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F ORGOTTEN R EALMS ® Campaign Setting
Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated 3/6/03
About the FAQ
If you have a question about the F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign Setting or Magic of Faerûn , chances are that you’ll find them within
this FAQ. Any new additions or major corrections in a version are provided in red text for your convenience. Red text changes to
black text in the next version. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, please contact and ask away!
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Based on the original D UNGEONS & D RAGONS ® game by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and on the new edition of the D UNGEONS & D RAGONS game designed by
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.
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F ORGOTTEN R EALMS ® Campaign Setting FAQ 1
Suppose I have an archmage or hierophant who chooses the
spell-like ability power. What is my caster level for this
ability? Do feats like Spell Focus and Spell Penetration still
The caster level for the spell-like ability is the same as for
any other spell the character casts. A 15th-level wizard/5-level
archmage, for example, casts spells as a 20th-level caster.
A feat such as Spell Penetration, which affects any spell the
user casts, also affects the spell-like ability. The Spell Focus
feat also affects the spell-like ability, provided the spell-like
ability is from the correct school. For example, if you have
Spell Focus (Evocation) the feat applies to your fireball spell-
like ability. Note that you can make a spell that has been
modified with a metamagic feat by devoting the appropriate
spell slot to the spell-like ability. (See page 42 of the
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign Setting book.)
Bloodline of Fire feat increases the DC of sorcerer spells
with the fire descriptor by +2. Can wizards also benefit
from the Bloodline of Fire feat when they cast
sorcerer/wizard spells with the fire descriptor? Is this feat
open to both wizards and sorcerers?
Wizards do not get the increase to spell save DCs. Neither do
bards, clerics, druids, rangers, or paladins.
The feat is open to any 1st-level character, but only sorcerers
get the spell DC benefit. Spellcasting is literally in a sorcerer’s
blood; other spellcasting classes learn how to cast spells. Any
character who has the feat gets the +4 bonus on saving throws
against fire that the feat provides.
The description for the Thunder Twin feat in the
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign Setting book says the
character receives a +2 bonus on every Charisma-based
check! Does this mean that the character would get +2 on
every Charisma-based skill check and on turning checks,
too? What does having a twin have to do with conducting
diplomacy, performing, or turning undead?
The text means exactly what it says: A character with the
feat gains +2 on any check involving the character’s Charisma
score, including Charisma checks, Charisma-based skill checks,
turning checks, and turning damage rolls. Having a twin has
absolutely nothing to do with any of these tasks, but having the
blessing of Moradin (which is why you have the twin), does.
Several characters in the F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign
Setting seem to have access to spells of 10th-level or higher,
but there are no spells of those levels included anywhere in
the book. Where can I find these spells?
Some spellcasters of level 21 or higher have access to spell
slots of level 10 or more, not to spells of level 10 or more.
These spell slots can be used for spells that have been modified
with metamagic feats, or simply for spells of lower level. For
example, a quickened meteor swarm would require a 13th-level
spell slot. See the sidebar on page 289 of the F ORGOTTEN
R EALMS Campaign Setting book.
I’m wondering about rune magic presented in the new
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign Setting book. How long, or
what kind of action, does it take to trigger a rune?
A standard action.
The description of Szass Tam on page 208 of the
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign Setting shows that he has up
to 16th-level spells. But his Intelligence is only 22, meaning
he should be able to cast up to 12th-level spells only, right?
Is there some sort of exception to the rule governing what
level spells you can cast when you’re taking epic levels to
gain spell slots? Or is this just a typo?
Actually, Szass Tam’s description says he has 16th-level
spell slots available. This is not an error. You can have a spell
slot available without being able to cast spells of that level. As
noted in the previous question, you can put a lower level spell
in the slot or use a lower-level spell and a metamagic feat to fill
the slot, except for Heighten Spell, which actually raises the
modified spell’s level.
Is the layout of the planes in the F ORGOTTEN R EALMS
Campaign Setting book the new norm for the D&D game?
Or will the old planar layout from the P LANESCAPE setting
be used again? Is this new planar layout the correct layout?
Or is it just the interpretation of the planes that the
Faerûnians have?
The planar layout in F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign Setting
book is correct (the residents of Toril are pretty savvy about
planar matters), but it applies only to the F ORGOTTEN R EALMS
setting. The standard D&D cosmology is the Great Wheel,
which was used in the old P LANESCAPE ® setting . The new D&D
game allows for a variety of cosmologies, and this is further
detailed in the Manual of the Plane s book.
Can old reference books for older versions of the
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS setting still be used in the new version.
Can we use, for example, the list of battles and legends from
Fall of Myth Drannor boxed set or the maps from the City of
Waterdeep boxed set?
The vast majority of background material from older
products (such as maps and historical details) is still valid with
the new setting; if you find a conflict, the new book is the
definitive source.
I’m looking at the maps and I’m wondering where the
equator is?
Look at the world map on page 231. The equator lies roughly
north of Zhakhara and south of Chult. (Chult is the peninsula
that lies immediately to the south of the Shining Sea.)
When you’ve selected a region for your character in the
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS setting, do you get all the equipment
listed for that region, or just one of the items?
Look for your character’s region on Table 4–1 and choose
one item (A, B, or C) from the region’s listing. If the letter you
select includes two or more items separated by commas or the
word “and,” you get all the items. If the listing has two or more
items separated by the word “or,” you must choose between
them. For example, item A from the Deep Gnome region reads:
“Dagger* or light pick* or heavy pick.” If you choose item A,
you get one of the three weapons listed. Item B from the Deep
What feats given in the F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign
Setting book can a fighter take for his bonus feats? Same
question for wizards and their bonus feats.
For fighters, use any feat marked [Fighter, General]—see
page 33 of the F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign Setting book.
Wizards can choose any metamagic feat or item creation feat
as a bonus feat. (See page 54 of the Player’s Handbook .)
In the F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign Setting book, the
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS ® Campaign Setting FAQ 2
Gnome region reads: “Chain shirt* and 20 bolts*.” If you
choose item B you get both the armor and the ammunition.
*Indicates a masterwork item.
character’s effective character level (ECL) for determining
how much money and experience the character has when
starting play. But what about other level-dependent
features, such as ability increases and feats? What level is
important for these? Character level or ECL?
Use ECL for awarding the character experience and for
determining how much experience the character needs to gain a
new level. Use character level for everything else.
For example, an aasimar character has an ECL of +1; a 1st-
level aasimar sorcerer is effectively a 2nd-level character, so
that character starts play with 1,000 experience points and 900
gp for equipment. (See Table 3–2 in the Player’s Handbook
and Table 2–24 in the D UNGEON M ASTER ’s Guide. ) This
character has the skills, feats, saving throws, and spells of a 1st-
level sorcerer. The character needs 3,000 experience points to
add her next character level. When the character adds two more
character levels (3rd level, but effectively 4th) she gains a feat,
just as a regular 3rd-level character does. When she adds a 4th
character level (4th-level, effectively 5th), she can add a point
to an ability score, just as a regular 4th-level character does.
What are the rules regarding divine spellcasters in the
new F ORGOTTEN R EALMS setting? Can a human become a
cleric of a nonhuman deity? Can a human become a
paladin, druid, or ranger of a nonhuman deity?
If you’re a divine spellcaster of any kind in the
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS setting, you must choose a patron deity.
When choosing a patron deity, you follow the “one-step” rule
described in the Alignment subsection of the Cleric section of
Chapter 3: Classes in the Player’s Handbook. Your alignment
can be up to one “step” away from your patron’s. For example,
a chaotic neutral ranger can choose Malar (a chaotic evil deity)
as his patron, but could not choose Mielikki (a neutral good
deity). Note that the one-step rule applies to anyone choosing a
patron, not just divine spellcasters. (See page 39 of the
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign Setting book.)
The F ORGOTTEN R EALMS setting has no rule restricting the
race of noncleric divine spellcasters (consider the notable
example of Drizzt as a ranger of Mielikki), and neither does the
D&D game. The D&D game, however, requires that clerics of
racial deities be the correct race (see page 31 in the Player’s
Handbook ), and the F ORGOTTEN R EALMS setting has no rule
contravening that. So, you could have a human paladin of a
dwarf deity or a human druid of an elf deity, but you could not
have a human cleric of a dwarf or elf deity. (Such characters
should be fairly rare, however, and it’s entirely appropriate for
DMs to demand some sort of explanation for the character’s
rather odd choice of a deity.)
A human cleric in the F ORGOTTEN R EALMS setting should
choose a deity from either the Faerûnian or Mulhorandi
pantheon depending upon where the character lives or grew up.
Note that your choice of deity affects whether you’re favored in
your region, which in turn will affect your starting equipment
and what feats are initially available to you. (See Character
Region on pages 8 and 28 of the F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign
Setting book.)
How does a bladesinger prepare and cast spells? What
ability score determines the DC for saving throws against a
bladesinger’s spells? What about bonus spells?
A bladesinger prepares and casts spells just as a wizard does.
Intelligence governs a bladesinger’s bonus spells and the DC
for those spells’ saving throws. See the web enhancement
covering the material in Tome and Blood
<> for an
update to the bladesinger. The material in the web enhancement
supersedes the bladesinger entry in Tome and Blood.
At 8th level, the runecaster prestige class from the
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign Setting gains the ability to
make a rune permanent until dispelled, at the same cost as
making a use-activated magic item (spell level × caster level
× 2,000 gp). Does this permanency provide infinite uses of a
spell with an instantaneous duration, such as cure light
wounds or flame strike? How does this permanency affect
spells that have a duration? Does it extend the effect or just
make the duration permanent? For example, if you used a
permanent rune to create a stoneskin or barkskin effect,
would that effect become permanent?
Only the rune is permanent—that is, it remains after it has
been triggered instead of disappearing. Just like a magic item
activated by command word, the rune produces its effect each
time it is triggered. Thus, it does provide potentially infinite
uses of a spell with an instantaneous duration. For a spell with a
variable duration, the duration of the rune’s effect depends on
its caster level, just as it would if the same effect had been
produced by any other magic item.
At 1st level, the red wizard prestige class from the
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign Setting book receives the
enhanced specialization ability. The description of this
ability says a red wizard must choose more prohibited
schools but does not say what gaining this ability actually
does. Does enhanced specialization work something like
wizard’s specialization as outlined in the Player’s Handbook
so that a red wizard gets to cast an extra spell per spell level
in her specialized school? Or does gaining this ability
simply open the door to all the later abilities the red wizard
will get?
Enhanced specialization is something you must do upon
becoming a red wizard; there is no benefit except, as you point
out, that it opens the door for the rest of the class’s abilities.
Magic of Faerûn
The Reactive Counterspell feat from Magic of Faerûn lets
you use the counterspell action without a readied action.
Does that mean I have to use the delay action instead? If my
character takes no action in the round, can he take a
counterspell action prior to his original initiative score?
What happens to my initiative score if I use a counterspell
before it’s my turn? Can I use a Reactive Counterspell
when I’m flat-footed?
If you have the Reactive Counterspell feat, you can use a
If a character has levels in the wizard, sorcerer, and
archmage classes (as the Symbul from F ORGOTTEN R EALMS
setting does), can she use the high arcana abilities she gets
from the archmage class with any arcane spell?
Yes. Simply indicate which kind of spell slot you’re
sacrificing for each high arcana power.
The Powerful Races sidebar on page 21 of the
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS Campaign Setting book says you use the
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS ® Campaign Setting FAQ 3
counterspell almost anytime. You cannot use Reactive
Counterspell when flat-footed. You can use the feat before your
turn in the initiative order (when you have not yet acted for the
turn) or after your turn (when you have already acted during the
turn). In either case, you lose your next action.
Can I use the spellfire ability (from Magic of Faerûn ) as a
No, you cannot use spellfire as counterspell, and
counterspells are not effective against spellfire.
F ORGOTTEN R EALMS ® Campaign Setting FAQ 4
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