Propellerhead Brand Manual.pdf

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Brand Manual
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Table of Contents
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The Producers Conference
Supporting Brands
Usage Guidelines
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The Propellerhead Brand
What is this book?
The aim of the Propellerhead brand manual is simple enough: we
want to help you help us communicate. Whenever a Propellerhead
product appears in print, online or even on film, a number of key
identifiers come into play: fonts and logos and their colors and
placement, graphical components and their respective uses, even
tonality and wording. By following the guidelines presented in this
book, and by simply doing things the way we do them, you will help us
communicate our brand and our products in a clear, effective way.
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Respect the brand
Please follow the guidelines laid out here to the best of your ability – we
need to maintain harmony and coherence in all Propellerhead communi-
cation. A Propellerhead related ad or newsletter should be instantly
identifiable as just that. Significant time and effort were invested in the
creation of our brands and their respective design platforms, so by doing
things by the book (this book), you’re honoring not just the brands
themselves, but also the ideas behind them.
The master brand
The Propellerhead brand is the master brand. The products are all sub
brands to the master brand and inherit style and tonality from the master
brand. The master brand does not take center stage as the products do,
but acts as an identifier next to its sub brand. For a good example, see
the Reason box.
How we communicate
We don’t shout. Never have, never will. All Propellerhead communication
is based on the notion that our products and their features are strong
enough to speak for themselves. When we do big ourselves up, it’s
always a tongue-in-cheek thing – we are safe in the knowledge that when
it comes down to it, our products can walk the walk.
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