let's do it|right now.
[4146][4173]With what money?
[4202][4216]Thank you, Michael.
[4276][4292]We need to go to Tom Drexler.
[4292][4313]No.|He hates Adams.
[4313][4334]He hates politicians.
[4335][4364]He thinks we're all hand puppets|for rich lunatics like him.
[4365][4388]I don't know.|Maybe we are.
[4388][4409]Darren, he could be|a good friend to us.
[4421][4433]I'm not making a deal
[4433][4458]with a guy whose patron Saint|is Ayn Rand.
[4458][4481]You won't have to. All he|cares about is screwing Adams.
[4482][4497]We help with that,|we're golden.
[4497][4524]At least talk to him.
[4525][4547]We need someone with|that kind of money right now.
[4548][4575]One thing Jamie was right about|was using him.
[4596][4613]Get me my donors list.
[4614][4644]I'll start making phone calls|after the committee meeting.
[4735][4767]Let me at that bitch.|Give her to me.
[4796][4828]It's not what you think.
[4828][4851]Looks pretty clear to me.
[4851][4879]We didn't do anything|to her, okay?
[4880][4906]My client doesn't need to|answer any of your questions.
[4930][4966]You don't seem like the type|that shares your toys.
[4966][4993]And that's what Rosie was,|right? A toy?
[4993][5015]This is over.|Let's go, Mr. ames.
[5015][5028]Wait, wait, I can explain.
[5029][5047]It's in your best interest|not to... just shut up!
[5048][5071]It... it isn't|what you think.
[5105][5152]Just turned 18.
[5152][5183]Ain't gonna be no comfy|juvie digs for you.
[5183][5219]You're gonna be wearing|a micro mini mini
[5219][5238]by the time you get out|of adult pen.
[5256][5276]Jasper gets the hot chick,|and I get you?
[5320][5351]They know you got the itch|like me?
[5428][5458]Boyfriend laid it on you.
[5488][5522]Jasper's crazy, okay?|He hated Rosie.
[5522][5545]Yeah, you're just his wingman,|right? Along for the ride?
[5545][5590]She always said hi.
[5590][5616]Rosie didn't treat me|like I was...
[5617][5639]A rock-bottom junkie?
[5653][5666]What you gonna tell me next?
[5666][5686]You used to walk home together|from school?
[5686][5710]You got a minute? I'm in the|middle of something here, linden.
[5710][5726]I know.|Let's go.
[5726][5750]Yo, I'll check you later,|all right?
[5837][5873]Another movie?|I want popcorn.
[5873][5897]Hey, you shut up, all right?!
[6123][6151]Let me at that bitch.|Give her to me.
[6226][6245]That's what you got?
[6261][6301]Man, you don't know shit.
[6400][6423]Hey, mayor.|Jimmy.
[6423][6439]Say hello to your dad for me.
[6439][6456]Yes, sir.
[6457][6469]- Hey, Al.|- Hey.
[6470][6486]Give me the usual.|You got it.
[6508][6537]And get him another of whatever|the hell he's drinking.
[6538][6567]Interesting choice|in venue, mayor.
[6567][6586]This place and me go way back.
[6586][6612]Used to wait|for my old man outside.
[6612][6634]Blackout drunk.
[6634][6676]Me, 9 years old, dragging|his sorry a... back home.
[6676][6728]Spent a lot of hours|looking at that, wanting more.
[6729][6761]I heard the story, mayor.
[6762][6777]I just don't understand
[6777][6803]why Seattle needs|another yuppie mall.
[6803][6823]Not exactly a boon|for the everyman.
[6823][6845]Screw the everyman.|I'm the everyman.
[6845][6873]And that thing's gonna|bear my name, be my legacy.
[6874][6908]Not bad for a poor kid|from highland park.
[6908][6925]I hear you're|from pigeon point.
[6925][6959]White trash...|Just like you.
[6959][6980]Waterfront|revitalization program.
[6980][6999]A vote for Adams|is a vote for experience.
[6999][7012]Lesley Adams,|a name you can trust.
[7012][7025]Look at that, hmm?
[7026][7048]This message paid for by...
[7048][7081]Can't say I was too surprised.
[7082][7100]Your situation with Richmond.
[7100][7126]Guy's an amateur,|not ready for the big leagues.
[7126][7139]How do you figure?
[7140][7173]Carpetbagging rich kid who|saved some souls a few years.
[7173][7203]He doesn't know how to win|'cause he never had to.
[7223][7259]I believed in that guy.
[7260][7290]I guess it was|a one-way street.
[7291][7317]Maybe you're right.
[7318][7351]I know I'm right.|That's why I asked you here.
[7351][7381]So, how about it?
[7381][7398]How about what?
[7399][7431]Come over and be part|of a winning team for once.
[7471][7510]Mrs. Danzinger,|you've been a generous donor,
[7510][7543]and I really hope I can|rely on your support again.
[7544][7558]I'm sorry, councilman.
[7558][7582]We're not going to be able|to help.
[7583][7609]No, I...
[7609][7620]Not at this time.
[7620][7639]I understand.|I'm sorry.
[7640][7669]Of course.
[7669][7692]Thank you for your time.
[7757][7772]Senator Eaton's office.
[7772][7794]Hi. It's Gwen.
[7794][7806]Hi, Gwen.
[7806][7833]I need to see the senator.|Does he have an opening?
[7834][7857]Let me check.
[7857][7883]You and Rosie|were best friends.
[7883][7914]Yeah. I guess.
[7914][7931]You guess?
[7931][7949]I mean...We are.
[7949][7983]Were.|Rosie's dead.
[7983][8001]I know.
[8001][8046]So, why'd you go down|to the cage with her boyfriend?
[8047][8068]Did they force you?
[8084][8100]There was a lot of blood down there.|I get really bad nosebleeds.
[8100][8127]I've go...
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