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Copyright Interweave Press ® Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
Ann Budd
Not keen on baby booties? Try baby socks. Ann Budd has designed
five adorable pairs of tiny socks to make precious little feet even
more precious. All feature Priscilla Gibson-Roberts’s short-row
heel and toe (Fall 2000 Interweave Knits , page 76) and decora-
tive zigzag bind-off. Worked in washable wool, these socks are
easy to care for—an important feature in babywear. Instructions
for the Ruffle Rib, Braided Cable and Hugs and Kisses socks are
in the Summer 2005 issue of Interweave Knits . Instructions for
the Ruffle Rib (again), Chevron Lace, and Cable Rib socks are
given here.
Ruffle Rib Socks
Leg: CO 88 sts. Distribute sts evenly on
3 or 4 dpn, place marker (pm), and join
for working in the rnd, being careful not
to twist sts. Work ruffle as foll:
Rnds 1, 2, and 3: *K2, p2; rep from *.
Rnd 4: *K2, p2tog; rep from *—66 sts rem.
Rnds 5 and 6: *K2, p1; rep from *.
Rnd 7: *K1, ssk; rep from *—44 sts rem.
Knit 1 rnd even. Eyelet rnd: *Yo, k2tog; rep from *. Next rnd:
*P1, k1; rep from *. Rep the last rnd 15 more times, ending 11
sts before end-of-rnd marker on last rnd. Heel: Arrange sts so
that the next 22 sts are on one needle for the heel, removing
marker as you go (working yarn is at the right edge of these sts)—
22 sts total for heel; divide rem 22 sts between 2 needles to be
worked later for instep. Work 22 heel sts in short rows as foll:
Row 1: (RS) K21, turn (1 st unworked on left needle).
Row 2: Yo backwards (see Toe and Heel Construction box on
page 2), p20, turn (1 st unworked).
Row 3: Yo as usual, knit to paired sts made by yo of previous row
(the yo will form a loop out of the side of the adjacent st),
leaving 3 sts on left needle (i.e., do not work the pair), turn.
Row 4: Yo backwards, purl to paired sts made by the yo of the
previous row, turn.
Rep the last 2 rows until there are 11 total sts between yos (9
unpaired sts between yos), ending with a WS row. Turn so RS is
facing. Form the heel cup as foll:
Row 1: (RS) Yo as usual, knit to the paired st made by yo of pre-
vious row, k1, (the first st of the pair), correct the mount of
Finished Size About 4 3 4 " (12 cm) foot circumference and 3 1 2 "
(9 cm) long from back of heel to tip of toe.
Yarn Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock (80% superwash wool, 20%
nylon; 215 yd [196 m]/50 g): 1 skein will make 3 pairs of socks.
Shown in #21NS powder blue, # 44NS old rose, and #15NS chino.
Needles Size 0 (2 mm): set of 4 or 5 double-pointed (dpn). Adjust
needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.
Notions Markers (m); cable needle (cn); tapestry needle.
Gauge 18 sts and 26 rnds = 2" (5 cm) in St st worked in the rnd.
Stitch Guide
Ssp: Slip 2 sts individually kwise, return these 2 sts to left nee-
dle, and purl them tog through their back loops.
Sssp: Slip 3 sts individually kwise, return these 3 sts to left nee-
dle, and purl them tog through their back loops.
Summer 2005 I
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the yo (so that the leading edge is on the front of the needle),
k2tog (the yo with the first st of the next pair, leaving a yo as
the first st on the left needle), turn.
Row 2: (WS) Yo backwards, purl to paired st made by yo of pre-
vious row, purl the first st of the pair, ssp (the yo with the first
st of the next pair, leaving a yo as the first st on the left nee-
dle; see Stitch Guide), turn.
Row 3: Yo, knit to the paired st made by yo of previous row, knit
the first st of the pair (the next 2 loops will be yos), correct
the mount of each of these yos, k3tog (2 yos with the first st
of the next pair), turn.
Row 4: Yo backwards, purl to next yo (the next 2 loops are yos), sssp
(2 yos with the first st of the next pair; see Stitch Guide), turn.
Row 5: Yo, knit to next yo (the next 2 loops will be yos), correct
the mount of each of these yos, k3tog (2 yos with the first st
of the next pair), turn.
Rep the last 2 rows until all yos of heel have been consumed,
ending with Row 4. The last turn will bring RS facing—22 sts +
1 yo. Joining rnd: Yo, knit to yo at end of needle, place this yo
on next needle (first instep needle), k2tog (the yo plus first st of
next needle), work to last instep st, place yo at beg of next (heel)
needle onto instep needle and work these 2 sts as ssk (last st of
rnd plus yo)—44 sts. Rnd begins at beg of sole sts.
Foot: Work even in St st for 16 rnds.
Toe: Rearrange sts if necessary so that 22 bottom-of-foot (sole)
sts are on one dpn. Work toe with short-rows as for heel. After
making the last turn, the toe is joined to the top of the foot with
a zigzag bind-off: Place 22 instep sts on 1 dpn and 22 sole sts on
another dpn. Holding the 2 needles tog, sl 1 from front needle,
p1 from back needle, pass slipped st over purled st, *k1 from front
needle, pass purl st over, p1 from back needle, pass knit st over;
rep from * until 1 st rem on needle, working last st tog with its
accompanying yo. Fasten off.
Chevron Lace Socks
Leg: CO 44 sts. Distribute sts evenly on
3 or 4 dpn, place marker (pm), and join
for working in the rnd, being careful not
to twist sts. Knit 6 rnds for facing. Picot
turning rnd: *Yo, k2tog; rep from *. Knit
5 rnds. Joining rnd: Join CO edge to next
rnd of knitting as foll: Turn facing to inside along turning rnd,
pick up edge of first CO st, and knit this loop tog with the first
st on needle. Cont around in this manner, working the edge of
the corresponding CO st tog with the st on the needle. Knit 1
rnd even. Set-up patt: K6, work Rnd 1 of Chevron Lace chart
over 9 sts, k13, work Rnd 1 of Chevron Lace chart over 9 sts, k7.
Cont as established, working 13 sts in St st between each lace
panel, until Rnds 1–6 have been worked a total of 4 times (24
rnds total), ending with Rnd 6. Heel: Work as for Ruffle Rib socks,
ending by knitting 1 rnd across all sts. Foot: K17, work Rnd 1 of
Chevron Lace chart over 9 sts, k18. Cont as established, working
center 9 instep sts in lace patt for a total of 4 reps (24 rnds), end-
ing with Rnd 6 of patt. Toe: Work as for Ruffle Rib socks.
Cable Rib Socks
Leg: CO 44 sts. Distribute sts evenly on
3 or 4 dpn, place marker (pm), and join
for working in the rnd, being careful not
to twist sts. Beg with Rnd 1, work all sts
according to Cable Rib chart until a total
of 24 rnds have been worked. Heel:
Working 22 heel sts in St st, work short-row heel as for Ruffle
Rib socks. Foot: Cont working one cable patt along each side of
foot as foll: K11, p1, work 2 sts in cable patt as established, p1,
k16, p1, work 2 sts in cable patt as established, p1 knit to end.
Cont in this manner until Rnds 1–4 of chart have been worked
4 times (16 rnds). Toe: Work as for Ruffle Rib socks.
Weave in loose ends. Block lightly if desired.
ANN BUDD has been involved with Interweave Knits since its
inception in 1996.
Toe and Heel Construction
The toe and heel are constructed with short rows that
produce an hourglass shape. Each short row begins with
a yarnover that is instrumental in preventing gaps.
When the knit side is facing, work the yarnover in the
usual manner, bringing yarn forward under needle then
over the top to the back. When the purl side is facing,
bring yarn to the back
under needle, then over
the top to the front as
illustrated here. This
forms a “backward”
yarnover—the leading
side of the loop
is on the back of the
Chevron Lace
Cable Rib
k on RS; p on WS
p on RS; k on WS
1/1 RC: k2tog, then knit first st again,
then slip both sts off needle
Summer 2005 I
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