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this sequential file into a BASIC-format (SYMASS compatible)
program using Chris Zamara's STP program from Volume 5, Issue
06; or the C--64 BASIC STP found in the bits and pieces column in
the same issue as the unassembles Use STP to convert the file to
BASIC, then save the resulting source. This file is entirely compati
ble with SYMASS 3.13, and can be assembled immediately after
loading. Once you have changed the unassembler to its new
format, the conversions take no time at all.
1000 open 1,8,2, "file"
1010 sys 49152,#1,255,a$
1020 print a$;
1030 if st=O then 1010
1040 close 1
To read 128 bytesoftrack 18, sector0 (you can't read all 256 bytes
of a sector, since a string can only hold 255 bytes):
1000 open 15,8,15
1010 open 2,8,2, "#"
1030 sys 49152, #2, 128, a$
1040 printa$
1050 close 15
Using the DOS Wedge
With Two Drives
Joel Pickett
Levelland, Texas
I use the DOS support program that comes with the 1541 disk
drive. I havetwodrives, butthe DOS program onlyworkson one. I
modified the DOS loader so it will run on the drive it is loaded
from. To do this, line 5 (below) was added — it peeks location 186,
which holds the number of the last device used. Also, the 'dv' in
line 10 replaces the '8'.
The program is fully relocatable; just change the assignment in
line 30 of the BASIC loader below. Using Fast File instead of GETs
will give you typical speed increases of nine to eleven times!
5 dv= peek(186): rem location 186 is current device #
10 ifa=0 then a=1: load"dos 5.1" ,dv,1
20 if a= 1 then sys 12*4096+ 12*256
30 new
10 rem** fast file **
20 rem read from afile into a variable
30 a= 49152: rem program is relocatable
40 print" usage: sys" ;a;" ,#<file#>,<# bytes>,
<string var$>"
50 for i=atoa+85: read d: c=c+d: poke i,d: next i
60 if c<>11661 then print" Idata error!": stop
100 data 32, 253, 174, 169, 35, 32, 255, 174
110 data 32,158,183,134,251, 32,253,174
120 data 32,158,183,134,252, 32,253,174
130data 32,139,176,133, 73,132, 74, 36
140 data 13, 48, 3, 76,153,173,165,252
150 data 32,125,180,166,251, 32,198,255
160 data 176, 15,165,252,240, 26,160, 0
170 data 165,144, 208, 8, 32, 19,238,144
180 data 8, 76,249,224,132, 97, 76, 80
190data192,145, 53,200, 196,252, 144,232
200 data 32, 204, 255, 76, 100, 170
The DOS support program (at $CC00) gets the current device
number from location 186 and stores it internally at $CC77
(52343). Whenever you want to use a DOS command on another
drive, simply POKE 52343,(device number).
Shouldyou disable the DOSwith awarm start (sys 64738), you can
often run it again this way:
poke 186,8: sys 52224: return
Fast File
Rick Nash, MUlersburg, Ohio
Here is a short utility that can speed up programs that read from
disk files. It works with any kind of file, but it especially handy for
direct access (reading a given sector), since the INPUT command is
not always reliable under these circumstances. The INPUT com
mand stops reading data whenever it sees a delimeter character
(carriage return, colon or comma), so to read unpredictable data
the GET command must be used to read the bytes one at a time.
This is far too slow for most applications. The program below, Fast
File, will read a given number ofbytes from a disk file into a string
variable, and only stop reading when the given number of charac
ters have been read, orend of file occurs. It reads the data as fast as
the disk drive can supply it, since the program is in machine
ModifyingThe Epyx
Fast Load Cartridge
James Craig
Waco, TX
When using the Epyx Fast-load cartridge with the C—128, you
have to shut off the machine and install the cartridge in order to
switch from C—128 to 64 mode. Besides being a nuisance, this can
quickly wear out the cartridge port.
I decided something had to be done. I took the Fast Load cartridge
apart and found that my troubles were little ones. I installed a
switch in the "EXROM" line to take the ground off the circuit when
using C-128 mode. By throwing the switch to connect the ground
and hitting the reset button, I was immediately in C-64 mode with
the Fast Load cartridge enabled! To go back to C-128, just throw
the switch to disconnect the ground, then hit reset again.
The syntax for using Fast File is:
where 'f is the file number (the * must be present), 'n' is the
number of characters to read, and 'v$' is the name of a string
variable that will receive the data.
To open the cartridge, feel around the top surface for the indenta
tion ofthescrewthat holdstheunittogether. Just cutawayenough
to remove the screw. Cut around the box at the seam, then using a
For example, to read a sequential file:
Jan.1987: Volume7, toueO4
Tho Tronsoctof
knife blade, pry up all around the box and lift straight up to avoid Easy Retrieval
damaging the interlocking catches.
Dave Newberry
Duluth, Minnesota
of Last Filename Used
Install a SPST slide or toggle switch at any convenient location.
This could even be outside the case someplace. Cut the printed
circuit lead from the #9 male prong about where it makes a bend
goingto the EXROM connector. Soldera wire on each side and run
to each terminal of the switch — it doesn't make any difference
which wire goes where on the switch. Reassemble the case and
you're in business. Enjoy your C-64 again!
In the Bits & Pieces section of Volume 6, Issue 06, Jeffrey Coons
wrote in with a one-liner that allowed you to find the name of the
last file used (Finding the missing file page 5). Though the line
works well, there is an easier way to achieve the same result. A
singleSYS call is all it takes toget the name ofthe last file accessed.
The magic numberis62913. ASYS62913 will print the filename
on the screen for al! to see.
Chromatic Scale
Register Values
Arne Storjohann
Scotland, Ont.
Thefollowing routine generatesthe SID chip registervalueswhich
correspond to eight octaves of chromatic scale. The values are
separated into high and low byte format and stuffed into two
ninety-six element integer arrays to allow for maximum speed of
use later in your BASIC program. Due to the ninth place constant
D, thevalues generated are exceedingly precise, limited in resolu
tion only by the 1 through 65535 range imposed by the SID chip.
The usual approach is to use data statements and read the 192
values into an array, but with a running time of less than three
seconds, this routine is much more compact, efficient, and above
all, a more elegant solution.
Anyone who has ever tried to program music on the 64 will
appreciate this algorithm!
rem** routine to generate chromatic
rem** scale register values (hi/lo)
rem** by arne storjohann - 86,05,04
1541 Disk Swap Checker
John Chong, Syracuse, NY
dim lo°/o(95),hi%(95): g=2t(1/12)
f=3520*g*g: d =0.06095948: b=256
for i = 95 to 0 step -1: n =f/d: hi°/o(i) = n/b
lo%(i)= n-hi°/o(i)*b: f=f/g: next
The following program waits until the current disk in the drive is
removed, and another disk (or the same one) re-inserted. It does
this bychecking the write-protect status of the drive to see if adisk
is there or not. It only works if the disks being inserted are NOT
write-protected, and even then it can be fooled if you partially
remove and then re-insert thedisk. Although not bullet-proof, the
program shows the technique ofchecking the write-protect status,
and the subroutine at 3000 that actually does the checking may
come in handy in one ofyour programs.
rem ** demo **
s= 54272: for i = s to s+15: poke i,0: next
poke s+5,96: poke s+6,251: poke s+4,33
poke s+ 24,15: for i =-72 to 72
x = 71 -abs(i) +16: poke s,lo°/o(x)
poke s+ 1 ,hi°/o(x):for j = 1to200: next
next: pokes+4,32: end
2000 print" please change disks."
2010 open 15,8,15
2020 gosub 3000: if a<>0 then 2020
:rem waitfor diskto be removed
2030 gosub 3000: ifa<>16 then 2030
:rem wait for no disk in drive
2040 gosub 3000: if a<>0 then 2040
:rem waitfor disk to be inserted
2050 for d = "I to 1500: next: close 15
2060 print"ok, thanks!"
2070 end
:get#15,a$:a= asc(a$)and16:return
C-64 Underlined Characters
D. Munro
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
This program isbased on theC-64 italicsprogram in Bits& Pieces,
Volume 7 Issue 01. Instead of giving italics in place of reverse
characters however, it gives underlined characters. Both of the
64's built-in character sets are altered, so that underlined letters
are available from either upper/lowercase or graphics modes. The
new character set is located from 8192 (hex $2000) to 12287
($2FFF). Consequently, the start of BASIC is moved to $3001.
Tho ironsocior
Jaa1987: Volume7, toueO4
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