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10th September 2005


This examination consists of the following parts:

·         written part                                                                                                            SCORING

              1. Definitions ....................................................................              10 points

              2. Multiple Choice Questions...............................................              20 points

              3. Cloze.............................................................................              20 points

              4. Paraphrasing..................................................................              20 points

              5. Word Building ...............................................................              20 points

              6. Translation (Polish to English)..........................................              20 points

              7. Reading Comprehension .................................................              10 points

              8. Error Recognition............................................................              10 points

              9. Phrasal Verbs...............................................................              10 points

              10. General Knowledge Component......................................              10 points


                                                                                                                              150 points

·         oral part: ..............................................................................  50 points

              Total:                                                                                                           200 points


TIMING: 3 hours.              .




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1.              DEFINITIONS

Choose the correct definition of each word in bold. Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

NOTE: Only one answer is correct in each case.

0. Computer is.

a)    a piece of equipment that you speak into to record your voice or make it louder when you are speaking

b)   a piece of electronic equipment which you use to listen to programmes that are broadcast, such as music and news

c)    an electronic machine that can store information and do things with it according to a set of instructions called a programme


1. When you live in a suburb you live

a)    in a village near a city

b)   in the centre of a city

c)    far from the centre of a city


2. If somebody smells a rat, somebody

a)    suspects something unfair going on

b)   smells a strange odour in the air

c)    hunts for rats


3. A tobacco addict is someone who

    a) sells tobacco

b)   smokes a lot of cigarettes

c)    dictates tobacco prices


4. If an argument is relevant it

a)    relates well to the discussion

b)   has to be considered again

c)    is misleading


5. Ancient civilizations are ones of 

    a) long ago

    b) peace-like character

    c) war-like character


6. When somebody is impartial they

a)    don’t belong to any political party

b)   don’t take part in any social events

c)    don’t show preference for any party engaged in a conflict


7. If something is mysterious it

a)  moves as if in a mist

    b) is not easily understood

    c)  has long history


8. To come in disguise means

a)    to come dressed as somebody else

b)   to come at the last moment

c)    to come in a bad mood


9. A necessary evil can be

a)    bad things which cannot be avoided

b)   serious decisions which cannot be avoided

c)    high payments which cannot be avoided


10.To do research means to

a)    practice physical exercises in a gym

b)   study a subject in a detailed way

c)    do the homework one has forgotten to do


2.              MULTIPLE CHOICE

Four phrases are printed after each of these incomplete sentences. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on the answer sheet.


0.              The suspected murderer has been ............................... for three days now, but the police are doing     their best to catch him.

   a) on the level              b) in the know              c) at large                  d) the tip of the iceberg


1.I haven’t bought … oranges.

   a) much          b) some              c) few            d) many

2.Jenny and … girls came last, which was a real surprise.

a)              anothers     b) another          c) the others   d) other

3. ... his religious beliefs he drinks a lot of alcohol.

   a) Although     b) Because          c) In spite of   d) In order to

4.Mary Robins hardly... any work at home.

a)              does           b) hasn’t done     c) doesn’t do   d) has done

5.If you think the price is too high, you ... buy the blouse .

a)    must have                            c) needn’t have

b) needn’t                                d) mustn’t                                                                     

6 I don’t like cake, I … have ice cream.

   a) had better                            c) would rather

     b) ought                                   d) prefer

7. … when you saw that explosion?

  a) Were you driving                    c) Have you driven

  b) Did you drive                         d) Had you been driving

8.  Jim hasn’t talked to me … we came back from Rome.

   a) for              b) before             c) after          d) since

9. What a delicious pie! May I have the …? I may bake some one day.

a) bill              b) recipe              c) prescription  d) description

10. Has Mark … you about how Helen is getting on at college?

  a) told           b) answered         c) explained     d) said


11. I …  put my money there if I didn’t think it was safe.

  a) wouldn’t     b) hadn’t            c) didn’t          d) oughtn’t

12. Buses into town run … twenty minutes.

  a) each          b) all                  c) some          d) every

13. Food prices have been … steadily for at least 15 years.

  a) rising         b) raising            c) lifting         d) growing

14. If we … you  were in town we would have invited you to dinner.

  a) have known                         c) had known

  b) knew                                   d) would know

15. All his friends congratulated ... the entrance examination.

  a) he passed                            c) that he passed

  b) him on passing                    d) him to pass

16. By the end of this year Matilda … from the university.

  a) graduates                            c) will graduate

  b) will have graduated              d) has graduated

17. It is difficult to imagine how the earliest people … without money.

  a) arranged    b) spent             c) managed    d) bear

18. Luke’s boss must have a very high … of his ability to promote him so quickly.

  a) view          b) opinion           c) idea           d) feeling

19. Monica prefers light … to all those serious novels.

a) romance     b) tales               c) plot     d) fiction

20. The picture frame is certainly not … but just a good imitation.

a) real            b) factual            c) genuine      d) true



Fill each gap with one suitable word only. Write your answers on the answer sheet.


Language of colours


  Some psychologists 1) _____ that colours can affect our actions and feelings. They say experiments 2) _____that changing the colours of a room, for 3) _____ , can change the feelings some people 4) _____ while they are in that room. One such experiment

5) _____ made in Canada. The colours of walls in a school were changed 6) _____  orange, white, and brown to yellow and blue. Students were tested 7) _____ intelligence before and after 8) _____ wall colours were changed. Their IQ scores were higher after the walls were painted yellow and blue. Attendance also was better after the change in colours, and teachers reported  9)_____ students were less 10) _____ to cause trouble.

  In 11) _____ experiment, an American psychologist showed people colours and 12) _____ gave them simple tests. He discovered that the colour pink 13) _____ people relax. He also tested his 14) _____ at a military prison. He found that pink rooms made the prisoners 15) _____ more relaxed and peaceful.

  Other experiments show that when people look at warm colours, like yellow or red, their brain activity and 16) _____ pressure increase and  breathing 17) _____ faster. The colour blue 18) _____ the opposite effect: it seems to slow 19)_____ the activity 20) _____ the body.









Paraphrase each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it, using the given word. The form of the word may not be changed in any way. Write your answers on the answer sheet



0. I’d like to make a few suggestions.


I‘d like to put forward a few suggestions.


1. The actress was not as beautiful as we thought.



2. With each day we stayed in Cracow, we loved the city more



3. Although he loves Joan very much, he isn’t going to marry her.



4.Why did we go to the zoo on such a rainy day? It wasn’t very wise.



5. “Me? No, I didn’t take your gloves,” said Joan.



6. Where is the nearest cinema, please?



7. Without tourism, this area wouldn’t have much income.



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