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Cormanthyr: Empire of the Elves
Cormanthyr: Empire of Elves
by Steven E. Schend and Kevin Melka
Design: Steven E. Schend and Kevin Melka
Design & Development (A RCANE A GE Campaign Basics): Jim Butler & Steven E. Schend
Design & Development (The Elven Mindset): Ed Greenwood, Colin McComb, Roger E. Moore, & Steven E. Schend
Development/Design Aides: Brion Babula, Eric L. Boyd, Elaine Cunningham, Ed Greenwood, Jeff Grubb,
Colin McComb, Roger E. Moore, Bryon Wischstadt
Research Assistance: Tyler Bannister, Grant Christie, Brian Fields, Aaron Losey, Peggy McLaughlin, Toby Mekelburg,
Bobby Nichols, Josh Powell, Peter Shackleton, Hauke Stammer, Shane Voelker, Bryon Wichstadt;
and AOL subscribers Jhoebryn, KBOZ74, Phillip aka Sleyvas, Rygad, and Whalejudge.
Editing: Dale Donovan and Anne Brown
Brand Management: David Wise
Art Direction: Dawn Murin and Paul Hanchette
Cover Art: Alan Pollack/Todd Lockwood
Interior Art: Jeff Easley
Graphic Design and Production: Dee Barnett
Typography: Angelika Lokotz
Cartography: Dennis Kauth
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©1998 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
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ISBN: 0-7869-0761-4
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Time Traveling Campaigns. ................ 3
A RCANE A GE ® Campaigns. .................. 7
Campaign Mechanics & Details ............. 8
THE TANGLED VALE ............. 98
History ............................... 98
MYSTERIES OF ELVEN COURT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
History .............................. 106
Old Elven Court & Environs .............. 107
Elven Court Today ..................... 109
THE ELVEN MINDSET. .................. 14
Misconceptions about Elves. ............... 14
Elven Attitudes about the NTelQuess. ....... 14
Elven Motivations & Activities ............. 15
Elven Faculties. ........................ 16
Elven Death. ........................... 17
Elves of the Realms. ..................... 18
A Brief Note on Elven Equipment. .......... 19
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Rulers of Cormanthyr ............... 111
Coronals Defenders. .................... 118
Notables of Art ........................ 120
MAGIC OF THE PEOPLE ............ 123
Elven Attitudes and Beliefs on Magic ....... 124
High Magic .......................... 124
The Forms of High Magic. ............... 126
To Wield High Magic ................... 127
High Magic Advancement and
Accessibility Table ................... 128
High Magic Rituals .................... 130
High Magic Consequences Table. .......... 131
THE ELVEN AGES ...................... 20
Elven Concepts of Time & Histories ........ .20
Elven History on Faerûn. ................ .20
History of Cormanthyr ................. .24
Elven Timeline of Faerûn ................ 29
Settlements of the Realm. ................. 43
Leadership of the Realm .................. 45
Defense of the Realm. .................... 47
Arts of the Realm.. ..................... 50
Beliefs of the Realm. ..................... 52
MYTHALS ........................... 139
General Construction and Theory ......... 139
The Powers of Mythals .................. 141
The Dangers of Mythals. ................. 142
Myth Drannors Mythal ................. 142
Prehistory of the City .................... 54
Living Myth Drannor .................... 57
Physical Myth Drannor. .................. 62
Tour of the City. ........................ 64
Sites & Landmarks. ..................... 69
Cormanthor ........................... 71
Sheshyrinnam ......................... 74
Kerradunath ........................... 77
Dlabraddath ........................... 79
Myth Drannor Key Cross-Reference. ......... 85
MAGICAL ITEMS ...................... 119
Miscellaneous Magical Items ............. 149
TelKiira [Lore Gems) .................. 152
Artifacts ............................ 153
The Elfblades of Cormanthyr ............. 154
Secret Structures. ...................... 157
Secret Sages & Students ................. 157
Secret Knowledge ...................... 158
Secret Treasures ....................... 158
Secret Agendas ........................ 160
SEMBERHOLME ...................... .86
History ............................... 86
Lake Sember ........................... 94
he Advanced Dungeons and Dragons® Game has presented its fans with
two decades of adventure and excitement galore. All of its worlds are
rife with history and legend, of which the player characters found many
lost tomes, ancient artifacts, and oft-told epics. Now, with the
Forgotten Realms® Arcane Age® line, you and your players can par-
ticipate in the legends as they happen! Step into the past and experience the
sights, sounds, and wonders of fabled Myth Drannor at its height. Walk the wooded
glades of Cormanthyr, the last major elven empire on Faerûn, and discover secrets lost
to the Realms of the present day (1370 DR). Unless noted otherwise, this product pre-
sents the Forgotten Realms as it stood 720 years ago in the Year of the Falling Tower
(650 DR).
Astute players and Dungeon Masters
know what is to come (the inevitable
Fall of Myth Drannor), but dont let
the end ruin the grand vistas of
the current day. In many ways,
an A RCANE A GE campaign can
have more emotional reso-
nance for players and DMs,
both in this past era and in the
present. Introduce them to
great heroes who only exist in
myths, allow them to learn the
secrets forgotten in the future,
and bring the past to life as an
active and vital setting. Show the
players and their characters that the past
provides three options of travel, each with
heir benefits and drawbacks and
warnings to those who wander out
of their own eras. Next, it details
the races and classes available in
this era for the player charac-
ters; during the A RCANE A GE ,
elves were more powerful and
thus, there are a number of
major variations for the elves
to show the path of history and
how it has changed them.
DMs should bear in mind that
lengthy discussions on the history
and development of human spellcast-
ing are not herein. For the details and the
is not just some crumbling ruins, dusty arti-
facts, or names in a bookthe past was, as any time, a
time of life, laughter, and love, a simple thing that so
many forget as they rummage through a long-hidden
tomb. Since they know the final fate of these people,
the players will gain a greater sense of the tragedies
that brought this empire low long before they were
born. As well, it may teach those less-scrupulous char-
acters to think before robbing a tomb or desecrating
ruinsespecially if they get the chance to know the
kindly, self-sacrificing person buried therein.
full story of Netheril, see TSR #1147 F ORGOTTEN
R EALMS ® A RCANE A GE ® Netheril: Empire of Magic
boxed set.
Time Traveling
For decades, the player characters have heard the leg-
ends of Myth Drannor, tales of the splendored realm
where the elves and all the races gathered in harmony
and peace. In the Year of the Tankard (1370 DR), Myth
Drannor is a tumbled ruin riddled with creatures fell
and foul. Whatever the reasons, your characters intend
to part the mists of time and experience Myth Drannor
and its empire of Cormanthyr in its glory days. Know
that it is far simpler to make the decision than it is to
execute in action. . . .
This chapters purpose is to bring players and DMs
up to speed on a number of major rules adjustments
for this campaign. Though its a foregone conclusion
that the DM and players will enter the A RCANE A GE
campaigns, they must decide whether their characters
are natives of that time or time-travelers. A discussion
of time travel reveals the hows and whys of reaching
this 700-years-past realm from the modern Realms, and
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Time travel has been possible both in the past and present
Realms, but it is never easy, never without sacrifice, and
never without consequence. Before the fall of Netheril in the
Year of Sundered Webs (-339 DR), the goddess Mystryl
strictly limited time travel to the past, since she was the god-
dess and guardian both of magic and time. Any methods used
to broach the time stream before -339 Dalereckoning,
whether they are the methods below or planar travel or
spells from the Chronomancer supplement or even wishes or
errands of the gods, automatically revert to the effects and
limitations of Mystryls own time conduit. The travelers
suffer all the drawbacks of their chosen mode of travel in ad-
dition to those of the time conduit, and neither of these ef-
fects can be avoided. Mystryl notices all time anomalies such
as time travelers, no matter their attempted method of entry,
and she either allows time travel to happen on her terms or
not at all. Characters attempting to time travel in other
planes and then enter the Prime Material at Toril will find
they cannot pierce the dimensional barriers or crystal sphere
leading to Abeir-Toril due to Mystryls opposition to their
alien existence in this time and place.
Time Conduits
Mystryl created the time conduit spell to allow travel
through time strictly on her terms. Wizards who sought to
bypass her rules of time travel through new spells ultimately
failed. No matter their methods, they found that Mystryls
time conduit spell was the only way to time travel. The offi-
cial A RCANE A GE timelines of the Realms are detailed in this
product and in the Netheril: Empire of Magic boxed set. De-
tails on the Fall of Netheril are found in the How the Mighty
are Fallen campaign expansion adventure, while the times
that bring Cormanthyr low are in the upcoming Fall of Myth
Drannor campaign accessory (June, 1998). Mystryls time-
travel magic is tied to annual cycles; spellcasters and their
companions who traveled back through time always arrive
on the first day of a new year, and the magic recalls them to
their original time at the end of the last day of that year. No
magic within the past or present timeline, not even an-
timagic shells or prismatic spheres, can prevent the recall
of a time-traveler back to his original time. There are a wide
range of side effects to travel by time conduits that were far
more surprising and disturbing to time-travelers; these are
noted below within the spell itself.
Ninth-Level Spell: Time Conduit
(Alteration, Chronomancy)
Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Upon casting this spell, a shimmering, golden portal appears
somewhere within 30 feet of the caster (though the caster
has no control over where the portal appears). This golden
disk appears upon the fourth round of casting, and it grows,
expanding as if it were an opening eye until it reaches its
4 Cormanthyr: Empire of Elves
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